Junebug D
Well-Known Member
I don't know what planet I am on, but when I wear fake hair (good or bad-- and I freely admit I don't blend well at all) my attention from the male species doubles or triples. In their eyes I go from a 5 to a 9 simply by putting a little bit of fake hair on. My real hair doesn't look exceptionally bad, it's just average. Or even above average compared to the "real" hair I see on a daily basis.
I usually wear curls or a ponytail. I get smiled at and chatted to and looked over the MOST when I have a fake ponytail attached to the back of my head rather than my real one.
I also seemed to have gone from a 5 to a 9 in male attention when I was wearing very obviously fake microbraids. That was the first time in my life that I'd ever been made uncomfortable due to male attention.
I met my current boyfriend when I was wearing a very obvious fake shiny wig underneath a hat. And he is one who proclaims extra loudly to anyone who will listen that he hates weave and wigs; yet he can't even tell when he's looking at one half the time.
SO many times I've had to point it out while he's slobbering over a girl on Facebook or on TV or something. I'm like "You do know that's a weave, right?"
And then he doesn't believe me or doesn't care.
He'll keep right on slobbering.
So I put little stock in men's opinions of women's hair because I just haven't seen them behave otherwise. They say one thing and if they see a woman they like, all those "no weave" statements become moot and they'll like her regardless. Just so you look nice overall and it's not blue or crazy-looking, they really don't care and probably don't know or think much about it. Analyzing for fakeness is what women do.
Maybe if you have thick, long LHCF Goddess Godiva hair naturally, then they will prefer THAT to any weave. But basic, average, non-awe-inspiring hair... 
Personal Male Attention Chart, on a scale on 1-10:
5: The daily "average" ponytail:
5: The average afro puff:
9: The fake ponytail:
10, apparently
: When a Self-Professed Fake Hair-Hater approached me and said I was beautiful:

I also seemed to have gone from a 5 to a 9 in male attention when I was wearing very obviously fake microbraids. That was the first time in my life that I'd ever been made uncomfortable due to male attention.
I met my current boyfriend when I was wearing a very obvious fake shiny wig underneath a hat. And he is one who proclaims extra loudly to anyone who will listen that he hates weave and wigs; yet he can't even tell when he's looking at one half the time.

So I put little stock in men's opinions of women's hair because I just haven't seen them behave otherwise. They say one thing and if they see a woman they like, all those "no weave" statements become moot and they'll like her regardless. Just so you look nice overall and it's not blue or crazy-looking, they really don't care and probably don't know or think much about it. Analyzing for fakeness is what women do.

Personal Male Attention Chart, on a scale on 1-10:
5: The daily "average" ponytail:

5: The average afro puff:

9: The fake ponytail:

10, apparently