If a man talks to you, he likes you

I think if a man you don't know or dont need for a service or something starts making a random conversation with you then yes.

I have come to realize that many dudes are very passive by nature. I bet they attract aggressive women.

Furthermore, given how aggressive women are toward men these days, I can understand why some of them feel they don't really need to pursue. Especially very attractive men.
This may be true for certain types of men, but I have a hard time believing this to be true for the majority of them.

While I do think men in general share a lot of the same characteristics, I think they, as individuals, are way more complex than we give them credit for. Why and how a man approaches a woman can depend on so many things: personality, age, current mood, current environment, maturity level, culture, where he lives, relationship status, and maybe even his race.
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I have come to realize that many dudes are very passive by nature. I bet they attract aggressive women. Furthermore, given how aggressive women are toward men these days, I can understand why some of them feel they don't really need to pursue. Especially very attractive men.

Eye roll @ this simply because it is the COLD.HARD.TRUTH. Ugh....and I am not about being the pursuer. Ish is exhausting.

CurlyMoo It sounds like your landlord likes you. He hasn't made a move for one of 3 reasons: 1. he's taken. 2. He's nervous and is working up to it. 3. He's not interested enough to make a move on you.

Landlord or not, he'll make a move eventually if he likes you. Wait it out and you'll get your answer for sure.

Which in my opinion only boils down to one thing: He's just not that into you. :look: Perhaps I've watched that movie one too many times. I think we as women tend to give men too many excuses.
As I was walking out the door at the hospital a guy that worked there almost tripped over his desk to open the door for me and say hi, it was really funny. I'm obviously pregnant. He said hi and can I have your number. That really made me kind of sick.
Yup pretty much.

Not aaaalways. That's how women out words into men's mouths... and non-existent feelings in their hearts.

This guy adds a caveat in his very first sentence "at least to some degree." It may not be to the degree you want, though.

I totally agree with this sentiment and DH has also confirmed this. He always gets annoyed with me if I entertain conversation with a man in public. If a guy asks about something or says hi I will usually respond. He tells me that I shouldn't because the guy is fishing and obviously thinks I'm attractive. I have never thought that and used to be oblivious to the fact that a guy liked me. Now like CarLiTa says, just because a guy thinks you're cute/sexy/beautiful/etc. doesn't mean that the interaction will go very far. They may just want to admire your beauty or they may want to marry you. :lol:

Agreed. When a man initiates convo he is attracted to you but it doesnt always mean he wants to be with you. He could be in a rltshp or not it still means he is attracted to you in some kinda way.

Yeah I am learning this at work. There are a few of guys that have mentioned that they think I'm attractive and some are married. I'm sure none of them would leave their wives for me and I don't expect them to. But they still have eyes. Sometimes I think people get squirmy about this topic for no reason. People can find someone attractive and have that be the end of it. I can definitely tell who finds me attractive and who doesn't based on our interactions. :yep: IMO it's good information to have as a woman in the workplace and has come in very handy for me. :look:
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There is a dude who I know likes me. I think the talking proves that. We have been all over the place in the last few months about where we stand. But we are "friends" now and still talk. If he wasn't attracted to me I doubt he would talk to me as much as he does. I've dealt with dudes who are nonchalant and it annoys the hell out of me. There are some men who aren't Alpha men, more gamma and it takes them longer and more courage to approach or chase a woman. But Alpha men? If I identify you as a strong confident man then I give you no leway. You need to chase me like a puma :laugh:
There is a dude who I know likes me. I think the talking proves that. We have been all over the place in the last few months about where we stand. But we are "friends" now and still talk. If he wasn't attracted to me I doubt he would talk to me as much as he does. I've dealt with dudes who are nonchalant and it annoys the hell out of me. There are some men who aren't Alpha men, more gamma and it takes them longer and more courage to approach or chase a woman. But Alpha men? If I identify you as a strong confident man then I give you no leway. You need to chase me like a puma :laugh:

Unfortunately nowadays alpha men have so many women to chose from that they want to be chased especially if they re good looking.
Last time I was at church, a guy crossed an aisle and made a beeline for me during the "meet your neighbor" part of worship, and I instantly thought about this thread. Unfortunately, he had a weird limpish handshake that was a total turn off.
Last time I was at church, a guy crossed an aisle and made a beeline for me during the "meet your neighbor" part of worship, and I instantly thought about this thread. Unfortunately, he had a weird limpish handshake that was a total turn off.


