How to spot a NARCISSIST and why you attract them!

Yes, post @ChasingBliss
Sometimes, I feel like I don't quite understand it or know how to confidently name it.
If I label someone as such, it should be accurate and I'm not confident that I can do that as I believe most people can possess narcissistic traits but not be a narcissist.
Having lived with a narcissistic parent, I am very, Very able to confidently point out narcissistic traits...
Many of them boil down to how you feel when interacting with them...
So the crazy-making, the gas-lighting, the entitlement, the no boundaries when it comes to you and your possessions or feelings, the lack of empathy, and more are all traits that regular people can have, but usually not all at once, as in a narcissist...

This is him. He's no professional (then again maybe he is) but he speaks from a very understandable place and he touches on things that only someone who deals with this kind of person can truly relate to. The seemingly small bits of mind fckery that take place. I think I also like him because it is the first time I have come across a black man touching on this subject in this form.
Thank you for sharing this @ChasingBliss - I'm eager to watch several of his topics.

I discovered this woman - - The narc who was in my life is not anymore. Thank God. The more I read and analyzed, I realize the signs were there in neon lights. He is a CLASSIC case. He nearly drained me.

When the experts call them energy vampires, that is so REAL. They are. They will take and take and take from you until you hit bottom if you let them. They have the ability to sense when you are at the end of your rope, then they'll manipulate you into thinking that they DO really care, but they don't. They know what excites and intrigues you and will give you just enough to give you hope. Then it's back to the same old.
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Thanks for sharing, @ChasingBliss.

In this video, he discusses the importance of NOT GETTING STUCK TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE NARC IN YOUR LIFE.

This is where I'm at: I surrender and let go. I think about the narc as little as possible. As many seconds of the day as possible, I proceed as if this person doesn't exist.

It took me FOREVER to get to this place. So sad this is what it has taken. But I can honestly say that I see the light at the end of the tunnel and am feeling SO MUCH BETTER.

He uses the phrase "move on psychologically" several times in the video, and I think it's really key. It is very important to remember: Hardly ANY NPDs ever, ever, ever, ever change. They just don't.
@hopeful This video is right on time. I was recently backstabbed by a coworker who exhibits many sociopathic traits. I am empathetic which is a blessing and a curse and I believe that's where I became a target. Since I still have to work with this person I am working on establishing better boundaries that I should've had in place in the beginning. People with personality disorders hate boundaries. I already saw red flags in the beginning but I worked closely with her as a team for the sake of the job/business and let my guard down. So keep those guards up ladies and listen to your gut when someone seems off. Not only can you attract narcissists, psycopaths, and sociopaths in romantic relationships but these same types can prey on you at work in the form of coworkers too.
Thanks for sharing, @ChasingBliss.

In this video, he discusses the importance of NOT GETTING STUCK TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE NARC IN YOUR LIFE.

This is where I'm at: I surrender and let go. I think about the narc as little as possible. As many seconds of the day as possible, I proceed as if this person doesn't exist.

It took me FOREVER to get to this place. So sad this is what it has taken. But I can honestly say that I see the light at the end of the tunnel and am feeling SO MUCH BETTER.

He uses the phrase "move on psychologically" several times in the video, and I think it's really key. It is very important to remember: Hardly ANY NPDs ever, ever, ever, ever change. They just don't.

Powerful ,thank you so much for posting this video
My narcissistic mom strikes again! An artist offered to paint me a portrait for free. I sat and he drew it. It looked nothing like me! It looked like James Brown's mug shot. It really does. So I posted a side by side comparison of the real me with the portrait on Facebook. People were commenting agreeing with me basically. My mother comes on there and comments : "Did the artist put your name on this? Serves you right because I keep telling you to stop posting your pictures online." She didn't bother to ask any questions. She went straight for the jugular. I don't why I'm surprised after all these years of dealing with her but I am. I gotta admit her comment hurt my feelings but only for a second.
^^^Sorry about your mother. not much is worse than a narc parent.

