Im Having A Hard Time Guys, Whats Wrong With Me...


Well-Known Member
Whew.... i dont even know where to start. I just got some shocking news that has left me breathless, shaking, and crying. I’ll just make it straight forward.

a guy that i had a humungous crush on and i know he liked me too just proposed to his girlfriend. Sigh. I know he liked me but he would only stare and would never approach. He tried to approach many times but would get scared and walk past me instead. As early as feb-march he was parking his car next to me and looking at me all the time. Last i saw him was in March but due to covid we havent been around each other. We knew of each other for well over a year. I always figured that if he was interested he would at least ask our mutual friend to connect us. But one time last october we were in a car together with friends and he kept asking me what my type was. Then he said he didnt plan on marrying until he was 25. He’s currently 23 and proposed??? Also in January i told the mutual friend i was single. The next time i saw this guy he looked like he really wanted to approach and kept walking around me so im assuming the mutual friend told him. Thats why im pretty sure he was single up till march. And from the way the girl looks i have an inkling that shes his ex-girlfriend that broke up with him for her career previously.

Im 26 turning 27 next month for what its worth.

anyways i always have a personal policy that i dont chase men. Im not mean to them and dont play games. But im against approaching men or being more into them then they are into me. And whatever is meant for me will be mines with no fear and no doubt. I whole heartedly believe that the man meant for me will get me right away and not waste anytime and be straight forward in his love for me.
But the reason why this broke me is because.... honestly im tired. Im tired of being alone. I seriously liked this guy and wondered what was wrong with me that he would never approach. What does she have that i dont?? For over a year he didnt even say hi to me but cuffs her well before the age he even said he wanted to get married and definitely in a just a few months cause he was single at the beginning of the year.
I texted a friend about it and she gave me the clichè “maybe he was intimidated by a beautiful successful women”..... but why is it me that men are always intimidated by.... im not the only beautiful women and im successful but im just a nurse and so is he! Whats there to be intimidated by when we have the same job?? If anything he makes more than me cause he’s in a soecialized field. why is it me that so hard to approach and so hard to love?? And its not like i really want him either. My mind is set on marrying a well off man so i can be a boujie housewife and he’s not that. But its just the rejection that hurts. Ego i guess.

And staring down 27 years old next month and only ever having 1 boyfriend that only last a month because he was insecure about me and how great i was.
I work hard on myself, ive dealt with alot of insecurities, emotional trauma, ive worked on myself physically and went from the girl that gets ignored to the girl that got dudes shook, ive even been working on developing homekeeping skills in preparation for marriage.... that seems like its not happening for me. I have no options, no men are talking to me. Heck just last week a dude ghosted me cause i think he knew i was too good for him. I knew i was too good for him too and had no intention on pursuing anything but was still nice to him. It feels like the area im in is full of men who are intimidated by me but idk what i can do to find someone who is what im looking for.

Idk... im just really shocked and hurt and needed to vent and some hugs

and i guess another thing that triggering me is because alot of gurls around me are getting engaged, married, or are dating someone serious while im just here. And covid makes it hard to go out and mingle. thats me in my Avatar by the way

UPDATE: Im engaged yall! Got engaged recently to the sweetest man who cherishes me like im a diamond. Thank you so much to the ladies here. You guys propelled me to go to therapy and that licked off a totally unexpected journey of deep healing. I beoke my self down to the core, cried, fell apart, prayed, meditated, journaled, reconstructed my self, did two healing courses, ready so many books, listened to so many podcasts. Challenged limiting self beliefs that were put into me since i was a child, forgave my parents, reparented myself, forgave so many people i didnt know i resent, and most importantly forgave myself genuinely. I found self love, self worth confidence, felt worthy to be a child of God and confidant that he will pick out his very best for me. I learned to stop being ashamed and guilty for existing. I am innocent, lovable, and deserving of everything good. And i got my good with no effort. Looking back on my old journals and even this post feels so foreign, like someone else wrote it. I wish i could hug that girl from years ago and show her how holy and beautiful and unblemished she is. I wish that genuinely for every woman. Thank you LHCF, thank you