Yeah I hate that too.
Yeah there's a guy at work who I can tell likes me. He talks in a high pitch voice. *shudder* I too prefer alpha males but I ain't chasing them.
Which in my opinion only boils down to one thing: He's just not that into you. :look: Perhaps I've watched that movie one too many times. I think we as women tend to give men too many excuses.

:yep: I think I truly realized this after meeting my bestie. She has a certain something that drives men wild. I've seen dudes of all races, ages, personality types, etc. drop everything to speak to her. Offer her assistance, confess their undying love, and all that :lol: within seconds of meeting her. Men don't need excuses when they really, really want you.
:yep: I think I truly realized this after meeting my bestie. She has a certain something that drives men wild. I've seen dudes of all races, ages, personality types, etc. drop everything to speak to her. Offer her assistance, confess their undying love, and all that :lol: within seconds of meeting her. Men don't need excuses when they really, really want you.

How does she look and dress? I guessing it's very feminine with her hair down? What size and height is she?
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How does she look and dress? I guessing it's very feminine with her hair down? What size and height is she?

:lol: Not at all. She doesn't wear dresses, makeup, and has more of a tomboy-ish, indie vibe. She doesn't make LHCF-sense of what an "it" girl should be. She's petite with some junk in a trunk, depending on if she's heavier. She looks like Lisa Bonet.
Do women think they have to be "that girl" to attract guys? :perplexed: Not every guy wants a high maintenance woman.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
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:lol: Not at all. She doesn't wear dresses, makeup, and has more of a tomboy-ish, indie vibe. She doesn't make LHCF-sense of what an "it" girl should be. She's petite with some junk in a trunk, depending on if she's heavier. She looks like Lisa Bonet.

Hmmm this is interesting. Does she smile a lot?
:yep: I think I truly realized this after meeting my bestie. She has a certain something that drives men wild. I've seen dudes of all races, ages, personality types, etc. drop everything to speak to her. Offer her assistance, confess their undying love, and all that :lol: within seconds of meeting her. Men don't need excuses when they really, really want you.

My cousin is like this. It's funny. :lol:
i dont think so. i have a lot of random conversations with men and im always like, are you flirting with me or why are you talking to me? and 9 times out of 10, the conversation ends like "ok bye!" so i guess it just depends on the type of guy. these are non black men mostly.
I deal with so many men on a daily basis if all of the ones who make small talk with me like me ,I m the most attractive woman ever.lol
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:lol: Not at all. She doesn't wear dresses, makeup, and has more of a tomboy-ish, indie vibe. She doesn't make LHCF-sense of what an "it" girl should be. She's petite with some junk in a trunk, depending on if she's heavier. She looks like Lisa Bonet.

That's enough. :lachen:
i dont think so. i have a lot of random conversations with men and im always like, are you flirting with me or why are you talking to me? and 9 times out of 10, the conversation ends like "ok bye!" so i guess it just depends on the type of guy. these are non black men mostly.

THIS. Which is why I tell myself that they are just being friendly. If he was interested he would make it known. Or if I'm on friendly terms with them I tell them point blank that I'm oblivious and a man would have to tell me directly that he's interested. Too many heartbreaks from thinking otherwise.
Einh, I kinda agree with they are physically attracted to you. I did a personal survey lol and most men said the same.
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:yep: I think I truly realized this after meeting my bestie. She has a certain something that drives men wild. I've seen dudes of all races, ages, personality types, etc. drop everything to speak to her. Offer her assistance, confess their undying love, and all that :lol: within seconds of meeting her. Men don't need excuses when they really, really want you.


I know this is an older thread Lol :lol: ....but does your friend strike up random conversations with people or smile a lot and seem VERY approachable???

That could also be it....if she's not what most would consider "attractive".
Do women think they have to be "that girl" to attract guys? :perplexed: Not every guy wants a high maintenance woman.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.

I agree! I let men know that I'm high maintenance from the get go. However, I think that they know what they are getting into when they approach me :look::lol:.

I think that a lot of men want a high maintenance woman but are either afraid to admit it or don't know how to go about getting one.
Bold is true but how often do you just have random extended convos with strangers? Most people don't do that honestly from what I see or else there wouldnt be don't tell me not to smile campaigns :lol:

I don't think I came back into this thread because I was smh at the naivety of the title. Anyway, yes I am a social person and I love to talk with both men and women especially when I realise that we have common interests or they are high powered and/or successful and I want to bounce ideas off of them.

And I'm still getting this problem. I met a guy in a prayer group and now he's sending me these winks over social media. I spoke to him because I liked his calm unassuming demeanour + I'm interested in his industry. I hope dude doesn't think I was flirting because I spoke to him