I Propose A Vaseline-Sealing Challenge


Well-Known Member
Whose with me :look:? This would probably be very beneficial to naturals and maybe even texlaxers who have trouble retaining moisture and deal with split ends, especially if you are mainly protective styling. As of now I use Chicoro's method for washing and conditioning (washing in braids, take down, apply conditioner, rinse while in braids, apply leave-in/light oil/vaseline, rebraid). Since its cold up here, I'm taking of advantage by keeping my hair protected underneath my wig while in the braids. I take them down every couple of days to apply MT to my scalp, remove shed hair and moisturize. Thus far I have NO signs of breakage or split ends! Only shed hair which I thought would be impossible for me :drunk:. I'll post my updates probably in January to see if I retain any growth with the MT/Vaseline-sealing combo :yep::yep:
NO way man. Vaseline is death to hair.

I am totally JOKING!!!!!!

I dunno if I am in with this - but - I may go for the unpetroleum that I have.... :grin:
I'm thinking about it and the wash and braid method too. I have been having a ton breakage. My New vitamin reggie seems to be helping a little bit. I definitely think the braids and the vaseline sealing would help even further. I just need to learn how to cornrow.
I will join you! But I will need details. I read the current vaseline thread and from what I saw you just wash and apply vaseline after you wash, right?
I'm thinking about it and the wash and braid method too. I have been having a ton breakage. My New vitamin reggie seems to be helping a little bit. I definitely think the braids and the vaseline sealing would help even further. I just need to learn how to cornrow.

Oh no, I don't even corn row- I just part my hair in to 6 mrs. celie like braids and that's it. The idea donned on me when in one particular thread, I think either Mdwezi or Billsbacker stated "if I could just wear my hair in 12 ms. celie braids, my hair would flourish":lachen:-and it is. I just pin the hair up underneath, put a do rag (don't like the texture of wig caps), and put a wig on during the day when I go to class, etc
I will join you! But I will need details. I read the current vaseline thread and from what I saw you just wash and apply vaseline after you wash, right?

After I wash and condition my hair, I do the following

- I take down each plait and fingercomb through through
-I add my leave-ins (cantu shea butter leave-in and parneavu for extra dry hair
-I lightly coat my hair with a light oil (organics carrot oil w/ tea tree oil or pure jojoba)
-I detangle once more, and braid the plait back. Then I apply the warmed vaseline down the length of the braid. I also apply it to the base of the braid and around my hair to keep the flyaways at bay. And that's it

This routine takes me all of 15 minutes after I've washed and deep-conditioned
so tempting. I think i will join this after I go and stock up on snoods and scarves. My layers are making it killer to do anything protective without a center part and I have all these fuzzies now so it seems like I've developed a hair halo.

Now what's this non petroleum vaseline I hear about?
I'm in. I just posted in the other thread that I was sorta already doing my own little challenge lol.
I'm in! My hair's always in a bun anyway. Plus I have this big tub of nature's jelly laying around that I need to get rid of. I'll seal err day after I moisturize with 14 in 1 :D
KBL, is their a time frame for the challenge?

I'm going to try your method (Chicoro's).

No, just make sure post your results at 4-6 week intervals. If you want to jump in late, you can just make sure to notify so I can update the list :yep:
i'll bite. i'm not good with challenges....or hair rules in general...but i used it tonight on a whim and my hair is still moisturized. i will moisturize (EVCO, conditioner or baby buttercreme) then seal the ends, but only while my hair is curly cause i do NOT want weighed down hair when it is straightened. i will post my results on the 13th of every month like i have been doing.
Oh no, I don't even corn row- I just part my hair in to 6 mrs. celie like braids and that's it. The idea donned on me when in one particular thread, I think either Mdwezi or Billsbacker stated "if I could just wear my hair in 12 ms. celie braids, my hair would flourish":lachen:-and it is. I just pin the hair up underneath, put a do rag (don't like the texture of wig caps), and put a wig on during the day when I go to class, etc

