I'm in love with Karen's Body Beautiful!

:lachen:You sound like me. I was at work and couldn't wait to get home and smell my KBB. I was thinking about it all day:lick:. This stuff is like crack.
yes gurl it is hair crack lol. im so in love with the vanilla latte smell. it is amazing. i think i might get a hair milk in that scent to. ooooh and i might try the hair oil in that scent.:lick:
I am struggling with myself....do I or do I not ....get the ll conditioner...I can't bring myself to click the button at that price...

I will def roll past store for the hair milk....but still thinking...25 bucks...for 8 ounces..
don't know if I can do it...it's when the cheapness outweighs any pj urge...keeps shutting me down...like Guantanamo..
Guantanamo, ML? If its any help, I love the ll hair mask! It can be quite addicting and while it's only 8 oz, you don't have to use a lot so it should last a while.

If you decide to take a trip instead of ordering, let me know. I might need you on some Top Flight security ish... :sekret:
I am struggling with myself....do I or do I not ....get the ll conditioner...I can't bring myself to click the button at that price...

I will def roll past store for the hair milk....but still thinking...25 bucks...for 8 ounces..
don't know if I can do it...it's when the cheapness outweighs any pj urge...keeps shutting me down...like Guantanamo..
I'm with you on that one. I don't think I'll be getting that conditioner:nono:. That's just too much and I could probably use 8 oz. of conditioner in one use:spinning:.
Thanks Poka and E....

been going back and forth on it as the ingredients are very appealing to me... the pj is jumping up and down inside whispering "get it....get it.." *creepy*

and then the rational part of me "****, you better hit the Indian store and restock on your ayuvedic powders and call it a day" - Even my pail of SitriNillah looked at me and was like..."You're joking, right?"

Guantanamo, ML? If its any help, I love the ll hair mask! It can be quite addicting and while it's only 8 oz, you don't have to use a lot so it should last a while.

If you decide to take a trip instead of ordering, let me know. I might need you on some Top Flight security ish... :sekret:

You would think this chick would've PM'd me!

Shouting out to E...you have literally twenty minutes to holla back before I roll out the door son...

she knows I'm hair product bipolar and I can change my mind quick..
I'm with you on that one. I don't think I'll be getting that conditioner:nono:. That's just too much and I could probably use 8 oz. of conditioner in one use:spinning:.

Oh hecks yeah with all that hair you have! I have like 1/50th of your hair so I might get some actual uses out the jar. I'll do the coat method like chebaby:look:.

Anyhoo, the pj part of me just slapped the sh** out of the rational part and I referred to a screenshot of a special that ends on Monday...

you can get the mask 50% off with an order of 60 dollars... code 'amazing' at checkout

I had to do some pj calculation...

I'm gonna get a large hair milk...I already know this is something i'd be using heavily as I'm entering braidout and curl season

I added an oil and a conditioner...which put me over 60 bucks...then added the code to get half off the conditioner...

which brought it down to 48 bucks.. with tax...took me back to 52...

I can live with that for some full size products...at least two that will last me awhile.

I pay 12.99 for the yes to carrots mask...so THAT..made me feel better.

If I wind up liking...I will have to ration it out and buy it when there's a special running.

Per post above....I have returned from my soujourn to Brooklyn (took three trains to get there :( )...

Wanted to make sure I gave a shout out to the wonderful Nyamkye of the KBB store who looked out for me...

I had noooo idea that you were supposed to wait for someone to call you when your order is ready :ohwell: The wait/turnaround time is usually up to five days (and that's ordering from NY) -- so I can only imagine ordering out of state...

but two of the items I wanted were there and she looked out for me and made up the egyptian musk hair oil for me even though they ain't supposed to...so I really appreciated it after making the long hike to Myrtle.

Shout out to Britt....I instantly fell for the Luscious Pear oil...got one of those and left one.

I'm off to rinse out this hair conditioner and try out the hair milk for my air dry.

Ohhh...she asked....Do you know a pj named Empress... I'm like YUP :look:

And I gave Poka a shout out... I let her know there is a thread devoted to KBB on LHCF - she was pleased :)

Per post above....I have returned from my soujourn to Brooklyn (took three trains to get there :( )...

Wanted to make sure I gave a shout out to the wonderful Nyamkye of the KBB store who looked out for me...

I had noooo idea that you were supposed to wait for someone to call you when your order is ready :ohwell: The wait/turnaround time is usually up to five days (and that's ordering from NY) -- so I can only imagine ordering out of state...

but two of the items I wanted were there and she looked out for me and made up the egyptian musk hair oil for me even though they ain't supposed to...so I really appreciated it after making the long hike to Myrtle.

Shout out to Britt....I instantly fell for the Luscious Pear oil...got one of those and left one.

I'm off to rinse out this hair conditioner and try out the hair milk for my air dry.

Ohhh...she asked....Do you know a pj named Empress... I'm like YUP :look:

And I gave Poka a shout out... I let her know there is a thread devoted to KBB on LHCF - she was pleased :)

Nyamke is wonderful. She's always pleasant & helpful...and her fro is fierrrce!
:( I'm soo sad I missed this ML! I had to do makeup for a wedding then go back and get ready myself so I wasn't around these parts.

*crying into my Grey Goose*
Nyamke is wonderful. She's always pleasant & helpful...and her fro is fierrrce!

Yup....that is a thick fro bwoyyy! :yep: We were in there being silly until the other young lady in the store asked me what my sign was...and I was like Aries....and then stated that Nyamke was as well....

I said well that explains how I just hopped my butt out my chair and hopped on the train to Bklyn without even thinking about it ....without knowing...somebody...iz...supposed to ...call...you...first...


I promised that I would never do that again...

Eisani said:
:( I'm soo sad I missed this ML! I had to do makeup for a wedding then go back and get ready myself so I wasn't around these parts.

*crying into my Grey Goose*

Lawd....not tears in the GG.... :nono:....not the good **** boo...


And you know you got enough products that will soothe your weary heart and get you past this hair pj moment....:look:

If it makes you feel any better....that Egyptian Musk has got me feeling grown & sexy... lawd knows I wanted to ...


for folks waiting on products to arrive.....they seem really to be trying to keep up with demand....

told ya'll....supply and demand... supply and demand..

Per post above....I have returned from my soujourn to Brooklyn (took three trains to get there :( )...

Wanted to make sure I gave a shout out to the wonderful Nyamkye of the KBB store who looked out for me...

I had noooo idea that you were supposed to wait for someone to call you when your order is ready :ohwell: The wait/turnaround time is usually up to five days (and that's ordering from NY) -- so I can only imagine ordering out of state...

but two of the items I wanted were there and she looked out for me and made up the egyptian musk hair oil for me even though they ain't supposed to...so I really appreciated it after making the long hike to Myrtle.

Shout out to Britt....I instantly fell for the Luscious Pear oil...got one of those and left one.

I'm off to rinse out this hair conditioner and try out the hair milk for my air dry.

Ohhh...she asked....Do you know a pj named Empress... I'm like YUP :look:

And I gave Poka a shout out... I let her know there is a thread devoted to KBB on LHCF - she was pleased :)
Aww, thanks girl.

Girl isn't that Egyptian Musk some sexy smelling stuff! I swear it must be an aphrodisiac cuz everytime I sniff it I get some ideas.:over18:

I get complemented on that scent a lot too.
I am assiduously trying to make myself finish my samples before I place my next order. Please someone join hands with me and help me.


or perhaps this may work better:

Last edited:
Aww, thanks girl.

Girl isn't that Egyptian Musk some sexy smelling stuff! I swear it must be an aphrodisiac cuz everytime I sniff it I get some ideas.:over18:

I get complemented on that scent a lot too.

hmm poppa LURVES when i use that in my hair. then i use his egyptian musk shea butter on the body. and then......:grin:

for folks waiting on products to arrive.....they seem really to be trying to keep up with demand....

told ya'll....supply and demand... supply and demand..

I guess when folks start to demand less because of shipping times.. they'll have more to supply :blush::look::lachen:<<backward a$$ handmade economics>> They were slow even before this new "burst" of hype.

