If a man talks to you, he likes you

i think it's mostly true. i'm a fairly oblivious person when it comes to noticing day-to-day men who are interested in me.....but apparently according to third person people (other male friends mostly) who have been in my presence when this kind of thing happens it is kind of obvious. when i initially PCS'd to korea, i couldn't go anywhere around base....i.e., like to the post office without a random guy stopping me to talk or offer help in some way. then i realized it was the whole attraction thing.

looking back particularly a couple of months ago, i had to go to a briefing one day. i sat down in one of the front rows of the conference room, and 2 seconds later a guy pops up out of nowhere asking me if i were one of the briefers for the presentation. i thought it was a weird question since i sat in the audience, but told him that i wasn't. he then invited himself to sit right next to me and proceeds to talk to me the rest of the briefing. i didn't think anything of it at the time until later on when he asked me out. i asked him if he really thought i was a briefer and he laughed, and said he saw me enter the room and knew immediately he wanted to come up with a reason to talk to me so that was what he came up with. :lol:

but i will say that just because a man goes out of his way to talk to you (i.e., he is attracted or notices you in some way) it does not mean he LIKES you or that there is anything beyond an initial attraction there. though i acknowledge most men going out of their way means they are attracted, i don't take it seriously in any way. it's nice, i guess, but it's pretty meaningless in the scheme of things....
Well first of all it's good to determine what you mean by "interest". An interest in what? An interest in dating you? An interest in sleeping with you?

Look, men are not complicated. 9 times out of 10 if he's chatting you up and barely know him, then there's SOMETHING about you he finds interesting. :yep:

I think we women start getting too caught up and "confused" when we over think things and put TOO much stock into that initial attraction. Instead of trying to determine or "figure out" how much interest a man has for you, or if he even has an interest at all, you should take it with a grain of salt, while at the same time recognizing it for what it is. The only thing you need to do is smile sweetly, be pleasant, and conversational. He will take it from there if he's interested enough.

Trust me, if a man has an interest in dating you (which is what I'm assuming you would be trying to figure out), you WILL know. :yep: You can't tell me that a man can climb all the way up mount Everest but can't manage to ask a girl out or make his romantic intentions known. :rolleyes:

Bumping this for reference..........