I'm in love with Karen's Body Beautiful!

I was just thinking the same thing today! Very smart but very bad for me, lol because I want to try so many scents and it's bad because if I get a moisturizer I have to have the matching butter or oil to seal:wallbash:.

I'm trying hard to hold off on my next order but I know as soon as she has one of those good sales I'm gonna cave.

I didn't even know she had a growth serum.

:lachen: So you have to get the set, huh! :lachen:

not a bad idea though :look:
today i deep conditioned on dry hair with the ll hair mask. then i used the hair milk and hair cream to moisturize my hair. it feels sooooo good.
im not liking the special today but i was thinking about trying her hair oil and shampoo bars.
does anyone think the hair oils are worth the money???
i mean $12 for hair oil is a lot to me. even though i'd sure pay $11 for cocasta oil lol.
I just wanted to post about the oils...the hair oil and the body oil almost seem interchangeable to me...I mix both my pear and the egyptian together..and that is my new mix :love: ...

somebody else must like it too cause his a** love bit me last night
... *grrr*

I like the hair milk too...but I lurves...the oils.... you only need a lil bit...

and if I hear chebaby talk about this doggone mask one mo agin...


Joking...I'm going to try it out tonight...
^^^^^i gots something fo ya right hear. wait for it........

that mask is sooooo delish lmao

Totally unrelated.. and I hope you don't take offense to this...

But you buy all these products just like us PJ's... and I don't think I've ever seen your hair... You had past APL hair that you bc'ed.. and still no pics of hair... whats going on???? :lachen::lachen: Did I miss the fotki or the thread? The hair is the street cred... :lachen:

I'mma need to see some pics before I shell out $25 for some conditioner that's gonna take three weeks to come.... :lachen::lachen:
Totally unrelated.. and I hope you don't take offense to this...

But you buy all these products just like us PJ's... and I don't think I've ever seen your hair... You had past APL hair that you bc'ed.. and still no pics of hair... whats going on???? :lachen::lachen: Did I miss the fotki or the thread? The hair is the street cred... :lachen:

I'mma need to see some pics before I shell out $25 for some conditioner that's gonna take three weeks to come.... :lachen::lachen:
:lachen:lmao no i dont take offense to it. i get off of work late at night and i have pics of my hair when it was long to upload but my computer is so slow that it take forever to upload. but for you fab, i will make my siggy or avator a pic tonight when i get off. the only pics i have of my twa are on my cell and i dont know how to post those. but what i will do is make my avator the long hair pic and then charge my camera and take a pic of my hair today and make that the siggy.

but on to the LL hair mask. i wont lie, its good but it is not the best. and i dont know if thats because i use it on dry hair or what but i was exspecting it to make my hair feel strong since it has shikakai and amla in it. my hair was soft but didnt feel strong which is why i used the gpb after. the deep conditioner is much better in my opinion and its thicker. the mask should be in a bottle because its so thin that its easy to overuse it. the conditioner on the other hand it just as thick or a little thicker than the hair nectar. i'll prolly still repurchase both of them though.:rolleyes:
I'm late coming back up in here so...

I know I have enough stuff ML, but that aint the pernt! I needs a fix.

I will testify to what Empressri said about Poppa's shea butter :lick: Her boo (Poppa :dizzy:) takes unrefined shea and blends it w/fragrance for a yummy treat. I have a few including Egyptian Musk :lick: It compliments the KBB EM in your hair. Send an email to [email protected] to get a flier with the scents and prices. Shameless plug. :look:

I love, love, love the ll mask but the only downside is that it's unscented :ohwell:

Love the oil too, but for some reason I get lil bumps on my scalp so I added a spritz top to the bottle just to finely mist it onto my hair directly.
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Totally unrelated.. and I hope you don't take offense to this...

But you buy all these products just like us PJ's... and I don't think I've ever seen your hair... You had past APL hair that you bc'ed.. and still no pics of hair... whats going on???? :lachen::lachen: Did I miss the fotki or the thread? The hair is the street cred... :lachen:

I'mma need to see some pics before I shell out $25 for some conditioner that's gonna take three weeks to come.... :lachen::lachen:

Yeah, Kern (Karen) is a little bit proud of that mask, huh! :rofl:
hi Fab:grin:
i finally have an avator pic. and i dont wanna hear no mess about "where the bic hop pics" cause it took me 30 minutes to upload the avator lmao:lachen:. that pic was 3 months before i did the big chp.

but back to karen, im gonna get an oil in sultry sadalwood and a shampoo bar tomorrow.
:lachen:lmao no i dont take offense to it. i get off of work late at night and i have pics of my hair when it was long to upload but my computer is so slow that it take forever to upload. but for you fab, i will make my siggy or avator a pic tonight when i get off. the only pics i have of my twa are on my cell and i dont know how to post those. but what i will do is make my avator the long hair pic and then charge my camera and take a pic of my hair today and make that the siggy.

but on to the LL hair mask. i wont lie, its good but it is not the best. and i dont know if thats because i use it on dry hair or what but i was exspecting it to make my hair feel strong since it has shikakai and amla in it. my hair was soft but didnt feel strong which is why i used the gpb after. the deep conditioner is much better in my opinion and its thicker. the mask should be in a bottle because its so thin that its easy to overuse it. the conditioner on the other hand it just as thick or a little thicker than the hair nectar. i'll prolly still repurchase both of them though.:rolleyes:

Thanks girl! :lachen: I see it! Beautiful!
Now why did you BC again?

