I understand.....and trust me, I've BEEN there!!
But time, experience, and the experience of others have helped me to realize that I can recognize a guy's flirtations for what they are (flirtation...nothing more, nothing less), and not run with it and ASSUME the guy wants to date me or have anything else to do with me.
I know it's hard, but we as women just have to learn to be more discerning and not put TOO much stock into a guy's attention.
YES, usually it means he's probably attracted to you in some way, but we as women need to realize that this is where it STOPS. Unless a man is showing OTHER signs of interest (they will be obvious), then he probably just thinks you're pretty.
Men can like a woman, but not want to date her. It's just like going to an art gallery. You can like LOOKING at a particular piece of art, but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll have the desire to buy it and take it home with you.
Wait for the man who wants to "buy", not just "window shop".
other guys are just a nice ego boost.
Don't pay them
too much mind lol.
I completely agree!!!
I was basically encompassing that (pursuing) in Category #4, but your Category #6 drove the point home a little clearer.
The main point I was trying to get at was the STATUS of these men. Honestly, a guy can be PURSUING you simply because he's attracted to you....PERIOD. (Category #1)
But if he's not interested in you as a person, or he's not wanting to DATE you seriously, or if he's not FREE to be pursuing you (ie. he's married, still "with" his ex
, he's taken), then it doesn't matter HOW much attention he's giving you.....He's
STILL not a good eligible candidate, and things will probably eventually end up going south.
Haha...we should write a book lol!
"The 6 Categories of Men" lol
Thanks for your insight!
I love hearing the insight of men on these subjects.
assume you're a guy??
That's PRETTY much it in a nutshell!