I happened to me ....I need advices

It happened to me ....I need advices

Hi ladies,
I really need some help and advices because Im in a sticky situation and I really don't know what to do...But first of all please don't throw stones at me ...cause I feel so so sad for all that stuff.
And secondly, Im not an english speaker so my grammar could be incorrect by times..
So all begin 3 years ago, I was single and I had a new colleague really nice and friendly in my office.
We first had professional relationship but after some months I felt that he was interested so I try to be receptive to his seduction tries. We started to go out together (without sex..just talk, have dinner...) But this was until he said something like : "my wife spend a lot of time calling her friend"...I was like : "MY WIFE", he got a wife....:blush::nono:…he also confessed that he had a child..
So I immediatly told him that we should stop being together it’s not right….And I also told him that he should have told me ….After that he gave me the lyrics : my wife doesn’t love me and she doesn’t want me to touch her it without explanations…blab la bla…Im sorry but for the first time after 2 years I feel good and it’s thanks to you …blab la bla.
So I asked him to try to talk to her to understand why she is acting like this.
I also tried to avoid him as much as possible…But after some days he came back to me saying that he told his wife that he was interested by someone else but that he wants to fix things with her…and she answered : “ok actually Im really happy for you because every night I pray and ask god to find you someone else that could make you happy “ ….I was doudbtful at first but I must confess that he was very persuasive : he left home and took an apartement, he told everybody that he was separated …So I gave in…I accepted to date with him…
Some weeks later we went to the cinema together…and we met her….. she stared at me with a wicked smile and said nothing.. So I told him r that If his wife is trying to go back to you im out bybye cause there is no way I could fight with her and I left the cinema …the next morning I got a call from her : she told me that I really have to stay with him because he will be unhappy and that with time she had no feelings for him anymore and wanted a divorce…..yes she told me those words !!!
So we continue to date in public..at the office we were like a real couple...they both call a lawyer for the divorce….. But one year passed and no paper was signed…He told me that he need time because of his child….so I said ok….His wife also at that time seemed to be in a hurry to get divorce (regarding the way she acted not because he told me so)…..
But some days ago his wife called him on the phone and confessed that during all that time , longtime before he met me she had a secret lover and that’s why she didn’t want him to touch her…And that she realized that that guy was bad… she said she was really sorry that she had cheated and that she finally understood that he was the man of her life and that she still loved him.
Last week she told me that she is sorry but she really wants to become his wife again ….. she started talking about god (for the first time)and said that I can’t stay and destroy her marriage…..
I swear that if she had told me that words when we first met I would have run away ……but now it’s so unbelievable after all the things she said, after all the things she allowed us to do she wants me to leave because HER SECRET LOVER LEFT HER !!!!!!!!

He doesn’t want to go back to his wife now he told so in front of his wife and in front of me…but now she is trying to change his mind using their daughter (5 years old)….What do you think ? Should I leave ?
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This is crazy! Why would you want to live a drama filled life with this man? Is it truly worth it?
Yes, it is in your best interest to leave. I understand that this isn't your typical "dating a married man" scenario. However, married men (separated or not) should not be entertained, in all honesty. Run as quickly and far as possible. :roadrunner:
Run as far away as you can. This is too much drama. They have a child together so she will always be in the picture bothering you.
Yes you should leave. I know over time you may have gotten feelings for dude even love him. But why the heck would you want to be involved with a sloppy situation like that? Find someone who is single and worth your time. I don't care what the wife was doing they are MARRIED! Walk away with your dignity and life in tact.
You need to leave. He didn't get the divorce when the wife wanted and now the wife doesn't want a divorced and that just makes it more complicated. And they still have a 5 year old involved. You are going to spend years of your life waiting for them to go around in circles.

