Oh wow I love this. Its a great way to look at forgiveness because i really struggle to forgive. I hold on and hold on. My mom says forgiveness is for you not the other person but i always looked at it if i forgave then its like the other person got over on me, i did nothing in return but Iyanla's advice is so much easier to swallow.
I have come to terms that some simply will not give me the apology that I desired, nor are they capable of doing any better. I don't really encounter many women narcissists but when I do, they are severely irritating. They always think they are right, better, smarter, and the list can go on. And the kicker is many of them think others are narcissists. But I think that is just life in general.
At first you think they possess extreme confidence but when you see how cold they are you realize it is their insecurity that gets them always wanting to control everyone in a way that they cannot even control themselves. Much of what they project onto others as flaws are their very own issues. Pretty scary. They cannot stand being called out on anything regardless of how diplomatic you are. Forget trying to rationalize things with them as they will make the problem you or shut down.
For those that have parents as narcissists, most parents cannot address their issues because it brings their failures to the forefront. It's hard having a mirror held up to their face. (((HUGS)))
@Lucie The bolded all day! When I first realized this I was dumbfounded. In general every normal person knows there is a way you talk to someone to get your point across. With them, there is NO way. Just saying it causes them to ungulf you in hell fire. It's crazy.
Also I notice that they will twist the events of a disagreement/argument. Now that's not so much crazy as I imagine many people do this on some level. But a Narc will full out say they didnt say something they JUST said 3 minutes ago. Then at times will go on to say that YOU said it. To add more crazy to it, they will rant and rage that you are lying on them and they seem to really believe this.
Someone on other board said you may literally have to record them in battle to prove that they said something. But even then, they will probably either say you are lying and that's not their voice *smh* OR focus on your manipulating sneaky ways...you know because covering yourself like that to ensure that you can prove that you were not the culprit is sneaky and manipulate if it calls them out. Then hell engulfment begins again ...
@Lucie The bolded all day! When I first realized this I was dumbfounded. In general every normal person knows there is a way you talk to someone to get your point across. With them, there is NO way. Just saying it causes them to ungulf you in hell fire. It's crazy.
Also I notice that they will twist the events of a disagreement/argument. Now that's not so much crazy as I imagine many people do this on some level. But a Narc will full out say they didnt say something they JUST said 3 minutes ago. Then at times will go on to say that YOU said it. To add more crazy to it, they will rant and rage that you are lying on them and they seem to really believe this.
Someone on other board said you may literally have to record them in battle to prove that they said something. But even then, they will probably either say you are lying and that's not their voice *smh* OR focus on your manipulating sneaky ways...you know because covering yourself like that to ensure that you can prove that you were not the culprit is sneaky and manipulate if it calls them out. Then hell engulfment begins again ...
I think it depends on the depth of the relationship you have/had with them.
A lifelong spouse or parent you gotta deal with for 10, 30, 50 years? ehhh...nooo.... I could probably blow off a sibling and certainly 'friends'.
And dont be really unlucky have a narc who beats to get their point across. Physical abuse can be part of their repertoire. Probably not so laughable then.
Lol he once said if couldn't remember what he said verbatim then he didn't say it. :
Lol he once said if couldn't remember what he said verbatim then he didn't say it. :
.Mybf dumped me and I've never been so relieved. He caused me so much anxiety due to me being afraid of his reactions. I cut off communication with people because he was afraid of people altering my mind. I realized months ago I would have to distance myself from the negativeness. I began to care less and less about his feelings because he didn't care about mine. If I told him anything about my past he would use it against me. I told him about my feelings about my ex bf suicide. He used that against me bringing it up telling me I was still in love and should go be with him. He would used the fact that I've slept with two people in my life and make me feel like I'm worthless and not special when he has slept with more and even has a daughter. He did stuff you ladies would be like run get away but yet I stayed. I feel like because growing up I was used to people talking down to me using me is why I put up with it. He wanted me to get pregnant so he could keep me forever. I feel scared that I will go back to him. I'm trying to have the will not to Call him and ask him back because I know that I'm much better of without him. I just feel really drained and anxiety is taking over.
Mybf dumped me and I've never been so relieved. He caused me so much anxiety due to me being afraid of his reactions. I cut off communication with people because he was afraid of people altering my mind. I realized months ago I would have to distance myself from the negativeness. I began to care less and less about his feelings because he didn't care about mine. If I told him anything about my past he would use it against me. I told him about my feelings about my ex bf suicide. He used that against me bringing it up telling me I was still in love and should go be with him. He would used the fact that I've slept with two people in my life and make me feel like I'm worthless and not special when he has slept with more and even has a daughter. He did stuff you ladies would be like run get away but yet I stayed. I feel like because growing up I was used to people talking down to me using me is why I put up with it. He wanted me to get pregnant so he could keep me forever. I feel scared that I will go back to him. I'm trying to have the will not to Call him and ask him back because I know that I'm much better of without him. I just feel really drained and anxiety is taking over.
Frizzyb, you are so right. That person has to want change. And unfortunately for them it usually starts with narcissistic injury, one so severe it causes them to question their entire existence. You start to watch them make different connections from their childhood to their present attitude, thinking patterns and behaviors revealing things sbout what happened to them that will shock you. They will spend hours contemplating their pasts and seeking input from their loved ones usually Spouse/SO on what they think. It's quite eye opening.
Example, dh notices how my mother looks up to me, admires me and speaks proudly of me. He also knows that in our family we argue, apologize, talk it out and get over things quickly. He would say, stuff like..." I see how your mom values you and cares about how you feel." I would say, that's how I grew up. She taught me to be this way. Then he'd tell me, he doesn't even know what that's like. No one was like that in his house. You got your feelings hurt, tough! Put them back in your pocket or destroy them because no one cares. There is so much more and it's quite sad. Like I said these things start with their parent. They give the foundation to emotional retardation.
Y'all think it knew all that ish before I got married? Nope. That is tough to reveal. But I do appreciate the work we are doing now. I really do even though it's hard at times.
I agree and have seen that kind of process, but the folks I know are so damaged, I don't believe they will ever change.
I don't know if because this thread made me think a lot of the narcissist I have discussed but I ran into him not far from my house. Just awful. He was every bit charming and "seemed" too good to be true. My mind immediately replayed all of the things he did. Just awful.
My one year old cousin took my phone while I was in the bathroom and called my ex. When I got out, the call was already 58 seconds in. I immediately ended the call hoping he was not on the phone or that he had changed his number. A minute later I recieved a text saying he was in class. I haven't responded. I haven't spoken to him in almost two months. It would be nice to see how he's doing but I don't want to start up anything. I've been less stressed without him.
My one year old cousin took my phone while I was in the bathroom and called my ex. When I got out, the call was already 58 seconds in. I immediately ended the call hoping he was not on the phone or that he had changed his number. A minute later I recieved a text saying he was in class. I haven't responded. I haven't spoken to him in almost two months. It would be nice to see how he's doing but I don't want to start up anything. I've been less stressed without him.