If You Think Fake Hair Makes You Look Beautiful It Doesnt!----


Well-Known Member
...Says a thread I came across while getting my Hair Porn fix on...:look:

This is from (I believe) a Nigerian Hair Forum.


Why do Nigerian women think that the fake hair they spent time and money on, makes them beautiful, sexy or romantic?

Why do Nigerian men, think that the fake hair on their women make them beautiful?

Anytime I see a Nigerian woman with that Pack of Forest on their hair, I feel angry and sorry for them.

The thing doesn't make them beautiful

Why can't they just wash it, oil it, clean it, perm it, and just hang it loose. The more natural it look the healtheir and more beautiful

To Nigerian men, don't you guys feel it is disgusting the way our women religiously worship that thing?

*grabs popcorn wanting to hear opinions*

My boyfriend hates my weave. He refers to it as a 'thing.' Often times he has said "I can't wait till you get that thing off your head and you have your real hair back." I love that he prefers my real, natural hair over a weave any day. But, I told him "Unless your putting up guap for my hair, you have no say-so in how I wear it." He ain't my husband, so he can't tell me nuffin.' He wont be complaining when these weaves and PSes get me hair down my back.
...Says a thread I came across while getting my Hair Porn fix on...:look:

*grabs popcorn wanting to hear opinions*


^^^hahahahaha. i love it that you're all into the hullaballoo DrC.

i don't have an opinion tho quite honestly. i started to wear weaves last year and i've gotten to the point where i quite enjoy it (the first one only lasted about 7d). i've seen good and i've seen bad weaves.

*kanye shrug* whatever floats...
although it bothers me when someone doesn't know how to take care of their own hair and relies on weave. or when they have no hair due to improper weave maintenance and stay getting weaves (worsening the cycle)...

AND i hate that on any given day there are more adult black women in weaves than in their own hair...

so i guess i do have an opinion of sorts. but re: your question, does it make a women look beautiful/ugly? let me say this... i've never seen an otherwise beautiful woman in a trashy weave. i often see unattractive women in equally unattractive weaves. i dunno if the two things go together tho.
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I have no opinion, my mind is blank. I'm just gonna kick it here and thank the posts of those I agree with. :look:
Most men I know don't like weave - they prefer your own hair, growing from your own scalp... :look:is this news?
I Like what you said, Nzeee, I think it depends on how she otherwise carries herself, but I do think those really shiny, baby-doll haired weaves look...um...well...you know...fake.
I Like what you said, Nzeee, I think it depends on how she otherwise carries herself, but I do think those really shiny, baby-doll haired weaves look...um...well...you know...fake.


:rofl: :rofl:
Yep they are right cause I never seen weave that does not look like a weave a lot of times it sloppily done
Most men I know don't like weave - they prefer your own hair, growing from your own scalp... :look:is this news?

welllllll... from my experience i'd say most men prefer long hair and are attracted to women w/ realistic looking weaves. would they prefer these women to have actually grown the hair themselves? i'd say yes. if given a choice would the average man prefer to step out w/ a women w/ a realistic looking weave or w/ her own SHORT hair? i'd say the average would prefer the former since they like the look of long hair.

whenever anyone says "men like long hair" there's ALWAYS 5 people who have to say "my man/brother/father" prefers short hair and etc. but c'mon. let's be honest here, video girls and celebs have long flowing locks for a reason. the man in your life who prefers short hair is the exception not the rule.

now that that's said... my point is that many black women find themselves in a conundrum. they know long hair is preferred, but they haven't been able to get it naturally for a slew of valid reasons, mostly ignorance considering what's been done to us. so what do they do? get a weave and get the look that the guys obviously respond to.

it's a sad and vicious cycle but i understand it. that's why i think instead of vilifying the average around the way girl for having a horrid weave, everyone should adopt someone and spread the healthy hair care message so we can start whipping our own hair in droves :yep:

(btw i know some people wear weave as protective style and their hair is looonnng underneath but once again i'm talking about the average not the exception... oh, and i realize some women do whatever they do for themselves not for male attention. but let's just stick to averages and keep the debate interesting).
Meh. I still don't think men really care as long as it looks good, however, long hair of your own *generally* trumps all. Half the time when I wear a sew in, negros think it's mine anyway.
All weave ain't equal. Some women will look rachet with it, and on others it will be an upgrade.

Let's not be silly and pigeon hole ALL weave. The style and the quality of hair makes all the difference.