And looking back at what i wrote “And whatever is meant for me will be mines with no fear and no doubt. I whole heartedly believe that the man meant for me will get me right away and not waste anytime and be straight forward in his love for me” is EXACTLY how my fiancé pursued me. No effort on my part, he was straight up with no games and marriage intentions by day 4 of talking to me. He wasted no time is claiming something valuable. I knew the concept back then but just didnt have the esteem.
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The mindset of a male 23 is very different from a female 27. Even if he doesn't get married right now, (because for some reason, I don't think he will), he sees that you probably have it more together and was intimidated, which is why he didn't bother. You're at different paths in life. Don't sweat it. You can't be tired yet, you're only 26. :laugh:

You might want to focus on older men, 31-32 maybe, men who are a little further in life.
The mindset of a male 23 is very different from a female 27. Even if he doesn't get married right now, (because for some reason, I don't think he will), he sees that you probably have it more together and was intimidated, which is why he didn't bother. You're at different paths in life. Don't sweat it. You can't be tired yet, you're only 26. :laugh:

You might want to focus on older men, 31-32 maybe, men who are a little further in life.
Ive said in another thread that i need someone my age or older. I tend to attract and be attracted to young men but they are too unstable. My friends keep telling me he might have been intimidated but by what. Financially he’s better off than i am so i dont get it. But yeah thats the sort of instability i cant deal with. I know when i was 23 i was a mess that wanted to get married lol. Ive grown alot. So for a guy to go from “not till im 25” to “yeah,no, right now” is wild to me lol
I'm an unsquintably black married amateur matchmaker who has matched three marriages and 2 engagements under my belt. Take what I'm about to say in that context.

I agree that you don't have to chase a man but you do have to give him some encouragement that you are interested and he should proceed.

We knew of each other for well over a year. I always figured that if he was interested he would at least ask our mutual friend to connect us. But one time last october we were in a car together with friends and he kept asking me what my type was.
If ya'll had been knowing each other for a year, sitting in cars talking and he's asking you what your type is, then why didn't you just talk to him instead of waiting on friends to connect you? What were your friends supposed to do if ya'll are already talking?

There's nothing wrong with having guidelines to proceed in weeding out the knuckleheads, that said, don't turn the guidelines into inflexible dogma because you're still dealing with a person on the other end who can't read your mind, so you have to help him understand what you want and expect. That shouldn't require enough effort to be considered chasing somebody.
I noticed that guys that don’t approach but stare longingly and look interested but don’t make a move have a girlfriend/fiancé/situation that has them tied up. I don’t waste time with those dudes anymore. He may have thought you were cute, nice etc, but it’s not enough to leave his girlfriend/fiancé/situation. I know you’re thinking “Well leave me alone, don’t look at me at all then” but guys are annoying and stupid like that. Some just do it for attention too. Although he’s 23 he probably has a mind of an 18 year old so you dodged a bullet.

Although this guy proposed to his girlfriend most young guys wait until they are older to marry so I would look at guys your age or older. Also find out why you have a tendency to like younger guys. I’m sorry this had to happen to you. I hate it when you find out a crush is taken.

Also be more assertive when talking to guys. Once I started getting tired of wasting time with dudes I started initiating conversation and asking the right questions. Try to get out of the mindset of thinking that they will think you’re thirsty or too eager. The sooner you find out their relationship status the sooner you can decide to move on or not. Trust me the whole I’m not saying anything and you’re not saying anything can go on for YEARS! Don’t waste your precious time.
Please take what I’m about say in good faith.

Two things out of what I read, stood out to me because the desires contradict and basically cancel each other out.

First: “My mind is set on marrying a well off man so i can be a boujie housewife and he’s not that. But its just the rejection that hurts. Ego i guess.“

Second: “I tend to attract and be attracted to young men but they are too unstable.

At your current age these two desires don’t work well together.

Be proud of the emotional and mental work and growth you have experienced. Unfortunately, that means 95% of men younger and/or equal to your age will not be suitable.

If your first desire is what you really want, then your target group has to change.

Also your energy and vibes has to match what you say you want (First bolded). You can’t be giving emotional energy and thoughts to men younger than you.

You are only 26. You have time. Don’t apply unnecessary pressure on yourself. That’s how lots of women end up in unfulfilling rlsps.

Learn to enjoy dating w/o expectations. Look for older men (32-40), if you haven’t, include dating outside your race/ethnic group, try online dating, watch some YT channels on leveling up, femininity, Etc. I like SheraSeven1. She great for helping women get out of the desperate energy and pick me mindset. There’s the Pink Pill channel, Chrissie, the Feminine Fancy and lots more.
I hate that you're feeling the way you are. I've been there and it sucks but what you need right now is a paradigm shift. Couple of thoughts...

This isn't about him at all. This whole thing is about you not being where you want to be and feeling like you're missing out on something. You're seeing other people getting married and wondering when it'll happen for you so it's natural to wonder why a mutual attraction didn't pan out. I agree with @Crackers Phinn. You could've done more to let him know you were interested. It would've been easy to flirt with him and describe him when he asked about your type but that's irrelevant now. I'm not blaming you because I don't think you missed out on anything. He might've been fun but let's not talk about him like he was the love of your life. You don't even know him like that. That's why I say this is about you not being where you want to be. Once you see that, you'll feel different about the whole thing.

Second thought. He didn't reject you. You shouldn't own that. Rejection belongs to those who put themselves out there and get shot down. That's not what happened. Tbh maybe he was never single. Guys have been known to downplay a whole gf or wife. She might've always been in the picture so this engagement might not seem strange to anyone around them. Or maybe she's relatively new but things happened quickly. Maybe she's pregnant. Maybe the friend knew or didn't. Maybe this. Maybe that. You'll drive yourself crazy wondering why her. I don't think this guy deserves the level of attention you're giving him or the heartache you're feeling.
I hate that you're feeling the way you are. I've been there and it sucks but what you need right now is a paradigm shift. Couple of thoughts...

This isn't about him at all. This whole thing is about you not being where you want to be and feeling like you're missing out on something. You're seeing other people getting married and wondering when it'll happen for you so it's natural to wonder why a mutual attraction didn't pan out. I agree with @Crackers Phinn. You could've done more to let him know you were interested. It would've been easy to flirt with him and describe him when he asked about your type but that's irrelevant now. I'm not blaming you because I don't think you missed out on anything. He might've been fun but let's not talk about him like he was the love of your life. You don't even know him like that. That's why I say this is about you not being where you want to be. Once you see that, you'll feel different about the whole thing.

Second thought. He didn't reject you. You shouldn't own that. Rejection belongs to those who put themselves out there and get shot down. That's not what happened. Tbh maybe he was never single. Guys have been known to downplay a whole gf or wife. She might've always been in the picture so this engagement might not seem strange to anyone around them. Or maybe she's relatively new but things happened quickly. Maybe she's pregnant. Maybe the friend knew or didn't. Maybe this. Maybe that. You'll drive yourself crazy wondering why her. I don't think this guy deserves the level of attention you're giving him or the heartache you're feeling.

