I Double-dare YOU to take the 7 day V-challenge!

i cant tell if my hair is soft, it just feels greasy, is anyone else experiencing this?

i applied vaseline yesterday am after washing hair in shower and pulled into a bun. When i got home that night it felt REALLY greasy, i just put one big braid in my hair and wrapped in a scarf for the night.

This am i noticed my hair was still really greasy so I did a condition wash to get some out and pulled back into one big braid again for the day. How do I know if its working if it just feels greasy.
Sounds like you're doing it right, babyblue. Greasy is the point, as it seals in the moisture. I'm washing my hair once a week lately. I only take my hair down each morning to put Surge on the scalp. If then ends are dry, I spray water on them and coat them with vaseline. Back up in the bun it goes. I'll be greasy all week til my next CO wash.
I'm starting late on this challenge because I got lazy and bought Blue Magic Coconut grease which is mainly petroleum but I got hard hair from it which usually breaks my ends SO I went a bought a tub of vaseline and giving it a try
Leejure, what a wonderful challenge you have started!
I am happy to see so many reaping the benefits of a product that I have been using for years on the few occasions that I experience extremely dry ends
And I can testify that (for me) nothing works better!
I went to the doctor yesterday for my annual checkup. It was to see my gyno so you know how you have to lie back on that tissue paper that they use to cover the chair? well, when I got up to get dressed, I noticed this huge grease spot where my head was. It reminded me of the movie "Coming To America". You remember the "let your soul glow" activator..... Well,at first I was feeling a little embarrassed but then I got over it. I said to myself, "forget them, I'm growing my hair out".
Well this is day 7 of my challenge. I am sitting at my desk with a watered down, wildgrowth hair oiled, vaselined 2 scrunchie bun. I am going to wash my hair today, but my ends are in good shape. Still soft, not hard, and moist.

I think I've found another product to include in my regimen. I haven't retained any length yet, but I will keep this up for 2 months. 12/7 will be my first measure in and 1/7 will be my second. I'm doing two months so I can see if the week I didn't do the challenge made any type of difference. I do like the results though.

And to think when I heard people say they used to use vaseline the first thing that came to mind was greasy hard hair. I was wrong.
Skeeg, I am with you on that. I took a section of my hair and ran the ends across my cheek and my ends were so so very soft. I think I will continue to do this for a while. Well as long as I am on the bun challenge. It's a keeper for me.
tasha said:
Just wanted to tell you that the picture of your hair in your avatar looks great!

[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks so mcuh Tasha but it's not my hair. It's my daughter's hair. I am so very sure I will be there soon enough. I have her to look up to for inspiration. so that's a good thing!
Well, I've did the vaseline thing all week and it went really well! I'm convinced, this is definately going to be a life saver (my 'ends' saver) for the winter.

I have known about this method (from Adrienne) for almost 2 years from lurking the hair boards but I was too skeptical to try it, and now I feel really

I think the key is to use lighter amounts of your leave ins and oils (for me thats giovanni leave in or a little humectress and jojoba oil) on fairly damp/wet hair (when I didn't rinse in shower, I ran water over my ponytail in the sink). While its air drying I found that it was 100 times better if I had a silk scarf over it. I found that my hair had to be rinsed completely at least every two days. And, one day I tried the cheapo grease, and I experienced stiff ends, but with pure petroleum jelly it was soft.
Leejure thanks for 'daring' me to try this!!
I am going to retry this on damp hair next week. My hair was fairly moist but it doesn't seem like anything to rave about. I think that I might have better results if I do it on damp hair as opposed to straight out of the shower. I will report back next week.
Well I tried the challenge for 7 days and I must say that I got better results with the olive oil and baggie technique. My ends were soft though! I thik I just prefer the EVOO to vaseline.
That I will do, now im bored it seems, Im running out of challenges to do

Someone PLEASE think of another challenge!
Babygurl said:
That I will do, now im bored it seems, Im running out of challenges to do

Someone PLEASE think of another challenge!

[/ QUOTE ]

girrrrl, you can join one of the other ones. lemme go get yo behind a big jug of water!!!
Five days into the challenge, and I must say Awesome
My hair was a bit hard at first using the world of curls so the next night after condition wash, I left a decent amount of conditioner in (honey & almond); I then poured some surge in. I also replace the top with a pour spout to apply the surge. I squeezed out the excess water, then took a GIANT glob of pure white petroleum jelly and applied to the ends of my hair.its Great..My hair really is softer but what amazed me has No breakage! I'm also a bit ticked bc I didnt have any previous or any pics..my hair has really changed in this short amount of time...Thank everyone on the board for the info

Five days into the challenge, and I must say Awesome
My hair was a bit hard at first using the world of curls so the next night after condition wash, I left a decent amount of conditioner in (honey & almond); I then poured some surge in. I also replace the top with a pour spout to apply the surge. I squeezed out the excess water, then took a GIANT glob of pure white petroleum jelly and applied to the ends of my hair.its Great..My hair really is softer but what amazed me has No breakage! I'm also a bit ticked bc I didnt have any previous or any pics..my hair has really changed in this short amount of time...Thanks to everyone on the board for the info

adrienne0914 said:
Babygurl said:
That I will do, now im bored it seems, Im running out of challenges to do

Someone PLEASE think of another challenge!

[/ QUOTE ]

girrrrl, you can join one of the other ones. lemme go get yo behind a big jug of water!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Girl please
Im already doing the hydrochallenge and have the enlarged bladder to prove it!!!
Well, I enjoyed my 7 days (I'm over 7 days now) and my ends are definitely softer and stronger. It may be my imagination but my hair looks longer too. I like the idea of being able to retain my ends, thus retain all of my length. I'm continuing this challenge to see what happens after another week...
This method is working out well for me too. I like it a lot better on damp hair as opposed to dripping wet hair though. My hair is very soft and shiny. Thanks for posting the challenge leejure!!

Okay, reporting back. I started the challenge last Saturday and i have to say that my ends are looking VERY nice and healthy
not only that, but wearing my hair in a bun (saving my life this bun is
)has left it with a very pretty wavy curl when i take the bun out(which i do maybe 1 or 2 times a week at home). all i do is comb thru gently with a widetooth comb and my hair looks Really cute!!!
I LOVE IT. I skipped adding more vaseline to my ends and will be adding more today after i wash my hair. The amount i put in last saturday had some staying power
so i will be adding vaseline to my ends once a week after i wash my hair then make my bun. I really love this. Even when i go the the gym i have great hair
Thanks again, this is awesome...yes i said awesome---jainygirl
Has anyone found a good way to keep the vaseline from other parts of your hair? I really don't want all of my hair to be greasy or look greasy, just my ends. It's not a big problem but somehow, I seem to be getting it everywhere.
jainygirl u have such beautiful long thick hair!!!! I'm loving those ends too. Do u trim? How often? Other than the vaseline, what else is in ur regimen???
Please share. Simply Beautiful!!!

Leejure, I tried the 'reverse' vaseline method where u put the vaseline on then run warm water over the hair... it worked pretty well. It smoothed the vaseline better and washed the excess out. I Will be putting this method to more use on bun days. Thank u!
this was my first challenge on this board and i'm glad that i didn't quit but i'm not that impressed by the results.
maybe this trick isn't for gals with fine hair (i think i have hairtype 2)