I'm CLAIMING bra strap length, durnitt!!!

CONGRATS CHICA! Well Deserve for all your hard work! I look forward to one day reaching that goal....GO HEAD WITH YOU BAD SELF GURL, QUIT PLAYIN! Once again congrats, just beautiful! :grin: :grin: :grin:

Can I ask when you bun what do you use for your bun & to hold it together? TIA
Congrats Kini! Your hair looks really nice and healthy. Even though you trimmed, I can still see the progress your hair has made. I really think you are my hair twin! I need to get some Biotin, for real!
'Go on girl whicha' bad self :D :cool: , I couldn't get passed the first pic without giving you your props. CONGRATS!!! Your hair is definately lovely, shine, texture, color, and health. MBL here you come.
Congratulations! Your hair has really gotten thick. You've inspired me to stop slacking and get back on my regimen.
Congrats! Your hair looks great. I need to start taking my vitamins ......i have been slacking for the last month.
Kinikakes do you take all the vitamins you listed everyday?? TIA
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Bublnbrnsuga said:
Girl, I love that shower curtain! I was thinking about getting it, plus the accessories, but decided not to. Anyway, you are making progress and that's what matters- don't get caught up with these terms, kay?

Thank you so much for that, Bubln.... and you are so right in that!

Aww, you should get the set! Its probably on sale at BB&B now! I can so many compliments on my bathroom when folks come by.
MizaniMami said:
Seriously, yall don't know how I feel right now. I am so happy for you because we started around the same time and you hair is gorgeous!!! Congrats!!! Your ends look ppuuuurfect! I am loving the shape.

I know exactly what you mean, MM!!!!:cry3:Thats EXACTLY how i feel! We started this journey at pretty much the same point, and around the same time..... so whenever you make progress i just feel sooo encouraged and happy, because i feel like it is possible for me as well!!! When you celebrate a hurdle that you've jumped over, i celebrate with you like its my own! Thats why i was sooo excited when you made BSL a couple of weeks ago! I was so proud of you!!! And i know you feel the same!!! *hugs* :)
Denim And Leather said:
I still shudder when I look at how bad they looked in my June pics! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thats exactly how i feel about my July pics. I feel so embarassed and ashamed that i allowed them to get so bad. It's just sooo hard to let go, man!!! :perplexed
CaliJen said:
Can I ask when you bun what do you use for your bun & to hold it together? TIA

I just wind the hair around a few times and then secure it with whatever is available--hair pins, bobbi pins, or a scrunch. I just try to be extra careful that i dont tear my hair. I need to invest in a pack of hair pins, because those are safest!
Shimmerwink said:
Congrats! Your hair looks great. I need to start taking my vitamins ......i have been slacking for the last month.
Kinikakes do you take all the vitamins you listed everyday?? TIA

Yes, every single day without fail!!! I dont ever forget or skip. If i take 2 of a particular vitamin i split them up and take one in the morning and one in the evening.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Congrats Kini! Your hair looks great! :clap:

OT: Bmore, i meant to tell you on Myspace, i love, love, love your outfit and hair in that pic! You look so fantastic.... i love that belt! I have a wide, waist-cinching belt in brown, black, and red and white polka dots! :lol:
KiniKakes said:
Girl, please get on that ASAP!!! I attribute much of this new thickness to the Biotin!

So you take Biotin 5,000 mcg and 2,000mcg of Biotin. I tried the 5 mg and it broke my face out so I went back to 2,000mcg plus the biotin in the nioxin and other vitamins but I do not drink alot of water...I personally hate water but I try to drink atleast 2 full cups a day...What if I take 5mcg one day with the rest of my vitamins and then the next day take 2,00 mcgs with the rest of my vits....you know flip flop between 5mcgs and 2,000mcgs...(I hope I make sense)
Girl your hair looks GREAT!! Did you keep it down today? You are well on your way to MBL. I usually wait till RIGHT before bed to take my hair vitamins but your progress has made me go get my vitamins out NOW and pop my biotin as well. LOL! Happy Hair Growing:cool:
tsmith said:
So you take Biotin 5,000 mcg and 2,000mcg of Biotin. I tried the 5 mg and it broke my face out so I went back to 2,000mcg plus the biotin in the nioxin and other vitamins but I do not drink alot of water...I personally hate water but I try to drink atleast 2 full cups a day...What if I take 5mcg one day with the rest of my vitamins and then the next day take 2,00 mcgs with the rest of my vits....you know flip flop between 5mcgs and 2,000mcgs...(I hope I make sense)

Yes, i take a total of 7.5 mg of Biotin per day..... when i initially started the Biotin i was taking 5 mg, and my face did break out. However, i was expecting this, because i'd heard the stories (similar to the MSM). So i just continued to take it, and after about a week the pimples went away. So if you can suffer thru it for a few days (lol) it will go away! But i do attribute my thickness mainly to the BIotin, so im glad i hung in there.

I think flip-flopping would be fine...... but i also think if you build back up slowly you will be okay! Just know that the acne is NOT permanent and will be gone in a few days.:)
KiniKakes said:
I know exactly what you mean, MM!!!!:cry3:Thats EXACTLY how i feel! We started this journey at pretty much the same point, and around the same time..... so whenever you make progress i just feel sooo encouraged and happy, because i feel like it is possible for me as well!!! When you celebrate a hurdle that you've jumped over, i celebrate with you like its my own! Thats why i was sooo excited when you made BSL a couple of weeks ago! I was so proud of you!!! And i know you feel the same!!! *hugs* :)

I remember when I said (in a thread about how long we want our hair to be) that I think the longer my hair gets the thinner it will look and you agreed with me. Chica you are def. getting thicker the longer you get!! Def.!!!!