that is something i need to work on, how to flirt and show my interest. Im extremely inexperienced in the dating world and idk how to convey my feelings without coming off thirsty.
that is something i need to work on, how to flirt and show my interest. Im extremely inexperienced in the dating world and idk how to convey my feelings without coming off thirsty.
Big Sister Talk- You don’t need to work on how to flirt. That man was unavailable. The only thing he could do was to stare at you. Be glad you didn’t get caught up with him. Do you not see the flags? He just got engaged to someone, but he is out here staring women down giving off confusing energy and vibes. If he was interested in you, he would have stepped to you and made it plain as day. Don’t cry and stop worrying about getting married right now. Now isn’t the time for all of that anyway. Continue to work on you. If it is meant for you to be a wife and all that comes with it, it will happen when the time is right.
This news is "shocking" and has left you "breathless, shaking and crying." Yet you were not in a relationship or even friends with him. This tells me that it has nothing to do with him. I'm concerned with how you would handle the end of an actual relationship.
This man seems immature. All this staring and walking by you and foolishness sounds like a high school boy. I don't think you missed out on anything.
This news is "shocking" and has left you "breathless, shaking and crying." Yet you were not in a relationship or even friends with him. This tells me that it has nothing to do with him. I'm concerned with how you would handle the end of an actual relationship.
This man seems immature. All this staring and walking by you and foolishness sounds like a high school boy. I don't think you missed out on anything.
I tend to always find myself in unrequited love situations. I need to stop fantasizing about men who arent giving me an inch and focus on men who are more than willing to go the mile. I wonder what it is with emotionally unavailable men that gets me stuck....
Big Sister Talk- You don’t need to work on how to flirt. That man was unavailable. The only thing he could do was to stare at you. Be glad you didn’t get caught up with him. Do you not see the flags? He just got engaged to someone, but he is out here staring women down giving off confusing energy and vibes. If he was interested in you, he would have stepped to you and made it plain as day. Don’t cry and stop worrying about getting married right now. Now isn’t the time for all of that anyway. Continue to work on you. If it is meant for you to be a wife and all that comes with it, it will happen when the time is right.
This hit home for me. He was always emotionally unavailable. He was tied to someone else the whole time. She didnt just pop up out of nowhere, she’s been there the whole time...
I appreciate the big sister talk since im the only girl and my mom doesnt know much about dating and gives me horrid advice. Ive just been figuring things out as i go
I tend to always find myself in unrequited love situations. I need to stop fantasizing about men who arent giving me an inch and focus on men who are more than willing to go the mile. I wonder what it is with emotionally unavailable men that gets me stuck....

I think you also have to consider the fact that you may not be as mentally and emotionally ready for a serious rlsp as you think you are.

Strong Fantasy rlsp can be used as a diversion to not face certain fears and beliefs you may have about yourself, men and rlsps.
I think you also have to consider the fact that you may not be as mentally and emotionally ready for a serious rlsp as you think you are.

Strong Fantasy rlsp can be used as a diversion to not face certain fears and beliefs you may have about yourself, men and rlsps.
I dont know what to do about that though. Im not sure what my fear would be? I feel like ive worked on myself so much and im tried of being under constant construction. Why am i the one that has to do so much inner work? Am i that broken?
I tend to always find myself in unrequited love situations. I need to stop fantasizing about men who arent giving me an inch and focus on men who are more than willing to go the mile. I wonder what it is with emotionally unavailable men that gets me stuck....
This hit home for me. He was always emotionally unavailable. He was tied to someone else the whole time. She didnt just pop up out of nowhere, she’s been there the whole time...
I appreciate the big sister talk since im the only girl and my mom doesnt know much about dating and gives me horrid advice. Ive just been figuring things out as i go
I dont know what to do about that though. Im not sure what my fear would be? I feel like ive worked on myself so much and im tried of being under constant construction. Why am i the one that has to do so much inner work? Am i that broken?
Maybe there's some dysfunction from your childhood that you're subconsciously trying to replicate so you can fix it.
Everyone has inner work that they tend to ignore. So it's not about being broken, it's about being human.
I dont know what to do about that though. Im not sure what my fear would be? I feel like ive worked on myself so much and im tried of being under constant construction. Why am i the one that has to do so much inner work? Am i that broken?

