I like him alot but......


Well-Known Member
He sucks in bed, he cant kiss and no foreplay. I like this man he is so wonderful. He has all the qualities that I have been waiting for but, I dont know if I want to have to school him on the How To's.....
:bighug: Have you mentioned anything to him? If you like him a lot, don't you think it's worth it to school him? Now if he's not a receptive student, that's another story... :look:
I'd school him.

All the internal aspects that make him right can't be taught to someone.

How to blow your mind in bed on a regular basis, on the other hand, can definitely be taught - esp. if he's a willing and eager student. :lick:
I guess I am too old to have the desire to school somebody in that area hahahaha..I don't know how old you are but 30 years old would be my cut off and that is pushing it...if you don't know what to do by then I aint got nothing for ya...maybe his other qualities do out weigh this so if you have the energy and patience to school him then go for it.
He sucks in bed, he cant kiss and no foreplay. I like this man he is so wonderful. He has all the qualities that I have been waiting for but, I dont know if I want to have to school him on the How To's.....
Be careful... he just might have a "wifey" or "main chick" that he's giving all the good sex, kissing, and foreplay to.
girl it will be fun teaching him from kindergarden to now lol good luck cause you surely have work on your hands
He sucks in bed, he cant kiss and no foreplay. I like this man he is so wonderful. He has all the qualities that I have been waiting for but, I dont know if I want to have to school him on the How To's.....

Wow! I really don't understand how you ended up in bed with this guy in the first place.

If you knew he was a bad kisser, why would you let things progress to actual sex?

And then how can he be so "wonderful" yet not worth your sex-teaching time?

If you really care about him, be a woman, rock his world and teach him how to love you the way you like. :)
I'd school him.

All the internal aspects that make him right can't be taught to someone.

How to blow your mind in bed on a regular basis, on the other hand, can definitely be taught - esp. if he's a willing and eager student. :lick:

Thanks for offering this perspective. I was about ready to tell her to leave dude. Me having to teach the mere basics, is a HUGE turn off for me. I mean you don't have ANYTHING redeeming about your coloring game... Imma have to defer to someone else.
OP, I agree with Frisky. If he is not relatively new to sex and he sucks, I'd make like a tree and leave. If you don't want to leave, you can show him. Play a little game where you show him what you like on him and have him copy what you just did.
imo since he's such a great person in all other aspects i think you should try to work with him and then if that doesn't work then maybe you can think about making like a tree
Be careful. He might be saying the same things about you. :look:

If you like him, like him enough to show him how to please you. Contrary to popular belief, experience isn't necessarily the best teacher with a new partner. You have to get into THEIR body, THEIR likes and THEIR dislikes, THEIR erogenous zones and THEIR hot buttons. It really is different for everybody.
Ladies, thank you! I have been ingoc for a minute, I mentioned it....very nice I didnt say that he was awful or implied that he was. I explained that foreplay was missing and he was like "Yeah, I am going to have to work on that".....So we are in the beginning stages.....to be continued.....

On another note, someone mentioned how did we get from awful kissing to the sac....well I attributed it initally to him being nervous or someone that didnt like to kiss (that would have been a problem) so I have been asking him to relax his mouth, let me kiss him.....he caught on to that rather quickly so I think that we will be able to have classes on coloring in the lines......
Well I'm glad you kinda got it out in the open and he is willing to work on the issues. There is HOPE!
i test out the sex before i get in too deep to make sure i wont be disappointed and then too head over the hills to leave :look:
He sucks in bed, he cant kiss and no foreplay. I like this man he is so wonderful. He has all the qualities that I have been waiting for but, I dont know if I want to have to school him on the How To's.....

Is this man you speak of a gynecologist? He sounds like my ex. :lachen: You would think someone that knew all about lady parts would rock ya world. :nono: I was hurt, disappointed….just freakin amazed. It was a deal breaker for me.

I dunno gurl. You can try to work with him but be prepared for some frustrations and don't expect a miracle!
Jesus. There's ALWAYS one.
Ladies, while we should NEVER close our eyes off to the potential possiblility that there could be someone else...

NOT EVERY SITUATION means a man is cheating.:lachen:

OP: "Why won't my man wash the dishes/start dinner when he gets to work an hour before I do?"
The one: "An entire hour and won't get the pot going? Girl, you know he must be out there chef-ing it up for another woman..."

OP: My husband snores at night. How do I get him to stop?
The one: Honestly, you need to take into consideration that he may just be tired to the point of snoring because his side piece has him THAT worn out..

However, if a situation is like this:

OP: My SO and I used to have amazing sex EVERY NIGHT....and now he hasn't touched me in weeks...I wake up in the middle of the night and he's gone and won't answer his phone but always gets defensive and says I'm "hounding him"....what's going ON?

THEN I can say put two and two together for that obvious reasoning( though not as in your face as finding condom wrappers or panties not your size) as to why he may be stepping out! But if he sucks in bed, better believe it: most men are prideful and would make sure they do their BEST for a side piece/jump off.

OP...if you have a good man, please keep him. Discuss what's going on (in a way that won't hurt his feelings) and show him what you like.