In order to walk away though you will have to cut all ties. You can't leave and then continue to carry on conversations. He is going to persuade you to stay and your feelings for him will make that too complicated. He will always have an answer for all of your concerns. But unless he puts some divorce papers in your hand, you have nothing.
OP This Man You're Dating Is Someone's Husband. If He Wanted To Divorce His Wife He Would Have Put Them Papers In.
Do Yourself A Favor And Leave.
Yes you should leave. I know over time you may have gotten feelings for dude even love him. But why the heck would you want to be involved with a sloppy situation like that? Find someone who is single and worth your time. I don't care what the wife was doing they are MARRIED! Walk away with your dignity and life in tact.

Actually, as I said the situation seemed to be on my favour...she nearly made everything to let me think that she will leave and that she is happy to do so. She even called me on the phone to prevent me from leaving him...because she dosen't love him like a wife should she said she loved him like sister and brother...And that's why I stayed....But now there is no way I could make plan with him......the problem is that during all that time my feelings get stronger...and now im devastated...Because I know that Im the one that should leave.
You should leave. If he really wants to be with you he will come after you and with divorce papers in hand. Take this as a lesson learned not to get involved in these type of messy situations in the future also.
I'm gonna try to be nice here....

Stop being his fool! There are so many things wrong with this story...you knew this man for a few months before he mentioned a wife and child? RED FLAG! He's still ain't devorced? ANOTHER RED FLAG! Who gives a sh!t why they seperated, she wants her hubby back & they're still married...let her have his raggedy a$$! It sounds to me like hes using you to fill that void of not having his wife. If he wanted you he would have signed papers a long time ago. Girl walk away with your head held high, youll find a better SINGLE man.
Do you know why the divorce wasn't sorted out for a whole year?

If he didn't seem keen to sign the papers and also wifey has changed her mind about the marriage rules then you have no choice but to leave.
If you want to stay with him, you should break up with him and tell him he can call you once his divorce is final. As long as the divorce is not final, he is not yours.
Do you know why the divorce wasn't sorted out for a whole year?

If he didn't seem keen to sign the papers and also wifey has changed her mind about the marriage rules then you have no choice but to leave.

Actually, he was afraid about the child custody because he loves his daughter. he told me that he need to be accustomed to the fact that he couldn't see her everyday so I didn't want to rush things...
Yes and I really need you lhcf ladies to give me a push to do the right thing..

If you don't leave, I think the best case scenario is that he leaves you in the next few months. The worse case scenario, is he talks his game for the next 5 years while you wait and wait and wait. Either way you will continue to lose in this situation. The question is how long do you want to suffer? You can do it quick or you can make it long and painful.
Op... What exactly were you expecting from this guy? He doesn't even sound like a good catch. Best case scenario....


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Wow. I know it's hard because you love this man. But you have to realize that, other than what the other ladies have already mentioned, because there is a child involved ... This woman will ALWAYS be a part of your life. She will spit the dummy and make your life difficult because she can't have what she wants.

She's very selfish, but you also should never have gotten together with him while he was married.

Its really a question about whether you could possibly put up with the drama for the rest of your life.
Actually, as I said the situation seemed to be on my favour...she nearly made everything to let me think that she will leave and that she is happy to do so. She even called me on the phone to prevent me from leaving him...because she dosen't love him like a wife should she said she loved him like sister and brother...And that's why I stayed....But now there is no way I could make plan with him......the problem is that during all that time my feelings get stronger...and now im devastated...Because I know that Im the one that should leave.
He played with your heart, now she's playing with your head. With all the head games this will never be a healthy relationship between the three of you. Gather up the strength to walk away. You'll be thankful you did.
I'm sorry but are you serious?
You are dead wrong and have, in fact, reaped what you've sown.

He is a MARRIED man with a small child.

No sympathy here.
Leave. Let him go. Both him and his wife are playing around...they are still married and deserve each other. I doubt he stopped loving her she was turning him away.

You should run far away from that mess. Find a truly single man and your feelings with fade. Honestly I wouldn't want the guy in that situation if he went and got divorced tomorrow.
OP, I don't know you personally but you come off as very nice and naive. This man appears to be taking advantage of that. This is a messy situation and he needs to sort it out without having you as his cake on the side. I know you have developed feelings for him but you deserve better than to be put in the middle of this.