Healthy relationships are fulfilling and helpful. However the strongest ones cause you to give the most of yourself. If giving your best, building your best and being your best feels like a burden and makes you tired, a healthy relationship will only add another area where that is required of you. You don't just deal with your stuff in healthy relationships you absorb a lot of their issues too. The flip side is the times when you feel depleted and they pour encouragement, ability and help into you. This is not an attack on you but fragile areas in oneself have immense potential to be exploited in relationships. Personal work and general work is continual, not because you are that broken or damaged, but because when "life happens" with or without a man, stored up momentum is invaluable. When you are going through and they are going through neither one of you is on that "why am I the only one" tip. Y'all making it happen together. Don't be so hard on yourself. A relationship is one where you know a man well enough to have confidence and security in compatibility based on what you are sure about within him, not just the face value of him. That takes time and regular, intentional interaction to build. You are being given so much good advice. Have and ear to really listen to it and receive it. Today right now, stop asking yourself why you are under constant construction, consider why it's a privilege for a man to help build you up and have eyes to see why it would be worth it to build the right one up in return. You don't have a relationship with the idea of a man. You interact with real people in real life and it's when those real people show you something about their character you value and there is something about your character they value, that you have the fundamentals worth building a relationship upon.
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Healthy relationships are fulfilling and helpful. However the strongest ones cause you to give the most of yourself. If giving your best, building your best and being your best feels like a burden and makes you tired, a healthy relationship will only add another area where that is required of you. You don't just deal with your stuff in healthy relationships you absorb a lot of their issues too. The flip side is the times when you feel depleted and they pour encouragement, ability and help into you. This is not an attack on you but fragile areas in oneself have immense potential to be exploited in relationships. Personal work and general work is continual, not because you are that broken or damaged, but because when "life happens" with or without a man, stored up momentum is invaluable. When you are going through and they are going through neither one of you is on that "why am I the only one" tip. Y'all making it happen together. Don't be so hard on yourself. A relationship is one where you know a man well enough to have confidence and security in compatibility based on what you are sure about within him, not just the face value of him. That takes time and regular, intentional interaction to build. You are being given so much good advice. Have and ear to really listen to it and receive it. Today right now, stop asking yourself why you are under constant construction, consider why it's a privilege for a man to help build you up and have eyes to see why it would be worth it to build the right one up in return. You don't have a relationship with the idea of a man. You interact with real people in real life and it's when those real people show you something about their character you value and there is something about your character they value, that you have the fundamentals worth building a relationship upon.
Thank you for this. I really needed to here this. Ive been building myself up because i feel like im broken somehow. That other women have something that im missing and if i just work on this or tweak that a little... thats whats making me tired. I feel like i have to be perfect to find someone...
And i guess thats why im hurt. That i became even better and tried even more to get his attention and it still wasnt enough...
Thank you for this. I really needed to here this. Ive been building myself up because i feel like im broken somehow. That other women have something that im missing and if i just work on this or tweak that a little... thats whats making me tired. I feel like i have to be perfect to find someone...
And i guess thats why im hurt. That i became even better and tried even more to get his attention and it still wasnt enough...

That's the thing though: other women may have things you don't. The good thing is that will have absolutely nothing to do with you being your personal best with the man that's for you. That will have nothing to do with finding a man(or being found by the man) whose personal best who is worth your investment into him. You will choose each other for each other. No woman's best is supposed enough for another woman's designed to to be her best for her own man who chooses and commits to her.
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That's the thing though: other women may have things you don't. The good thing is that will have absolutely nothing to do with you being your personal best with the man that's for you. That will have nothing to do with finding a man(or being found by the man) whose personal best who is worth your investment into him. You will choose each other for each other. No woman's best is supposed enough for another woman's designed to to be her best for her own man who chooses and commits to her.
Wow, that hits the nail on the head for my current situation.
Maybe there's some dysfunction from your childhood that you're subconsciously trying to replicate so you can fix it.
Everyone has inner work that they tend to ignore. So it's not about being broken, it's about being human.
At first i couldnt see what you meant but maybe. I grew up in a home devoid of love and affection. My parent hardly ever said i love you to each other and my dad was never the romantic kind. I never really saw acts of kindness and love between my parents nor towards us kids. So i really dont know what love is supposed to look like. I always felt unloved and unprotected. And though outwardly i know i want a man who treats me tenderly and preciously maybe i gravitate towards unrequited or desperate love to fill the void i grew up with. Maybe i see unrequited love or lack of loving action as normal?
The only thing I'ma add is everybody is a work in progress until they ain't. Working on yourself can take between 5 minutes and a lifetime. I suggest multi-tasking that whole working on yourself while also looking for a relationship because neither one of those things is guaranteed to fall into your lap.
The only thing I'ma add is everybody is a work in progress until they ain't. Working on yourself can take between 5 minutes and a lifetime. I suggest multi-tasking that whole working on yourself while also looking for a relationship because neither one of those things is guaranteed to fall into your lap.
There just so many good points here. Im so glad i have this forum to turn to for guidance by older more experienced women cause i have nowhere else to turn. It may sound silly but i really appreciate everyone here.