I can guarantee if they asked the Nigerian man who made that post to name 5 American celebrities that he thinks are beautiful...all 5 will be weaved up.

Truth is...men hate BAD looking weave.
Meh. I still don't think men really care as long as it looks good, however, long hair of your own *generally* trumps all. Half the time when I wear a sew in, negros think it's mine anyway.

It is so funny to me. You hear men complain about women wearing weaves all the time whenever men are asked about black women's hair, yet still, if a woman was to point out a sista with a weave, home boy will swear up and down the girl ain't weaved up. And we "hating." This happens all the time to me. I'm not hating, sorry to burst your bubble about your fantasy girl :perplexed.

Then you have the ones who want real hair, but not too real like the person in the OP. Make up yo mind, what do you want?
So many controversal threads on here...*sigh.
Opinions are like butt-holes. Everyone has one. some of them smell like you know what.
well most of them probably. lol.

::breaks into a random dance::
All weave ain't equal. Some women will look rachet with it, and on others it will be an upgrade.

Let's not be silly and pigeon hole ALL weave. The style and the quality of hair makes all the difference.

I can guarantee if they asked the Nigerian man who made that post to name 5 American celebrities that he thinks are beautiful...all 5 will be weaved up.

Truth is...men hate BAD looking weave.

+1. I think many of us hate bad looking weaves too. And bad weaves give good installations and well taken care of styles a bad rap.
I wish I could wear a weave, it's such an excellent protective style if maintained properly, howeve I tried once and felt ridiculous.

This is not just a black woman issue though, the amount of white women I see walking around with raggedy extensions seem to increase by the day, and the poorer/cheaper hair sheds really badly.
I loved my weaves, I still love messing with extensions. However, there was a wave of Brazilian/Malaysian/Peru/Magical land hair that made the rounds with some Nigerian girls. It was lush and beautiful but wayyy too much. From a regular full head being about 200-250 gram it became 300gm then 400gm then 450. It made people look like raccoons but hey if they like it-and yes some men do love it....the wave is passing though thank God
She's contracting herself, she's talking about ditching the weaves and relaxers but in the same breath mentions perms, and of course she means relaxers. Relaxers are processing our kinky hair straight do still confirming to the european standards of beauty.

She also failed to mention the fact that there is an abundance of afro kinky, and kinky curly extensions on the market today..people aren't just installing silky hair. Plus its their ... Ultimatley they can do what they want

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Thank God I wear my hair for me. Because you are darned if you do and darned if you don't. Next week, someone is gonna come in this forum and start a thread talking about how someone(some man) don't like their kinky 4z hair or their dried up relaxed hair. You can't please everyone.
Men don't know wth they want. They can't tell a good weave from the real thing most of the time anyway.

Sent from my Samsung Epic :)
Men's preferences are a funny thing. Men probably prefer going out with Halle Berry, but settle for you. I don't know if your own short hair is that big of a deal breaker.
I side-eye any man who says that. From personal experience, I (and I'm sure most black girls too) can attest that men like weave better than "average" looking black girl hair. :rolleyes:
men don't like it. they prefer your own hair. men are easily deceived, so if someone could get away with wearing one without detection, that's great, but let a man find out, it's not yours..... i haven't come across any man that prefers weave over your own hair.
and that's what is should really be about/

Thank God I wear my hair for me. Because you are darned if you do and darned if you don't. Next week, someone is gonna come in this forum and start a thread talking about how someone(some man) don't like their kinky 4z hair or their dried up relaxed hair. You can't please everyone.
Most men I know don't like weave - they prefer your own hair, growing from your own scalp... :look:is this news?

Something I learned since being with my fiance....Men don't really know what the hayle they like. Seriously, he’s a big proponent of no makeup, no weaves, and makeup is the biggest trick since adam bit the apple, ect…
But let some weaved up, glamour makeup’ed woman pass by in a nice fitting dresses and he’s fighting with his eyes to keep them straight. They don’t know…it’s all about the packaging. If it looks good then it don’t matter how it’s put together in the end, they’ll still want it.

Don’t pay them any mind…trying to figure out what men like and don’t like is like trying to catch a feather in a windstorm….they’re all over the place.
Why do people think that ALL women wear weave to make themselves look better? I wear my braids because I want to protect my hair so it can grow, not because I think it makes me look sexy. I'm tired of men thinking women do everything to attract them.