“i Think He May Actually Be Crazy..”

lust for life


One of my closest friends started talking/dating this guy off and on about a year ago. Long story short, he’s crazy AF.

He’s been crazy AF.

I told her multiple times that he was crazy AF.

He would call / facetime her multiple times a day – I’m talking 10 -15 times. Sometimes she would engage him w/ convo, other times she’d ignore him.

He was super needy and clingy the whole time. They were casually dating and he’d get pissed when she’d talk / date other guys.

Overall, she didn’t do a great job at establishing boundaries. She slowly fell back on communicating with him. They didn’t talk for a few weeks, she moved to another apartment, forgot about him.

One day, he sends her a text w/ a picture of her old apartment building.


She finally blocked his number.

A few weeks later, he sends her an email. Y’all, he started the email with “ I knew this day would come..” and talked about how he knew she’d block him eventually which is why he asked for her email address a long time ago. CRAZY AF!! She didn’t respond to that email. This morning, he sends her another email asking her why she’s ignoring him.

ETA: Today's email says " Hey you know, I wish you could atleast be mature about it and acknowledge my e-mail. I never did anything bad to you. What Is your reasoning for ignoring me?"

I think she should respond, tell him not to contact her anymore and consider getting a restraining order if he continues.

She doesn’t want to engage with him at all because she thinks it’ll encourage him.

What do y’all think she should do?
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You can't ghost everyone
Some ppl need to be lightly communicated that you no longer wish to get to know them or etc

The police need to see that you made a clear statement communicating that
And oddly they need to have his response on file as well

It's not always safe to ghost ppl.

This situation sounds disturbing on various levels.

Be safe.
This situation sounds disturbing on various levels.

Be safe.
He would call / facetime her multiple times a day – I’m talking 10 -15 times.
One day, he sends her a text w/ a picture of her old apartment building.
Y’all, he started the email with “ I knew this day would come..”
Need we say more?
And even if he isn't harmful, who wants to be bothered with this BS? Like really!
You can't ghost everyone
Some ppl need to be lightly communicated that you no longer wish to get to know them or etc

The police need to see that you made a clear statement communicating that
And oddly they need to have his response on file as well

It's not always safe to ghost ppl.

This situation sounds disturbing on various levels.

Be safe.

This is a seriously informative post. Much thanks Lux. *thumbs up*
I had a similar monkey I had to get off my back so I sent him this and praise God I haven't heard from him since...

Thank you for the kind words and my apologies for not being able to respond, but I should've been totally honest with you when we reconnected Saturday. I just got back with my ex and I want and need to give him 100% of my attention. I hope u can understand and I wish you more love, happiness and prosperity than you have room to store!!

I agree with those upthread that suggest she finesse it and not go completely ghost with no explanation as it could trigger a form of retaliation and u cannot predict crazy.