to this post- thats another thing i struggle with. I feel like i have to wait until i am done working on myself to be ready for a relationship. But then im never done quite working on myself. Im a looooooong way from where i was but im not quite where i want to be and i dont know when ill get there. I guess another fear of mine is getting into a relationship and later discovering something about myself that the relationship does not fulfill.
To address some points you've made:

==> Thinking you need to be perfect in order to be in a relationship: this is a reality, especially for those of us living in the Western hemisphere: get the degree, the home, the car, more degrees, more clothes, more hair, more make up,...etc and only then will you be "good enough" for a man. Have fallen for that trap and it is just that...a trap. What usually happens is you'll see women who put in less work, get the very thing that you desire. Because at the end of the day, all of us are different and are attracted to different things.

You are at the perfect age to go on a self-discovery adventure, to find out what it is that YOU value. Don't be so in a hurry to be wifed up, have children, post pics on FB,...etc. Find out for yourself what success means to you, what beauty is to you, the songs you like, the type of food you like, how you like to decorate your home, where you see yourself going with your career, spend time with your family members, find out about your personal family culture, read voraciously, build your tribe, travel. Not so you can get a man, but for yourself. The trap for a lot of us women, is that we keep waiting for men to validate us. That has been the trap from generation to generation. We feel as if we're unfulfilled without a man. Think positively: God is probably protecting you from a lot of these relationships, that would lead to nowhere.

==>> Thinking you're getting old: I get it, at your age, you think time is flying by. Been there myself. But who you are today, is not who you're gonna be in 5 - 10 years. This is why social media is fun, sometimes a post from aeons ago will show up again on your timeline and you'll be like whettttt? lol. Ideally, as you mature, this happens less and less. When we're young, we tend to look a lot to the superficial. There was a guy I was interested in, when I was in my 20s. Similar situation as yours: he showed interest at first and then ghosted. Was able to meet him again now at a get together and study him through the prism of time passed and I noticed things about him that just had me like: :o. He showed up with his girlfriend. Saying that they held the conversation hostage is an understatement :nono:. The gf constantly bragged about how many languages she spoke and what a great job + family she has. And he just kept talking and talking and talking. It was there that I realized: it would've never worked :lol:. I'm very introverted and shy, hate being the center of attention.

==>> As women, we tend to lose the game before we even get started. This is why when stories like Beyoncé and Ciara come out, we start rooting. To see if they're gonna get the fairy tale we all dream of. Often times, it doesn't happen. Because we fail to plan for it, as much as we desire for it. We don't know how to delay gratification. My pastor didn't mince it for us ladies at church: he said there comes a time in every man's life, when he gets tired of the physical. You never know what mandate God will give you and your future spouse. Or what kinda life you will have to lead. Perhaps this time He's giving you, is to use it, to develop certain skills that might come in handy. Learn how to trade stocks, a new language, cooking, open a private Facebook account that is only available to you, where each day you muse about what your future life could be like. When it finally comes to pass, make it public to your loved ones. Don't just be so focused on 'gotta get the guy, gotta get the guy, gotta get the guy'. In so doing, you might be blind to other areas of your own life or your family's life that you need to tend to right now. Speaking out of experience: my mother's health started deteriorating around her 40s. But I was so busy, so self-absorbed chasing my own dreams, that it completely hit me by surprise. Had I paid more attention, perhaps I could've helped her more.