Thank God for my Tamrin... I'm not ever placing another online order. I can't deal with that stress in my life...:lachen::lachen:
I guess when folks start to demand less because of shipping times.. they'll have more to supply :blush::look::lachen:<<backward a$$ handmade economics>> They were slow even before this new "burst" of hype.

Thank God for my Tamrin... I'm not ever placing another online order. I can't deal with that stress in my life...:lachen::lachen:

What is a Tamrin? Is that a hair product comparable to KBB? :look:
I emailed KBB and asked them to PLEASE consider creating a SPRAY leave-in also, available in all their scents. I told them I thought they would get a great response to it. Karen herself replied to me!! She said a spray liquid leave in is a possibility! WOOHOO.

My hair drinks up this nectar.. it loves it. But I also like a spray (currently doing SheScentIt green grape with the nectar).
I emailed KBB and asked them to PLEASE consider creating a SPRAY leave-in also, available in all their scents. I told them I thought they would get a great response to it. Karen herself replied to me!! She said a spray liquid leave in is a possibility! WOOHOO.

My hair drinks up this nectar.. it loves it. But I also like a spray (currently doing SheScentIt green grape with the nectar).

That's a GREAT idea!!! I still have samples of the hair milk & hair nectar. I'll have to use them as condishes b/c my hair doesn't like leave-ins w/ that consistency. I tried it w/ the hair milk & it didn't work. My hair likes leave-ins w/ a watery consistency.

I already ditched Lisa's Hair Elixir for the KBB hair oil. Will CD get ditched again for KBB? The possibilities are endless...

*jotting down the time and date of Fab's post...*


What is a Tamrin? Is that a hair product comparable to KBB? :look:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Tamrin is my LHCF boo that lives in NY and helps a sista out with her KBB addiction. Don't y'all other chicks try to bog her down.. she's mine!!! :lachen:

I emailed KBB and asked them to PLEASE consider creating a SPRAY leave-in also, available in all their scents. I told them I thought they would get a great response to it. Karen herself replied to me!! She said a spray liquid leave in is a possibility! WOOHOO.

My hair drinks up this nectar.. it loves it. But I also like a spray (currently doing SheScentIt green grape with the nectar).

Please try Giovanni ProV Fusion.. I think it may be a light protein spray leave in.. but I loves it! Here's it at iherb.com

I am so looking forward to tomorrow. I'm going to place the order that I've been ever-so-disciplined about waiting for. :happydance:

I hope the Friday freebie is good too. :yep:
OK, y'all got me itching again to try something new...give me strength to use up what I have before I jump on the KBBtrain! :grin: I'll be putting her products on my future wish list for sure. Let's see how long I can hold out!!!!!!:look:
so glad I waited for today's freebie! I've been wanting to try the hair growth serum. I mean it has a pretty flower on the bottle :giggle: and some wonderful oils in the mix.

So here is my haul that I ordered today:
Hair Butter--coco lime
Hair Creme--vanilla latte
Hair Milk--luscious pear
Hair Oil--pomegranate guava
Hair Oil--coco mango
Hair Oil--coco lime
*FREE* growth serum :woot:

Folks that offer multiple scents for products are SMART business people. Hence, you order several of the same product because you want to experience different scents.

My sampler pack should be just about finished by the time my new order arrives. :love:
so glad I waited for today's freebie! I've been wanting to try the hair growth serum. I mean it has a pretty flower on the bottle :giggle: and some wonderful oils in the mix.

So here is my haul that I ordered today:
Hair Butter--coco lime
Hair Creme--vanilla latte
Hair Milk--luscious pear
Hair Oil--pomegranate guava
Hair Oil--coco mango
Hair Oil--coco lime
*FREE* growth serum :woot:

Folks that offer multiple scents for products are SMART business people. Hence, you order several of the same product because you want to experience different scents.

My sampler pack should be just about finished by the time my new order arrives. :love:
I was just thinking the same thing today! Very smart but very bad for me, lol because I want to try so many scents and it's bad because if I get a moisturizer I have to have the matching butter or oil to seal:wallbash:.

I'm trying hard to hold off on my next order but I know as soon as she has one of those good sales I'm gonna cave.

I didn't even know she had a growth serum.