I did my friend's hair who is natural (grew out her perm) with all Karen's products on Thursday night... except for the DC which I used a Kerastase one.

Came out pretty good... If Karen has a better sale.. then I might get that LL the next time.



I used the poo/con in Pom Guava, the milk in pom guava, and a bit (just a smidge) of lav vanilla oil. Might've went a little overboard on the milk. This girl's hair is THHHHICK. I also used a little GAHL flat ironing creme (THIS IS A MUST FOR THOSE WHO STRAIGHTEN).
^^^^^ That is beautiful fab i love how it came out. Lush and pretty.

Yeah her hair is great. And since everybody is trying to convince me to be a kitchen-tician (because their eyes get big when they see my foolishness over here). If I go to natural; it will be like her and my other friends that are natural... just grow that stuff out. And this is why I don't think all stylists are evil. Her stylist told her to do it since she wanted blonde highlights. I was kneedeep in that stuff and hadn't even touched her scalp... I was like maybe I don't want to be natural. :lachen: But I think her hair is what you guys call heat trained because that hair intimidated me but when I put the heat on it; it submitted. Luckily she's not tenderheaded. And glad I am a PJ.. I had given away all my blowdriers except this hatchet one I found unopened in my PJ closet...:lachen:.. Wasn't gonna be no damp flat ironing "Simba".. what I playfully named her hair.
today i deep conditioned on dry hair with the ll hair mask. then i used the hair milk and hair cream to moisturize my hair. it feels sooooo good.
im not liking the special today but i was thinking about trying her hair oil and shampoo bars.
does anyone think the hair oils are worth the money???
i mean $12 for hair oil is a lot to me. even though i'd sure pay $11 for cocasta oil lol.

The hair oil is definitely worth the money, IMO. It's light & provides a great sheen. I have the honey oatmeal scent, which I am head over heels in love with.
wow Fab, your friends hair turned out great. i big chopped because even though i was doing a long transition i was using heat. so the front of my hair wouldnt revert and the rest of my new growth was like 5 inches long. so when i got it cut i still cut it down to 1 inch and now im slowly cutting off the longer area in the front bang area. everywhere else is uniform.

what does everyone thinks of the shampoo bars? ever since i tried chagrin valley i have been hooked on shampoo bars.
Does anyone know if karen ever had a version of the hair milk that did not contain glycerin. I saw her products on afrokinks and the ingredients did not list glycerin. Are they old?
if i didnt already have 4 hair milks and 1 hair nectar i would take advantage of this sale. i wish it were buy two deep conditioners get one free lol.
I'm just itching to make my next order but I must wait.

I'm a sucker for scents and Karen's has some great one's!!! I got Egyptian Musk, Camomile Sage, and Lavender Vanilla. I love them all but on my next order I think I'm ordering everything in Egyptian Musk!:lick::lick:, lol.

So I decided to go with the sample set since I was unfamiliar with the products and scents. The set included:

2 oz Hair Milk
1 oz Hair Cream
1 oz Hair Butter
1 oz Hair Oil

The hair milk is so moisturizing and makes my hair so silky soft. It is very light so it won't weigh you down. I really like it and it makes a great moisturizer or leave-in.

The hair cream...this has to be my favorite. It is so creamy and thick, but not too thick. I think this is gonna be my new moisturizer since I've been looking for a good one. Not only does it moisturize but it gives the hair a great shine.

The hair butter is yummy stuff! It's smooth and creamy buttery, lol. It's very easy to apply and has a great shine. I love it on my ends too. It's keeping them so moisturized in this cold weather.

The hair oil is lovely. The Egyptian Musk scent has me wanting to apply it all over my body:lick:.

All of the scents are just beautiful:lick: and the products have left my hair very moisturized and shiny. I can't wait to make my next order. I love that she gives free full size gifts with the $50 and over orders. I have a coupon for one of her soaps and one of the scrubs. I think I'm getting the soap. Do any KBB users know if you can use the soap on the hair?


OMG..your hair! is..umm Hairgasmic:grin:
Fabulous freebie friday recieve 1oz free sample of hair blossom hairspray with $50.00 purchase. Lord jesus please help me.:ohwell:
I wanted to place an order today to get the Buy 2 Get 1...so because its Freebie Friday is that still valid? I don't see the promo on the site anymore. Do I have to wait? Also, is there a code for the Buy 2 Get 1 or is that applied once you checkout?


Ya'll raving about it has me "feenin" lol.