If someone tells you your hair looks fake, it's a compliment

Very seldom do I get the "is your hair real, or is that all your hair?" comment because I try to match my roots with ends wheather I wear it straight, or curly. The only time I got that was a few times at work because everyday I'm in buns and hardly wear my hair down or straight. But for the haters I run my fingers in my hair, or wear styles you can see my part. :lol:
I think it's in how it's delivered.

Girl you know that's a weave. Not a compliment.

Is that a weave, (stanky face). Not a compliment.

OMG your hair is so pretty, I thought it was a weave. Compliment.

Your hair is so shiny/big it looks fake. Compliment.

Is that all your hair?

Stanky face. Not a compliment

Look of amazement or awe. Compliment.

i just think it's weird how complete strangers think it's okay to do that nowadays.
like, yea, my friends say stuff like this all the time and it's cool, but how are you gonna go up to somebody you don't know from adam and ask that, while clawing through my hair??:nono:

to me, that's like asking if my boobs are fake and giving them a nice squeeze.:perplexed
My grandmother asked me if I was wearing a wig (this was several months ago when I was wearing my hair straight) :perplexed and I know she truly loves me and wasn't trying to be funny...I said, "No grandma, why would you ask that?" She replied, "It looks so nice and every hair seems to be in place"...So, after that, I said "Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment":grin:, she yes, "Yes, your hair looks really nice"...I'm not a wig wearer, at all...never have worn one, but I guess that my grandma knew that with my hair, I'm liable to try anything :yep: Nonetheless, I think that it's a compliment and sometimes NOT a backhanded one, either!!!
I don't know. I do think it is a compliment, but then I start to think "Why my hair gotta be fake?" Maybe I over think things. That could be just me.

I feel the same way. One of my friends that I haven't seen since the navy asked me if my hair was real. She said it looked really good and "how did i get my hair like that" (I had it in a twistout).
Obviously I have never had this problem, but I thought I'd chime in anyway! :grin:

I think it CAN be a compliment, but at the same time it can be a bit backhanded too. I mean right now I am working really hard to grow my hair/retain length and if I should ever get to the point where my hair is fairly long and someone tells me it looks fake, I would feel complimented but at the same time I'd hate to have all my hard work chopped up to being a good weave. :perplexed

ETA: Not to mention the fact that I've worn weave for YEARS and most didn't question. They seemed to assume it was real!
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I definitely take it as a compliment when someone tells me that. My hair get this crazy shine (like a wig) after my relaxer. It never fails, as soon as I step out of a salon, I ALWAYS get something along the lines of "what type of hair is that you're wearing?' I just smile and say "thanks it's called chasturner84 and isn't sold in stores." :rolleyes:
I think I would rather them just ask me, than to study it, like I was gonna grade them on it later. I had this happen just today. My hair was in a straight pony. And I have to admit, looking kinda cute :giggle: But this lady kinda followed me alittle too closely. I think she wanted to ask me, but didn't want to seem rude. She should have been able to tell, cause I did't wrap hair around the holder like usual. That really makes them question. And I get the "what type or relaxer do you use?" I don't. :ohwell:

My brother still teases me about having a weave. But he knows better for real. I guess it is all in preception. :yep:
I think its a compliment I recently got asked on here what hair I used to do my pixie braids and I said....my own natural hair:look: lol then when I did my mini twists someone posted either in the thread or in my fotki that they couldn't wait to have twists my length so it could look fake like mine:rofl:

I think since so many people are accustomed to Black women wearing fake hair....when you're a sista and you have full long hair that is your own....you'll often be told that your hair looks like a weave/wig.
BlackMasterPiece your braids and twists are gorgeous :)
I used to take this as a compliment, but I don't any longer. Yesterday, I had my hair blown out at the salon and a black rinse applied. The stylist did a great job and on top of that, I had trimmed my hair a week before so every hair fell into place. One of my friends told me my hair looked fake. I loved the way my hair looked, but I felt self-conscious all night. I work too hard on my hair for it to be confused for a weave. If this had been a few years ago, I would have been flattered. It basically makes me not want to straighten my hair bone straight. But, then again, that's silly...
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They may mean it as a compliment but, to me, it does not feel like a compliment.
Also, I don't get how anyone can confuse my hair for a weave or fake?
I used to take this as a compliment, but I don't any longer. Yesterday, I had my hair blown out at the salon and a black rinse applied. The stylist did a great job and on top of that, I had trimmed my hair a week before so every hair fell into place. One of my friends told me my hair looked fake. I loved the way my hair looked, but I felt self-conscious all night. I work too hard on my hair for it to be confused for a weave. If this had been a few years ago, I would have been flattered. It basically makes me not want to straighten my hair bone straight. But, then again, that's silly...

@Solitude I hear you... I've had the same thoughts. As I reach my hair goal and longer I want folks to acknowledge it properly darnnit, not just dismiss it thinking it's probably a weave :ohwell:.

Ah well.. guess I'll just have to deal with eternal weave checks lol, cause I'm still gonna rock my regardless.
I take it as a compliment. However, when I tell you it's real, don't sit there talmbout "um hum". I don't know you. And now that you ticked me off, I'm not telling you how I grew my hair no matter how "nice" you try to act.
Today an indian man asked me "is that your hair" and then he asked me to come closer so he could get a better look haha
I took it as him being genuinely curious
Compliment for sure. People tell me my hair looks like a wig because the curls are always perfect. I can shake it or let it blow in the wind and it falls right back into place.. People also don't believe I'm fully natural because of how straight my hair is after my rollersets.

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I take it as a compliment. You can tell the mean from the generally curious. I haven't been weave checked, but when Its in a big twistout, people ask if its a weave. When its straight...I get the "looks". My hair still looks big and light when straight, but most people ask if I went back to the relaxer, which is more a compliment for my stylist, not me. Its not even that bone straight look either....also its in layers, which weave layers is more obvious IMO.....Either way I shrug it off but prolly cause it hasn't gotten out of hand. I'm planning on wearing it straight to a Big football game next month, while wearing a shirt about Natural Hair. That should garner some "looky-who", whispers and stares...lol.

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I think it's a compliment. If it looks shiny, "healthy", luscious enough to look fake...it's a compliment. The sad part is that it sounds as if our own community doesn't believe that one can have such hair growing from their scalp. :(
I was in Cuba last month and was weave-checked by an older black lady sporting a weave. Asked me if I had "implants" and had to resist the urge to look downward. After some bantering, I realized that she meant extensions and I had to shake my hair to prove that I didn't. She was impressed. I took it as a compliment. Now as I'm writing this, she may have meant "Do you have implants you can leave behind" because she then asked me if I had brought some extra clothes I could give her...... :S
I've only gotten weave checked 1 time when my hair was relaxed and I didn't realize it until my sister told me. Some girl was following all around the store trying to peep the top of my head. lol. Since my hair was only about apl and not really thick I was kind of surprised. I consider my relaxed hair to be average. The only time I get asked about weave now is from my family. That's only because they are shocked to see my hair grow out so fast. It me around 3 years to get from sl to apl when I was relaxed and not treating my hair right.

BUT I am ALWAYS asked about whether or not my natural hair is a wig. Most women are polite and will ask me what brand of hair I am using. Then I just tell them it's my own hair. There was was this one woman that just stuck her hands in my hair all willly nilly to see if it was fake. But I didn't get mad cause afterward we chatted a bit and she was cool, also she was a much older woman. Plus my hair was still wet and she got a nice handful of shea butter, gel and all the other stuff I had on my hair at the time. lol :drunk: