How Would You Feel About Your So/husband Describing You As...

Would you like to be referred to as a Plain Jane?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • No

    Votes: 80 98.8%

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Hmm...i don't think id like being referred to as the "girl next door" lol but yea plain jane doesn't bother me.

Girl next door-i think safe, familiar, boring. Plan jane I think strictly bells and whistles in appearance
It would not occur to me to take this as an insult. I don't think "ugly" when I think plain jane. I just think...plain/not glamorous. Which is not insulting to me.
This completely!!!

And to add (just because I had a convo about this last night after I posted), I have been told many times I look "safe" and "boring" and people get the shock of their lives when they realize I am everything but. That is why I wouldn't take offense. Actually, one of the current guys I am dating has told me that when he first saw my picture, he thought I was cute but boring. He admitted it a few months later on and told me that I am one of those people that shouldn't be judged by their cover. At first I was offended because he used the word BORING, but then I took a look at my pictures compared to other women online...
I am fully covered up. My backgrounds are boring. I don't wear makeup nor have a seductive poses (a$$ shots, etc.). I am really "Plain Jane". When we met, he was pleasantly surprised and now he reminds me how beautiful of a person I am (outside and inside). So I cut him some slack on the boring.

Whomever takes a chance to see how boring I am (and makes it past the phone screening) to meet me, they are like "your pictures do you no justice". I have an a$$ that has its own zip code, a tiny frame, a fire cracker personality, sexy eyes and DSLs. My jokes are corny in the "cute and funny" way and I have a soothing soul. I am often told, I am the type of person a guy could relax and be himself with because I talk about off-the-wall, thinking topics and play video games while talking $hit. A lot of people don't get that far with me because they write me off before getting to know me, men and women. Which is OK because I am an introvert and like small circles.

I won't be offended if I was described that way to others too... it is something like having people expect one thing and then I pop out as another. Like thinking a blonde is dumb until she opens her mouth and tells you she is a physicist - so unexpected. For example, that cute picture I have as my avatar.... I was topless when I took it. You couldn't tell unless you really paid attention to the background (albeit cropped a bit) but I have been told that is a cute "plain" picture... well if you only knew. I guess it is all about perspective.
Eh I am a Plain Jane so I wouldn't care. And I wouldn't take it negatively.
I don't wear make up
I don't dress in high fashion
I am pretty simple with my tastes and likes.

What makes me special? My bomb a$$ personality and my thought processes. I like being the one who doesn't "stand out" so when someone takes the time to get to know me, they are pleasantly surprised.

Are you a Capricorn, lol?! You just described me :drunk:!
This completely!!!

And to add (just because I had a convo about this last night after I posted), I have been told many times I look "safe" and "boring" and people get the shock of their lives when they realize I am everything but. That is why I wouldn't take offense. Actually, one of the current guys I am dating has told me that when he first saw my picture, he thought I was cute but boring. He admitted it a few months later on and told me that I am one of those people that shouldn't be judged by their cover. At first I was offended because he used the word BORING, but then I took a look at my pictures compared to other women online...
I am fully covered up. My backgrounds are boring. I don't wear makeup nor have a seductive poses (a$$ shots, etc.). I am really "Plain Jane". When we met, he was pleasantly surprised and now he reminds me how beautiful of a person I am (outside and inside). So I cut him some slack on the boring.

Whomever takes a chance to see how boring I am (and makes it past the phone screening) to meet me, they are like "your pictures do you no justice". I have an a$$ that has its own zip code, a tiny frame, a fire cracker personality, sexy eyes and DSLs. My jokes are corny in the "cute and funny" way and I have a soothing soul. I am often told, I am the type of person a guy could relax and be himself with because I talk about off-the-wall, thinking topics and play video games while talking $hit. A lot of people don't get that far with me because they write me off before getting to know me, men and women. Which is OK because I am an introvert and like small circles.

I won't be offended if I was described that way to others too... it is something like having people expect one thing and then I pop out as another. Like thinking a blonde is dumb until she opens her mouth and tells you she is a physicist - so unexpected. For example, that cute picture I have as my avatar.... I was topless when I took it. You couldn't tell unless you really paid attention to the background (albeit cropped a bit) but I have been told that is a cute "plain" picture... well if you only knew. I guess it is all about perspective.

Yeah, I have NEVER been described as boring lol
Are you sure he meant it as a put an insult? As much crap as women put on themselves today, the average man most likely interprets being a "plain jane" as being "natural" especially when you consider he stated he didn't like make-up or weaves. I don't see where he called his wife "homely". Personally, I don't see men marrying women they aren't physically attractive to. I'm going to take his sentiment as meaning he likes his woman natural. And there's zero wrong with that.
I've never heard anyone refer to a super exciting or interesting woman as a plain Jane. The term connotes a lot more than the lack of makeup or fancy dress. It implies that a person is dull, cookie cutter, and unexceptional. Even if we kept it strictly to looks, I'd expect a husband to see the beauty in his wife, and the word plain be far from his mind. But maybe that's too idealistic.
Are you sure he meant it as a put an insult? As much crap as women put on themselves today, the average man most likely interprets being a "plain jane" as being "natural" especially when you consider he stated he didn't like make-up or weaves. I don't see where he called his wife "homely". Personally, I don't see men marrying women they aren't physically attractive to. I'm going to take his sentiment as meaning he likes his woman natural. And there's zero wrong with that.

No he didn't mean it as an insult at all.. he specifically said she knows he doesn't like weaves and make up. I said there's a lot of room between weaves and make up and Plain Jane. He still said he would refer to her as a Plain Jane.. I said I thought that was insulting and would be insulted if my man referred to me as such. I asked my man if he would ever refer to me as such and he said no because I have too much a** and boobs to ever be a Plain Jane. I don't agree that the average man would think of Plain Jane as natural... because again my bf said the term he would have used is that his wife is naturally pretty..not Plain Jane because he knows that's an insult.

Oh and I think men get married for a myriad of reasons so I do believe men marry women they aren't necessarily attracted to or find pretty.

I've told the story before about my mother's friend.. who said that her sister in law (who was married to her brother) was a Plain Jane that always talked about how her husband didn't like all that make up and "flashy" clothes on women. But my mother's friend said her brother always brought painted up "flashy" broads over to her house with him...cause he that's what he was cheating on the Plain Jane with....
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I've never heard anyone refer to a super exciting or interesting woman as a plain Jane. The term connotes a lot more than the lack of makeup or fancy dress. It implies that a person is dull, cookie cutter, and unexceptional. Even if we kept it strictly to looks, I'd expect a husband to see the beauty in his wife, and the word plain be far from his mind. But maybe that's too idealistic.

I agree with you completely...
Are you sure he meant it as a put an insult? As much crap as women put on themselves today, the average man most likely interprets being a "plain jane" as being "natural" especially when you consider he stated he didn't like make-up or weaves. I don't see where he called his wife "homely". Personally, I don't see men marrying women they aren't physically attractive to. I'm going to take his sentiment as meaning he likes his woman natural. And there's zero wrong with that.

I once described a woman (acquaintance of mine) as "homely" to SO. He was perplexed and acted like he truly didn't know what I meant by he'd never heard that word used before... So much so that I believed him lol. I explained my definition of it to him. Now, whenever I randomly talk about the girl (in passing), he says "you mean the homely one"? :perplexed: :lol: I hope he's not going around referring to women as homely, with this new word in his vocab lol.

SOs vocab is very questionable for someone who's taken standardized tests :look: I definitely would not expect this (threads) level of word analysis from him...

I'm a nice gf cuz I don't make fun of him for this :) lol
I once described a woman (acquaintance of mine) as "homely" to SO. He was perplexed and acted like he truly didn't know what I meant by he'd never heard that word used before... So much so that I believed him lol. I explained my definition of it to him. Now, whenever I randomly talk about the girl (in passing), he says "you mean the homely one"? :perplexed: :lol: I hope he's not going around referring to women as homely, with this new word in his vocab lol.

SOs vocab is very questionable for someone who's taken standardized tests :look: I definitely would not expect this (threads) level of word analysis from him...

I'm a nice gf cuz I don't make fun of him for this :) lol
lol That's funny because I know exactly what you're talking about. Men and women have different vocabularies. I once told a male friend I was "feeling some kind of way" about something and he said "What's that mean?" He'd heard other women say the same thing and couldn't wrap his mind around the concept. Now, we as women know what we mean when we say we're feeling some kind of way, but how do you explain that to a man? lol
No he didn't mean it as an insult at all.. he specifically said she knows he doesn't like weaves and make up. I said there's a lot of room between weaves and make up and Plain Jane. He still said he would refer to her as a Plain Jane.. I said I thought that was insulting and would be insulted if my man referred to me as such. I asked my man if he would ever refer to me as such and he said no because I have too much a** and boobs to ever be a Plain Jane. I don't agree that the average man would think of Plain Jane as natural... because again my bf said the term he would have used is that his wife is naturally pretty..not Plain Jane because he knows that's an insult.

Oh and I think men get married for a myriad of reasons so I do believe men marry women they aren't necessarily attracted to or find pretty.

I've told the story before about my mother's friend.. who said that her sister in law (who was married to her brother) was a Plain Jane that always talked about how her husband didn't like all that make up and "flashy" clothes on women. But my mother's friend said her brother always brought painted up "flashy" broads over to her house with him...cause he that's what he was cheating on the Plain Jane with....
I get what you're saying, but your man is not the vocabulary police on how men speak and just because he said he would have responded one way doesn't invalidate what the other guy said. Perhaps your man said what he said because he was confronted by you and had time to think of a proper response to say. Or maybe he's more educated or better versed on the subject of women. Remember the age old question: Do these jeans make my butt look big? A man will lie to keep the peace.
As far as the man in your mother's story goes, it seems he married a "safe" woman and cheated on her with women he could discard.
Eh I am a Plain Jane so I wouldn't care. And I wouldn't take it negatively.
I don't wear make up
I don't dress in high fashion
I am pretty simple with my tastes and likes.

What makes me special? My bomb a$$ personality and my thought processes. I like being the one who doesn't "stand out" so when someone takes the time to get to know me, they are pleasantly surprised.
That's what DOESN'T make you a plain Jane: your bomb personality. You still stand out.
A coworker of mine, years ago described his fiance as a 'Clydesdale'.
I was horrified.
He said what? She's not the prettiest out there, but she's sturdy and dependable.

I would HATE to be compared to a Clydesdale horse!

Wait what :eek:

I think sometimes we read too much into things.
Personally, when I think of Plain Jane I think of a Joy Bryant type (no make, simple hairstyle, etc...)... it doesn't always equate ugly or frumpy.

Joy Bryant is exactly what I think of as a Plain Jane, also. She looks & seems incredibly boring. She doesn't look frumpy to me, but I don't remember too many times thinking she looked real put together. There's always something...plain :lol:...about her, even dressed up.
We're over analyzing men.

To a man if you don't have 3" hot orange nails, pink weave, and makeup like bozo, you're probably closer to the realm of Plain Jane to him. If you're more understated than Shenaynay and Wanda, you're probably a Plain Jane to him.

BE WORRIED if a woman describes you as a Plain Jane. :cry:
We're over analyzing men.

To a man if you don't have 3" hot orange nails, pink weave, and makeup like bozo, you're probably closer to the realm of Plain Jane to him. If you're more understated than Shenaynay and Wanda, you're probably a Plain Jane to him.

BE WORRIED if a woman describes you as a Plain Jane. :cry:
You think? I think reality tv and social media have skewed what most men view as Plain Jane. The above used to be way over the top, now that's just run the the grocery store attire, lol.
This is another case of what women think of what men say. When we both view come from very different perspectives.
Most women know what they look like, being called Plain Jane doesn't have to be a negative connotation especially if you know who you are.
Some men love "plain" women; build houses, travel the globe for "plain" women. Cheat on their wives with, "plain" women.
And Halle Berry, Elizabeth Taylor, and nem are baffled as to why they can't keep their men from cheating.
Obviously looks ain't everything.
Knock on a rich man's door and see who answers the door and holds his last name: Mrs. Plain Jane.
Knock on a rich man's door and see who answers the door and holds his last name: Mrs. Plain Jane.

Not in my experience. The older women are about 50/50 and even then it's regional. Some are plain at 60+ yrs old but were far from it at 21. Mostly I notice they know when to turn it off and on. A skill many young women from rich to poor could stand to learn these days. The opposite of Plain Jane doesn't have to be Tacky Tammy.
Not in my experience. The older women are about 50/50 and even then it's regional. Some are plain at 60+ yrs old but were far from it at 21. Mostly I notice they know when to turn it off and on. A skill many young women from rich to poor could stand to learn these days. The opposite of Plain Jane doesn't have to be Tacky Tammy.
But one man's plain jain is another man's beauty.
But one man's plain jain is another man's beauty.
Who said anything about beauty? Plain Jane's blend in with the crowd., they do not stand out in looks or personality. Do some men prefer women like that? Sure they do. However I question the motives of men who insist on either extreme. So answering the OP I would not take it as a compliment. OF course I asked DH if I was a PJ and he said no, then I asked who was and he said his ex-sil. She is pretty in my opinion but she wears whatever, hair in whatever style, and only wears a little bit of makeup here and there. If she tried to step her game up her ex-dh would immediately accuse her of cheating because he was insecure as heck. But like someone mentioned before...all the girls he cheated with were always face beat, clothes on point. I can think of so many men just like that...
A coworker of mine, years ago described his fiance as a 'Clydesdale'.
I was horrified.
He said what? She's not the prettiest out there, but she's sturdy and dependable.

I would HATE to be compared to a Clydesdale horse!
Back in the day this was a complement where I am from. If a man called a woman a "Stallion" he was staying you were a 10/10, Barbie style. Clydesdale was a thick version of a stallion, lol.