I've had a couple run ins with mine just this month. I have no words. The constant criticism, her underlying rage... its draining. And the thing is much of her very survival depends on me now, she is elderly and cant care for herself and is STILL abusive.

Most resources out there focus on narc partners not parents, a relationship we had no choice in cultivating. nor do they focus on the result which can be a succession of narcs to some degree, from childhood friends to adult relationships until the person realizes it. And then its pure work, therapy and more work to build (not recover) and cope

A child of a narc is groomed from birth to be perfect food supply and its a helluva thing to break. Its different than the one-offs who, though devastated from narc madness, might have a healthier foundation to return to as opposed to not having one at all and starting from scratch as an adult.

As I find adult survivor of narc parents resources, I will post them here.
I've been posting off an on over the past years about my relationship. I kept ignoring signs but after reading this thread.... He is the spokesperson for this! Mind you, I could've walked away numerous imes but I didn't because the charming side got me every time. I get so mad at myself for enduring this for this long. I can tell you so many things, but I will just name few things that I've endured: He is charming and sweet and then turns to Lucifer. Cheated, sex has no meaning to it, he'll be affectionate one minute then claim he's not an affectionate person, he will put me down (way down) and then try to counter the insults with something positive like "I'm doing this for you."; got mad because I had a facebook account and he said its nothing but drama, gave me so much grief about it, I deleted it, yet he is still on there; can insult me at the drop of a dime, yet if I say something to him he screams bloody murder; threatens to sleep with other women; lies but says he doesn't like liars; Always playing the victim role, blaming me for everything, says something and when I repeat verbatim what he said, he says "I didn't say that". Says I don't listen, etc. has a dr. jekyll/Mr. hyde mentality, is always right, he's unique because no one thinks like him, etc. Well yesterday was it for me. We were snowed in and I wanted to do "couple" things, but he basically, stayed to himself and only called on me if he needed something. Anyhoo, so yesterday, all I said was babe, I would like more of affection from you like the other day, I really enjoy it. HE WENT OFF. How dare I define who he is! I make him feel inadequate, he's not an affectionate person, it only comes in moments, etc. etc. etc. For me to go get my affection from somewhere else, he's done with this relationship... I was standing there like what did I say wrong, he said you came at me negatively. I said how, He says..."I don't remember"..... and continues to go off. Later we went our separate ways and I went to his parents house, who said the same thing, that he needs help and it's going to get worse. He texts me and says he is at the hospital for chest pain (turned out to be gas). I go to the hospital, now he's my friend again....talking to me. Once we get out the hospital... I'm scum again. We get home after midnight and go to sleep. I have to go work and he's off (doctor's note). This man wakes up and tells me "I'm not signing the lease (we are up for lease renewal NOW) I want out of this bad relationship, it's not healthy for me." In my mind , I had terrible visions of doing things to him because of all the unbelievable things he's done to me, but I kept my composure and said WOW, right at the deadline, you tell me this. He says yep and continues saying nasty remarks. I so pissed. I told him it's pathetic that you wake up with a nasty spirit in you and walked out the door. So now I have to make my move. I was so pissed, I didn't catch the train, I drove into work because I wanted to be by myself. Cried the whole way in, I won't be crying anymore.
@mstaiti (((hugs)))
Trust he will be back, begging for another chance, charm in full effect. Start no contact NOW! He will try anything to get you back so that he can get high off of your narcissistic supply. Be strong. We will help you get through it. Gather support for yourself. He is a real jerk and does not deserve you.
I've been posting off an on over the past years about my relationship. I kept ignoring signs but after reading this thread.... He is the spokesperson for this! Mind you, I could've walked away numerous imes but I didn't because the charming side got me every time. I get so mad at myself for enduring this for this long. I can tell you so many things, but I will just name few things that I've endured: He is charming and sweet and then turns to Lucifer. Cheated, sex has no meaning to it, he'll be affectionate one minute then claim he's not an affectionate person, he will put me down (way down) and then try to counter the insults with something positive like "I'm doing this for you."; got mad because I had a facebook account and he said its nothing but drama, gave me so much grief about it, I deleted it, yet he is still on there; can insult me at the drop of a dime, yet if I say something to him he screams bloody murder; threatens to sleep with other women; lies but says he doesn't like liars; Always playing the victim role, blaming me for everything, says something and when I repeat verbatim what he said, he says "I didn't say that". Says I don't listen, etc. has a dr. jekyll/Mr. hyde mentality, is always right, he's unique because no one thinks like him, etc. Well yesterday was it for me. We were snowed in and I wanted to do "couple" things, but he basically, stayed to himself and only called on me if he needed something. Anyhoo, so yesterday, all I said was babe, I would like more of affection from you like the other day, I really enjoy it. HE WENT OFF. How dare I define who he is! I make him feel inadequate, he's not an affectionate person, it only comes in moments, etc. etc. etc. For me to go get my affection from somewhere else, he's done with this relationship... I was standing there like what did I say wrong, he said you came at me negatively. I said how, He says..."I don't remember"..... and continues to go off. Later we went our separate ways and I went to his parents house, who said the same thing, that he needs help and it's going to get worse. He texts me and says he is at the hospital for chest pain (turned out to be gas). I go to the hospital, now he's my friend again....talking to me. Once we get out the hospital... I'm scum again. We get home after midnight and go to sleep. I have to go work and he's off (doctor's note). This man wakes up and tells me "I'm not signing the lease (we are up for lease renewal NOW) I want out of this bad relationship, it's not healthy for me." In my mind , I had terrible visions of doing things to him because of all the unbelievable things he's done to me, but I kept my composure and said WOW, right at the deadline, you tell me this. He says yep and continues saying nasty remarks. I so pissed. I told him it's pathetic that you wake up with a nasty spirit in you and walked out the door. So now I have to make my move. I was so pissed, I didn't catch the train, I drove into work because I wanted to be by myself. Cried the whole way in, I won't be crying anymore.