Yep, that was me that said that. :lachen: Billsbacker totally agreed. Maybe I need to get a wig. I've never worn fake hair like that, though. Hmm, vaseline. Well, I've tried everything else, why not give vaseline a go?! I'll give it a shot at least once. I have a feeling that I'll go back to the castor oil, though. Vaseline is hard to get off and I don't like using sls shampoos often.
I'm in! My hair's always in a bun anyway. Plus I have this big tub of nature's jelly laying around that I need to get rid of. I'll seal err day after I moisturize with 14 in 1 :D
Honestly, you may not need to seal everyday; my natural is very porous and I only have to seal every other day. It works just that well in sealing the moisture in my hair :yep:

Are you sure vaseline is okay for hair? :ohwell:

I would never advise anyone to do anything I haven't done myself or if I feel uncomfortable doing. You can try it for yourself if it suits you :yep:, again I focus only on the ends of my hair and if I have a halo I dab just a little to smooth them down. Again I do NOT recommend using a lot because if it were to build up, I could imagine that it would lock someones hair similar to beeswax. I use low manipulation and generally wash my hair every 4 days. It also makes for very defined braidouts

Mwedzi: I usually purchase wigs similar to my natural texture and I have seen a lot of cute natural/afro style wigs (not the costume kind). I've come to face the fact that i DO NOT like to do a lot to my hair even though it's capable of many styles. My six celie braids are cute to me, my hair is healthy and that suits me just fine, lol
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I've been doing this for years. Got it from Adrienne0914. I put the vaseline on the last 2 inches of my braid..then bun it up. :yep:
This sounds great! I've just spent an hour pouring over Chicoro's fotki so I am so down! I've been sealing with vatika and amla oil, but I think they may be too light. My hair tends to dry out way before the week is out. So how often do we need to clarify? Once a month will do?

As an aside, my cousin once told me she had a breakthrough for her hair. She said it was constantly breaking until she started putting vaseline on the length. I had not seen her in years and her hair was midback when she was telling me this at our reunion. We were kids at the time and I had dry shoulder length hair that just didn't seem to grow, at all. I told my Mom about it and she forbid me to put vaseline on my hair. :ohwell: I'd prolly have Chicoro length hair by now... :drunk:
I did this before (in a baggy) I got from NL to APL in a year. It works.

Off to buy Vaseline!

Whats your growth rate btw?
This challenge sounds great. I remember I was using hollywood beauty castor oil (pretty thick) and I reached my hair goal wayyyy before I expected to. I think any thick sealant will do. Good luck ladies!!
Hey! I wish I could take credit for discovering the vaseline technique. But I got that from two beautiful heads about six years ago, on this board. Leejure and Adrienne. I am not very savvy with the computer but I hope the link below works. It's entitled I double dog dare you to take the V-Challenge. Good luck with your challenge!Let me go bump the thread, too.


Whose with me :look:? This would probably be very beneficial to naturals and maybe even texlaxers who have trouble retaining moisture and deal with split ends, especially if you are mainly protective styling. As of now I use Chicoro's method for washing and conditioning (washing in braids, take down, apply conditioner, rinse while in braids, apply leave-in/light oil/vaseline, rebraid). Since its cold up here, I'm taking of advantage by keeping my hair protected underneath my wig while in the braids. I take them down every couple of days to apply MT to my scalp, remove shed hair and moisturize. Thus far I have NO signs of breakage or split ends! Only shed hair which I thought would be impossible for me :drunk:. I'll post my updates probably in January to see if I retain any growth with the MT/Vaseline-sealing combo :yep::yep:
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Hey! I wish I could take credit for discovering the vaseline technique. But I got that from two beautiful heads about six years ago, on this board. Leejure and Adrienne. I am not very savvy with the computer but I hope the link below works. It's entitled I double dog dare you to take the V-Challenge. Good luck with your challenge!


You have such a BEAUTIFUL head of hair! Beautiful photo, love the bantu knots!:spinning:
I think I have to wait till my TWA grows before I try this challenge. I don't think it will work with my using kinky curl gel anyway.:nono:
Hey! I wish I could take credit for discovering the vaseline technique. But I got that from two beautiful heads about six years ago, on this board. Leejure and Adrienne. I am not very savvy with the computer but I hope the link below works. It's entitled I double dog dare you to take the V-Challenge. Good luck with your challenge!Let me go bump the thread, too.


can you tell me the diff between vaseline, unpetrolium and just using butters to seal you ends?