Long story short: don't forget to daydream and simply live life. Many women in the world don't have the opportunities that you have. To just own a car, be a nurse, be able to roam around freely, have access to internet. Bask in that. END
There just so many good points here. Im so glad i have this forum to turn to for guidance by older more experienced women cause i have nowhere else to turn. It may sound silly but i really appreciate everyone here.

to this post- thats another thing i struggle with. I feel like i have to wait until i am done working on myself to be ready for a relationship. But then im never done quite working on myself. Im a looooooong way from where i was but im not quite where i want to be and i dont know when ill get there. I guess another fear of mine is getting into a relationship and later discovering something about myself that the relationship does not fulfill.
I have been married nearly a decade. I wasn't "fixed" and all together when I got married and neither was he. We went to both religious and secular marriage counseling together and I still go to therapy on my own when I feel the need. Like most men, he don't want folks in our business but every time after counseling, he's like "that was a good idea". Even after all that, you know what? I'm still not "fixed" but I have been given tools to help work through fulfilling myself better.

There's a very interesting concept that you have to be your best self to be fit for a relationship leading to marriage but who your best self is changes with age, exposure to life and experience.
At first i couldnt see what you meant but maybe. I grew up in a home devoid of love and affection. My parent hardly ever said i love you to each other and my dad was never the romantic kind. I never really saw acts of kindness and love between my parents nor towards us kids. So i really dont know what love is supposed to look like. I always felt unloved and unprotected. And though outwardly i know i want a man who treats me tenderly and preciously maybe i gravitate towards unrequited or desperate love to fill the void i grew up with. Maybe i see unrequited love or lack of loving action as normal?

Well there’s your answer right there. You may need a therapist to help you sort through this. It’s a childhood wound. It will probably always be there to some degree but you will probably need help with identifying how your childhood effected you, how to heal it as best you can, and how to move forward. And I also agree with everything @Crackers Phinn said too.

Also, to answer your question, there’s nothing wrong with you :kiss:.
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I have been married nearly a decade. I wasn't "fixed" and all together when I got married and neither was he. We went to both religious and secular marriage counseling together and I still go to therapy on my own when I feel the need. Like most men, he don't want folks in our business but every time after counseling, he's like "that was a good idea". Even after all that, you know what? I'm still not "fixed" but I have been given tools to help work through fulfilling myself better.

There's a very interesting concept that you have to be your best self to be fit for a relationship leading to marriage but who your best self is changes with age, exposure to life and experience.

Love this whole thing but the bolded is a really good explanation of being your best self.
@Royalq, golden advice in this thread.

I'll add that no relationship can fulfil you, no matter how great it is. We live in a fallen world with no perfect people. None. No single person is perfect, no married person is perfect, we're all broken in some way. Everyone is a work in progress. Are there traits that you're much better off getting rid of before marriage? Yes (like selfishness, insecurity, laziness, bullying, cruelty, etc) but every human will always need work. The fact you're doing any work now is commendable. A lot of people just ignore their flaws then wonder why people don't want to be around them, or why their relationships are toxic. Be happy that you're aware enough and wise enough to want to improve.

At first i couldnt see what you meant but maybe. I grew up in a home devoid of love and affection. My parent hardly ever said i love you to each other and my dad was never the romantic kind. I never really saw acts of kindness and love between my parents nor towards us kids. So i really dont know what love is supposed to look like. I always felt unloved and unprotected. And though outwardly i know i want a man who treats me tenderly and preciously maybe i gravitate towards unrequited or desperate love to fill the void i grew up with. Maybe i see unrequited love or lack of loving action as normal?

Another thing I'll say is that nothing temporal can fulfil you. You were made for eternity and to know and be known by Christ. He loves you, cherishes you, will shower you with personal attention and affection and has the blood-stained receipts to prove it [see the Cross]. He's the only man I would recommend you chase, lol. More than working on yourself, focus on growing in your relationship with Him.

And finally:

That's my contribution, written with love and care. God bless you!

ETA: you look fly in that pic! GO ON :)!
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