You've GOT to get away!!!

You've got to get away to the love you deserve!!!

If I could jump through this screen and pack with you, I would!

I am visualizing you in your new, fun, healthy, God-blessed relationship.
Thanks Ladies! I don't have any more of my energy left to give. Now I need to focus on myself and my sons (not his). I'm not sure who is going to be there when I get home....Lucifer or the Charming One. I believe Lucifer because he didn't have time to rant like he normally does because I had to go. I'm just going to try my damnedest to ignore it. Knowing him, he'll keep pushing and pushing until I go off. But I have to be strong. I know know he has a problem that I cannot fix and will no longer keep attempting to try. Its not worth it.
I think the key thing about a narcissist is that they have no conscience. That allows them to never take responsibility or feel badly when they hurt others. I think it is that blackness in their souls that draws a lighter/brighter spirit. The lighter spirit feels sorry for them and wants to help. The lighter spirit does not understand or see the danger, they can't conceive of someone attempting to feed off them, ruin them, manipulate them endlessly, while also being charming and doing many "loving" things at the same time. The lighter spirit has to heal that part of her that doesn't know she deserves better, needs to have healthier self-worth, and needs to establish better, healthier boundaries for her self-protection.
I've been posting off an on over the past years about my relationship. I kept ignoring signs but after reading this thread.... He is the spokesperson for this! Mind you, I could've walked away numerous imes but I didn't because the charming side got me every time. I get so mad at myself for enduring this for this long. I can tell you so many things, but I will just name few things that I've endured: He is charming and sweet and then turns to Lucifer. Cheated, sex has no meaning to it, he'll be affectionate one minute then claim he's not an affectionate person, he will put me down (way down) and then try to counter the insults with something positive like "I'm doing this for you."; got mad because I had a facebook account and he said its nothing but drama, gave me so much grief about it, I deleted it, yet he is still on there; can insult me at the drop of a dime, yet if I say something to him he screams bloody murder; threatens to sleep with other women; lies but says he doesn't like liars; Always playing the victim role, blaming me for everything, says something and when I repeat verbatim what he said, he says "I didn't say that". Says I don't listen, etc. has a dr. jekyll/Mr. hyde mentality, is always right, he's unique because no one thinks like him, etc. Well yesterday was it for me. We were snowed in and I wanted to do "couple" things, but he basically, stayed to himself and only called on me if he needed something. Anyhoo, so yesterday, all I said was babe, I would like more of affection from you like the other day, I really enjoy it. HE WENT OFF. How dare I define who he is! I make him feel inadequate, he's not an affectionate person, it only comes in moments, etc. etc. etc. For me to go get my affection from somewhere else, he's done with this relationship... I was standing there like what did I say wrong, he said you came at me negatively. I said how, He says..."I don't remember"..... and continues to go off. Later we went our separate ways and I went to his parents house, who said the same thing, that he needs help and it's going to get worse. He texts me and says he is at the hospital for chest pain (turned out to be gas). I go to the hospital, now he's my friend again....talking to me. Once we get out the hospital... I'm scum again. We get home after midnight and go to sleep. I have to go work and he's off (doctor's note). This man wakes up and tells me "I'm not signing the lease (we are up for lease renewal NOW) I want out of this bad relationship, it's not healthy for me." In my mind , I had terrible visions of doing things to him because of all the unbelievable things he's done to me, but I kept my composure and said WOW, right at the deadline, you tell me this. He says yep and continues saying nasty remarks. I so pissed. I told him it's pathetic that you wake up with a nasty spirit in you and walked out the door. So now I have to make my move. I was so pissed, I didn't catch the train, I drove into work because I wanted to be by myself. Cried the whole way in, I won't be crying anymore.
FULL BLOWN NARC. Have no doubt about that. I had ptsd just reading this.
From your post I'm actually worried about your safety and your sons shouldn't be around that kind of male figure

