I'm CLAIMING bra strap length, durnitt!!!


Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey ya'all! Just posted my 9 month progress pictures...... and as i indicated by the title, i have decided to freaking claim BSL. :lachen: I mean, i was almost there 3 months ago with my last set of pics......... but my ends had become very thin, and i was feeling antsy for a trim. My intentions were to wait til Dec/Jan to do a lunar trim. But i just couldnt stand those thin ends any longer.

So i got rid of them. And...... although i lost a LOT of length (because after the braids my hair was well past BSL) it looks a bit healthier. So..... im not gonna fret, i know by my next set of pics (Jan 07) I'll be on my way to Mid-Back Length.

So yeah, folks........ even though it's JUST grazing BSL, i've decided to CLAIM it!!!! :lol:

Soooooo..... next stop, MBL!!!!
KiniKakes said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey ya'all! Just posted my 9 month progress pictures...... and as i indicated by the title, i have decided to freaking claim BSL. :lachen: I mean, i was almost there 3 months ago with my last set of pics......... but my ends had become very thin, and i was feeling antsy for a trim. My intentions were to wait til Dec/Jan to do a lunar trim. But i just couldnt stand those thin ends any longer.

So i got rid of them. And...... although i lost a LOT of length (because after the braids my hair was well past BSL) it looks a bit healthier. So..... im not gonna fret, i know by my next set of pics (Jan 07) I'll be on my way to Mid-Back Length.

So yeah, folks........ even though it's JUST grazing BSL, i've decided to CLAIM it!!!! :lol:

Soooooo..... next stop, MBL!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!! I would consider it BSL, chicka. I love your hair, it looks GORGEOUS! I'm loving how it spills over your shoulders, too. You've definitely gained thickness as well! :D

:dance7: :clap:

ETA- I figured that your hair was definitely going to be past BSL once you got it relaxed again. How many inches did you trim?
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Hi KiniKakes,

Finally :) , I've been clicking back and forth on your website all morning for these updates. You are making a lot of hair growth progress. Every three months you have some amazing growth. How many inches are you getting every three months?

And how many inches did you get cut off this time? I think the cut was well worth, cause ain't no stopping you now, you're on the move! :lol:

Thanks in advance.

That's right. You claim it!!!
I know you are loving your hair after the good trim.

**Just came back from your fotki. Your Hair is Beautiful!**
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KiniKakes said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey ya'all! Just posted my 9 month progress pictures...... and as i indicated by the title, i have decided to freaking claim BSL. :lachen: I mean, i was almost there 3 months ago with my last set of pics......... but my ends had become very thin, and i was feeling antsy for a trim. My intentions were to wait til Dec/Jan to do a lunar trim. But i just couldnt stand those thin ends any longer.

So i got rid of them. And...... although i lost a LOT of length (because after the braids my hair was well past BSL) it looks a bit healthier. So..... im not gonna fret, i know by my next set of pics (Jan 07) I'll be on my way to Mid-Back Length.

So yeah, folks........ even though it's JUST grazing BSL, i've decided to CLAIM it!!!! :lol:

Soooooo..... next stop, MBL!!!!

Your hair looks really good!!! I'm so proud of you. I'll setting my goal for touching shoulder length by Dec 06. I started out really short so I'm just running trying to catch up to you girly!! :D
Denim And Leather said:
CONGRATULATIONS!! I would consider it BSL, chicka. I love your hair, it looks GORGEOUS! I'm loving how it spills over your shoulders, too. You've definitely gained thickness as well! :D

:dance7: :clap:

ETA- I figured that your hair was definitely going to be past BSL once you got it relaxed again. How many inches did you trim?

Yeah, thats what im most excited about!!! Although its definitely shorter, it's fuller.... and that is a GREAT thing in my book!!!! :grin:

I think she cut off about 1.5", but since i got a blow-out, the ends that she clipped off looked very thin on that floor. So i guess it wasnt healthy hair that she got rid of..... Had i not gotten it cut, my hair would have been significantly longer, but the last couple of inches would have been pretty much see-through!!!
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OMG Kinikakes! Your hair looks like silk! Oh, I do hope my hair is a beautiful BSL as you and Mizani's in December!
Thanks soooo much ladies!!!!!!!!! Seriously, thanks! Without this board, my hair would be looking just like the 2003-2004 pics in my Relaxed Album!!! :lol:

You all are making me feel so good!!!! I have to admit, i am one of the "guilty" parties who is quick to hang on to some raggedy ends just for length! :lol: I mean, the ends were not split or anything, just thin and sad looking. But..... it was time to let them go. So i know i'll gain that length back in a few months! No biggie. Im on a mission now, and *aint* no stopping me!!!:lachen:
I thought you were bra strap length months ago...Your hair looks great!!!!

Congratulations and Keep "representin" for the Fine haired ladies :D !!!
Good googly moogly that's some fast growing hair! Does your hair grow fast or is it the nioxin or other vitamins? Please do tell. Oh yeah and congrats on the bsl hair!
trimbride said:
I thought you were bra strap length months ago...Your hair looks great!!!!

Congratulations and Keep "representin" for the Fine haired ladies :D !!!

Well i was close girl.... but about an inch of that was thin.

Thanks girl, you know im gonna keep on reppin for us!!!!!! :D
pinkopulence said:
Hi KiniKakes,

Finally :) , I've been clicking back and forth on your website all morning for these updates. You are making a lot of hair growth progress. Every three months you have some amazing growth. How many inches are you getting every three months?

And how many inches did you get cut off this time? I think the cut was well worth, cause ain't no stopping you now, you're on the move! :lol:

Thanks in advance.


I would say I get around 2 to 2.5" every 3 months. I dont know for sure.... just guessing by looking at my pictures. I believe i trimmed off around 1.5"...... and although it was hard to do (lol), at least i know that i can just protect my ends, and dust to maintain the health. I knew in my heart had to happen...... and that there was no use running from the inevitable. :lachen: