
New Member
I'm like "Gosh, ur eight and your hair is so damaged!"

And this is 99% the result of relaxers. It makes me so upset that someone's mother would do that to their daughter's hair and let them walk around like that. I mean hair that looks like a bird has pecked all the edges off...and U can CLEARLY see all the breakage in their little pony-tail, and ain't no long than a thumb. Poor babies...I don't mean to put people down, or offend, but it makes me so mad!

I'm not bashing relaxers, but you cant just put one in and call it a day! You have to take good care of it...

Little girls' hair should always be cared for.

This is just my opinion and I had to vent about it....
some women think that just by putting a relaxer in their babies hair that they are taking good care of it. Remember there are people in the world who beleive that your hair won't grow unless you have relaxer in it.
I know what you mean, Most people's hair can't stand to be bone straight IMO. Most Black American's what their children's hair to be as staight as possible, no matter what the cost.
It breaks my heart to see the little girls hair looking a hot mess and the momma looking like she stepped out of the pages of a black hair magazine.
It makes me sad too. My hair used to be like that too when I was little. My mom didn't know how to handle it I guess.:ohwell: I knew I didn't want my little girl to have to go through that- watching other little girls with thick plush pigtails while mine was barely holding together...with the back all rubbed out. :cry3: In fact, I joined the boards after I realized that I was carrying a girl for that very reason. No child should have to endure that.:nono: My hair improved once I was a little older- but those elementary years were painful.:ohwell:
I saw the same thing, I saw a 4 yr old girl with a relaxer in her head, it was fried damaged and what not, this child no chance ALREADY, SOOO DEPRESSING.
This drives me nuts!!!

My sister in law does this to my niece hair. The only styles she wear is Pony tail with the phony pony's. Or braids in her hair. And she asked me to do her hair the other day. I was so disgusted:mad: !!! I couldnt believe that her hair looked like it has been matted to her head for years. And my niece was trying to tell me how to do her hair. I said honey you cant do side pony tails when you dont have enough hair to reach:confused:
This goes to show you that some mothers have there children doing there own hair because they dont have the patience or just dont care:(

I used all the techniques that I learned here. And her hair caome out so soft and manageable. Then my sister had the nerve to ask me what I do to her hair. I said washed it!!! I see you forgot you had to wash her hair!! She said well all I put in her hair is Gel!! I told her I see thats why she doesnt have much hair because thats all she does. However her and her daughter looking like the matted bad hair twins.

So I understand just dont understand some of these mothers!!!! But when they werent taught what truly do you expect. You would think they wouldnt want their child to go through that mess!!!
A couple of years ago I saw a little girl with badly damaged hair - her sides were almost bald and the hair was broken all over and I am sure that she was not even two - she looked possibly 18 months old.

She is still a baby, leave her be.
I co-sign all of you!

Now I may be alone in this next opinion of mine, but I hate to see kids with extensions, weaves and hair dye. I guess I'm just old fashioned.

My mother didnt know how to take good care of hair but I still managed to always have some. lol
:lol: how did i know this thread had somethin to do with hair that needed to be chopped off way on the forum homepage??

this is even worse on a lil boy's head....

sadly i have had it and so has my daughter...the ex poster children for ''relaxers were not made for u" :lol:
My cousin has three girls 1, 4, and 9 and all their heads look bad. They all have NO hair on the sides. My daughter said "Moma, Cousin ** daughters have such long beautiful hair, I wish I had hair like that." I let her know that that's not their hair, that they naturally have no hair of their own because their mothers has always put weave in their hair.

I also told her not to tease or mention it to anyone or she knows what will happen.

My daughter's (who's 5 year's old) hair very beautiful and long, but most of the black girl's at her school wears weave in their hair.
dlewis said:
My daughter's (who's 5 year's old) hair very beautiful and long, but most of the black girl's at her school wears weave in their hair.


That's deep.
dlewis said:
My cousin has three girls 1, 4, and 9 and all their heads look bad. They all have NO hair on the sides. My daughter said "Moma, Cousin ** daughters have such long beautiful hair, I wish I had hair like that." I let her know that that's not their hair, that they naturally have no hair of their own because their mothers has always put weave in their hair.

I also told her not to tease or mention it to anyone or she knows what will happen.

My daughter's (who's 5 year's old) hair very beautiful and long, but most of the black girl's at her school wears weave in their hair.

Wow:eek: . Im suprised I have never heard of children that young wearing weaves. As the saying goes, we learn something new almost everyday.
I have heard of children that young wearing hair weaves I mean something besides braid extension or the occasional phony pony.
Pam Pam said:

That's deep.

YES REALLY, since my daughter was very little she has wanted to wear weave because she sees everyone else do it. I have done everything I can to discourage her by pointing out how long and beautiful her hair is and how damaged the girls who wear weaves hair is. And finally she loves her hair, color, texture, and length.
Elementary school kids wearing WEAVE?! :ill:

And I thought *I* looked stupid back in the 80's with my black and white beads with aluminum foil on the ends! :eek:
Try seeing it on a daily basis in the classroom. I work with some little girls whose hair is SCREAMING for some TLC! There are days I want to have a sit down with them and teach them the right way to take care of their hair. I have seen extremely fried ends, some losing hair at the temples (and do whatever it takes to cover it up), bad weaves, and tight as heck braids.

And it is quite ironic that this thread came about, I was lining my students up to switch classes, and one little girl "Tammy" (who is thinning at the temples) says to "Gina" your ends are nappy, you don't perm your ends. I was floored and immediately jumped in and said, "You are not supposed to put perm (since they don't know the difference between that and a relaxer) on your entire hair, that's how it breaks." She was surprised but went about her normal routine. So there is a lot of work to be done with the elementary school aged girls. I have tried, but I don't think they are willing to give certain things a try. Oh well...
and sadly i was one of those children, still am at 21, if it wasn't for lhcf, i would have had at least three relaxers in my hair by now, washed maybe once a week if lucky and maybe a little infusium 23 and hair mayonaise. it's all about knowledge and most of us worldwide haven't been imparted with the proper knowledge.
MizAvalon said:
Elementary school kids wearing WEAVE?! :ill:

And I thought *I* looked stupid back in the 80's with my black and white beads with aluminum foil on the ends! :eek:

Watchu talkin bout Willis? I loved those beads with the foil on the ends!:lachen:They used to dangle really long and my cousin and I would act like they were worms, all colorful.

But I can't believe mothers are letting their child wear weaves so early?!:mad: Five years old? Co'mon now. Don't you think to ever break the cycle? Obviously what you've been doing to your head doesn't work!!!! Don't do it to the babies!!
ITA with what everyone else said

I absolutely abhor seeing small children with weave, thinning edges, hair all pulled out-looking crazy, hair color and relaxers too top it all off, while mom is looking like she is walking down the catwalk. It is truly unbelieveable- you would think they would pick up a book on go on the internet and find out how to care for their hair as well as their child's hair.
carameldiva said:
ITA with what everyone else said

I absolutely abhor seeing small children with weave, thinning edges, hair all pulled out-looking crazy, hair color and relaxers too top it all off, while mom is looking like she is walking down the catwalk. It is truly unbelieveable- you would think they would pick up a book on go on the internet and find out how to care for their hair as well as their child's hair.

Some people aren't "smart" enough to pick up a book and some people might not have the internet.
You don't have to be smart to know if your child's head is damn near bald, you need to find out what to do better/different or at the very least stop doing what you're doing or taking them where you're taking them. And all these libraries around here that will let you surf the internet for free...No excuse. They're not ignorant, just d@mn lazy. Start caring more about the life you brought to this earth and its well-being more than yourself or better yet, how nice or jacked up somebody else's hair looks. Be RESPONSIBLE. That will get you 90% of the way there. Just a thought.:look:
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I was in the bookstore the other day, and this little girl, about 8, came up and tugged on my shirt.
She told me my hair was pretty, she liked how it hung down.
You all, I almost cried...this poor little sweetheart had hardly any hair on the sides, and a scraggly short thin ponytail in the back.
I told her she could have hair like mine, if she took good care of her hair.
She nodded and walked back to her mom, who gave me THE LOOK...you know the one.
She didn't have any hair either.
It makes me so mad to see people not taking care of their child's hair!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
This makes me sooo sad. It reminds me of a little girl at my church. She had gorgeous natural, long and thick hair which her mother didn't really do much with... I saw her a few months later and her hair was relaxed and broken off to above shoulder length, all uneven.

I'm not against relaxers or anything, but if parents decide to put those chemicals in they really have to be diligent about making sure the hair is cared for... I think that little girl was too young anyway...
I can't believe children get weaves!
I've seen girls with relaxers though. I also remember seeing a girl about 9 with highlights, was pretty disgusted by that.
Ugh, I was thinking about this today. My niece(SIL's lil one) is 4 and sad to say her mother neglects her hair to no end. Here's the kicker her mother NEVER misses her weekly salon appt.:eek:
Things are different since when I grew up. My mother wouldn't even allow a relaxer to touch my sisters and my hair. It was also good that we had a beautician who wouldn't relax my hair. I didn't get a relaxer until my 20s.
WomanlyCharm said:
I was in the bookstore the other day, and this little girl, about 8, came up and tugged on my shirt.
She told me my hair was pretty, she liked how it hung down.
You all, I almost cried...this poor little sweetheart had hardly any hair on the sides, and a scraggly short thin ponytail in the back.
I told her she could have hair like mine, if she took good care of her hair.
She nodded and walked back to her mom, who gave me THE LOOK...you know the one.
She didn't have any hair either.
It makes me so mad to see people not taking care of their child's hair!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Aww, that is such a sweet story. Poor little dear will probably grow up thinking that she can't have hair like that.:(