Good luck and please be safe

Thanks Ladies! I don't have any more of my energy left to give. Now I need to focus on myself and my sons (not his). I'm not sure who is going to be there when I get home....Lucifer or the Charming One. I believe Lucifer because he didn't have time to rant like he normally does because I had to go. I'm just going to try my damnedest to ignore it. Knowing him, he'll keep pushing and pushing until I go off. But I have to be strong. I know know he has a problem that I cannot fix and will no longer keep attempting to try. Its not worth it.
^^^Sorry about your mother. not much is worse than a narc parent.

I've had a couple run ins with mine just this month. I have no words. The constant criticism, her underlying rage... its draining. And the thing is much of her very survival depends on me now, she is elderly and cant care for herself and is STILL abusive.

Most resources out there focus on narc partners not parents, a relationship we had no choice in cultivating. nor do they focus on the result which can be a succession of narcs to some degree, from childhood friends to adult relationships until the person realizes it. And then its pure work, therapy and more work to build (not recover) and cope

A child of a narc is groomed from birth to be perfect food supply and its a helluva thing to break. Its different than the one-offs who, though devastated from narc madness, might have a healthier foundation to return to as opposed to not having one at all and starting from scratch as an adult.

As I find adult survivor of narc parents resources, I will post them here.
@caribeandiva (((hugs))) I'm sorry she said that. Kinda makes you want to unfriend her huh? Delete her comment if you haven't already. That's uncalled for, unfriend like and certainly unmother like behavior.
Thank you both. I did unfriend her.
Morning Ladies,

So when I went home yesterday, it was the charming one there (this stuff is scary). So he wanted to talk to me and I listened. Then said I would love to hear from you. I told him that I would rather listen....HE WENT OFF! Soooooo, I picked up my cell phone just as nice, called his parents and brother and told him he has to go. They came over and of course he acted like everything was fine. To make a long story short, it got ugly because I stopped being a door mate and stood up for myself, his parents saw him in action, they took him out with them. His brother came back later and apologized and got some of his things. I got the locks changed this morning and I spoke with the community manager about the situation, I will have the new lease with my name only. Changed the phone numbers, told security do not let him up. If need be, I will get a protection order. I know he doesn't want that because he can lose his job. For the first time, there was a sense of calmness and peace in my household last night. The support from you and this thread helped a lot! I would not recommend dealing with narcissist to worst enemy........I'm glad I still had some sense left before losing it all dealing with him.