I am so excited


New Member
:grin:My honey and I decided a month or two ago that we wanted to be married and set a date. We've haven't been dating long, but soon after we were both baptized, really understood that we were made for eachother and don't believe in placing timeframes on US to please society.
Anyway, we have our license and date, but I didn't yet have an engagement ring. He said that eventhough we both know this is what we want that I still deserve to be proposed to. So he had me a few weeks ago show him the types of rings/ring stlyes, cuts etc that I like. He told me that sometime between then and our wedding date, that he would propose but of course, I didn't know when that would be.
Ok, so this morning, I go out to my car for work and notice there's something under my windsheild wiper... I panick. I think it's a ticket!!! (I've been parking under a no parking sign for years but have never gotten caught :lol:) Anyway, as I get closer, I realize that it's a letter and it reads:

Dear Caramela,

Today I need you to take care of you personal business at work. I don’t want you to come into the house after work. We are going out. I made restaurant reservations for this evening. I thought maybe we could take a walk around the mall or something first. (My son's name) is staying with your mom for the night. Love you and please agree to the terms.



P.S Have a good day at work!!!

Don't want to get too excited but I can't help it. I think that he is going to propose tonight.

Oh, and he just sent me an email asking if I could go to his mom's after work and wait for him there because he doesn't want me to come home after work.....
You got me excited! I hope this is it for you, as well!!! Sounds like it could be! He sure sounds like a sweetie. Best wishes to you.
Girl I'm excited for you. You know you have to give us a full report tomorrow after everything goes down right.
Congrats girlie! I would be excited too! :yay:
I bet u are sitting at your desk praying the clock moves faster:boredwrk:

so you can...:driver: to your SO. LOL

Make sure to relax and take everything in.



Congrats again and enjoy your night!:grin:
:yay:[size=+1] Now I'm excited. Congratulations to you both. Finding love is a wonderful thing.

Keep us posted.....we wanna know 'erythang' :grin:
awwww!!! too sweeeeettt!!
I'm justa grinnin....as if that note was on MY car!! :grin: LOL!!!

Keep us in the loop and have a GREAT evening!!! :)
Girl I am over here grinning like he is about to propose to me:lachen:

Anyway, I am happy for the both of you and we want a full run down of how everything went! And we want some pictures! lol:grin:
I'm running around the house acting a fool and the cats are like "wha' da hell's wrong with her?"


I'm so excited!!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping::yay::yay::yay: