I'm in love with Karen's Body Beautiful!

I just left the store. I went to buy some hair milk and hair oil in the Lavendar Vanilla fragrance. It smells soooooooo good to me, a very soft and comforting smell. I'd always go in the store and only like the Luscious Pear but I fell in love w/ Lavendar Vanilla :love: . Chamomile Sage is a nice light fresh type scent for those who don't like anything heavily scented.
^^I looooove lavendar vanilla! It became one of my favorite scents of hers. Camomile sage is a bit strong to me though, but I still like it.
I went into the store a few days ago to get some hair milk in Luscious Pear. Karen showed me the new designs they are getting for the bottles. The bottles will be black w/ writing on them, they look nice. I told her to never change her formula's and she said she's def not doing that.
i love kbb. its the one line i have not strayed from since being natural.
i need to reup on the hair mask because i only have 4oz jar left. and i still want to try her oil.
I went into the store a few days ago to get some hair milk in Luscious Pear. Karen showed me the new designs they are getting for the bottles. The bottles will be black w/ writing on them, they look nice. I told her to never change her formula's and she said she's def not doing that.

That's great b/c the deep conditioner is THE BUSINESS, and I really like the hair oil too.
Yall got me seriously wanting the deep con now. I said i would never get it. I wish she would put on a sale!