Ladies thank you so much for the GREAT advice. As i laid in bed last night i let everything you ladies said sink into my mind but suddenly began to cry. not over him but the truth of the matter. he really isn't that "perfect" as i think he is. i made a list of everything bad he has ever done to me and rated them on a scale of 1-10. ten being the worst. Then I made a list of all the nice things, and other stuff i admired about him and my conclusion was the bad things won. So this morning he texted me again "good morning baby" and i did something i havent done in a long time and ignored it and went on about my day. I think this is the first step in the healing process (Love can be challenging!). i think il ignore him for a while until i have fully made my decision and done some soul searching for myself and stop putting this man before me and my needs and SCHOOL.
Thank you!!! I love you all!!
You are a smart lady. This experience will make you stronger. You decide your worth and how men treat you. You are precious and worth so much more than what this little boy is able to give you.