Well-Known Member
I have almost given up on my hair. I was getting encouraged because it was growing (so it seemed) but I think there may be such thing as "bad hair" . I don't have any problem with the texture of my hair. I just can't do anything with it and never have been. I feel so dependent on weaves and wigs it's so depressing I feel as though my hair is a curse. It makes me feel bad that I can't wear my real hair out in public. And I'm too embarrassed to let my boyfriend see it. I just feel like my hair controls me and there is nothing I can do about it. Even when I try to style it cute it's just not possible. It just shrinks up and gets dry and matted looking. It's just gotten worse as its gotten longer. I just feel like there is no hope. I hate my mom ever put a relaxer in my head. I feel like years of relaxers have just damaged my hair to the point that it's unmanageable. Sorry. Just needed to vent!