How to break out financially from living with significant other


Well-Known Member
Well I currently live with my significant other and we have a two yr old its his home and I pay no bills. I am ready to get my own place because I feel like I have no security meaning my name is not on nothing and if smtg happens to him im stuck and we got an in argument once and he told me to get my sh@@t and leave and when that happen it made me realize that I couldnt allow myself to be in a situation with anyone where I'm not secure. Im currently unemployed but actively looking for work. After all that being said im so freaked put becuz I have fear of making it on my own. Anyone had an similar experience or have advice on how to start your my own life meaning saving money and how to properly set aside money from pay check to pay check to pay bills may fear is what if I get a job but it doesnt pay much would I be able to handle a household on my own. Ive paid rent before but that was a college apartment and it was just rent and I knew I had loan and financial aid money coming so i felt comfortable
It is a good idea to get a job. If you can, place funds in a secure account to prepare for a security deposit. Quietly, start looking for a small place of your own. Do you have your own transportation?
Do you have family to stay with for a little while until you get on your feet? If you can stay with family then maybe you can apply for subsidized day care and other things to supplement your income if your job doesn't pay enough.

I had the help of family who let me stay with them for a few months when I needed to get on my feet. The way I saved and learned to support myself was I checked out the going rates for rent and found out what I needed as down payment.

Then each month I saved the exact amount of the monthly rent and left that in the bank. So after 3 months or so I had the 3 months worth of security deposit and I practiced paying rent at the same time. If I withdrew ANY of that money then I wasn't ready to move. So by the time the 3 months was up I had my rental deposit and I developed a habit.

I had subsidized day care and I was lucky enough to always have a full-time job. There were times I struggled but my children and I were never hungry. I just had to cut back on certain things.

It takes discipline but if you want to be self-supportive you will learn. Nobody will EVER be able to throw me out without me landing on my feet, whether I'm married or not.
It is a good idea to get a job. If you can, place funds in a secure account to prepare for a security deposit. Quietly, start looking for a small place of your own. Do you have your own transportation?

Not my own the car I drive he pays the car note on!
Do you have family to stay with for a little while until you get on your feet? If you can stay with family then maybe you can apply for subsidized day care and other things to supplement your income if your job doesn't pay enough.

I had the help of family who let me stay with them for a few months when I needed to get on my feet. The way I saved and learned to support myself was I checked out the going rates for rent and found out what I needed as down payment.

Then each month I saved the exact amount of the monthly rent and left that in the bank. So after 3 months or so I had the 3 months worth of security deposit and I practiced paying rent at the same time. If I withdrew ANY of that money then I wasn't ready to move. So by the time the 3 months was up I had my rental deposit and I developed a habit.

I had subsidized day care and I was lucky enough to always have a full-time job. There were times I struggled but my children and I were never hungry. I just had to cut back on certain things.

It takes discipline but if you want to be self-supportive you will learn. Nobody will EVER be able to throw me out without me landing on my feet, whether I'm married or not.

I have my mom but her place is superrr small. I mean I can stay here and save until he or if he decides to tell me to leave again
Do you have family to stay with for a little while until you get on your feet? If you can stay with family then maybe you can apply for subsidized day care and other things to supplement your income if your job doesn't pay enough.

I had the help of family who let me stay with them for a few months when I needed to get on my feet. The way I saved and learned to support myself was I checked out the going rates for rent and found out what I needed as down payment.

Then each month I saved the exact amount of the monthly rent and left that in the bank. So after 3 months or so I had the 3 months worth of security deposit and I practiced paying rent at the same time. If I withdrew ANY of that money then I wasn't ready to move. So by the time the 3 months was up I had my rental deposit and I developed a habit.

I had subsidized day care and I was lucky enough to always have a full-time job. There were times I struggled but my children and I were never hungry. I just had to cut back on certain things.

It takes discipline but if you want to be self-supportive you will learn. Nobody will EVER be able to throw me out without me landing on my feet, whether I'm married or not.

Double post
Good advice given thus far
Its gonna take time but u hav to start somewhr and soon!
He sounds a bit controllg.
Would u remain in the relationship aftr u move out?
That was cruel of him to say that. You are his SO and the mother of his child. How dare he say something like that to you. Honestly I'd rather stay in my mom's tiny place than put up with being told to pack my ish and go. You are wise to see that you need to prepare yourself. For now take baby steps. Quietly save what you can from what you get from him. Maybe babysit another child while you are watching your son? Pray, pack, get more education on his dime, apply for assistance, seek out help, get yourself a plan b and c. I wouldn't take just any job and put my 2 year old in daycare unless I had to. Would your mom be able to watch him if you start working? Just take some time to think and make a plan. (((Hugs))). Some of these men ... smh.
For financial planning, come join us in the

Dave Ramsey Financial Challenge 2014 thread

You can also listen to his show on (keyword: Dave Ramsey)

The rest of your fears are emotional. How will you survive on your own? We all do at some point, whether its moving out from our parents or otherwise. You do figure it out. And once you're there, you'll be surpried at the freedom you feel at having overcome yet another fear.

Sorry about your situation, though. If it makes any difference, the first time I lived on my own was when I separated from my ex-husband with our 4yo at the age of 36. To say I was terrified would be minimizing it. But truth be told, I'm doing WAY better on my own emotionally AND financially than I ever did with him in a rocky relationship. You will too.
PS. Dont forget to file for child support the moment you step foot out that house. :yep: That will be a big help as well.
That was cruel of him to say that. You are his SO and the mother of his child. How dare he say something like that to you. Honestly I'd rather stay in my mom's tiny place than put up with being told to pack my ish and go. You are wise to see that you need to prepare yourself. For now take baby steps. Quietly save what you can from what you get from him. Maybe babysit another child while you are watching your son? Pray, pack, get more education on his dime, apply for assistance, seek out help, get yourself a plan b and c. I wouldn't take just any job and put my 2 year old in daycare unless I had to. Would your mom be able to watch him if you start working? Just take some time to think and make a plan. (((Hugs))). Some of these men ... smh.

Well my daughter is in daycare so i dont have a problem with that. I stayed home with her for 8 months with her i decided to return to skool ao i put her to school. Its gonna take sometime to finish becuz if finances so i decided to take a break and get my stuff together
Yeap and he said that I couldnt take our daughter he said find u somewhere to stay first. I felt like an animal

Oh dear.............

Prime example of why women need to be independent, have their own. Do not wait for or rely on a man to provide for you. You're an adult, not a dependant.

OP you need to start stashing away money. You should have been doing this regardless of the situation. Do you have access to bank accounts? Does he give you money?

Oh and you can walk out with your child anytime. This man is emotionally controlling and blackmailing. He has scared you into thinking you have to leave your child because you don't have ish. Well, you have your Mother. Save up a little cash and move in with your Mother. He cannot do anything. And no contact with your child until you have an official court order otherwise he may not bring her back......sorry but he sounds the type.
Unless he has a court order against you, you can go anywhere on the damn planet with that baby. Dont be blackmailed.
Oh dear.............

Prime example of why women need to be independent, have their own. Do not wait for or rely on a man to provide for you. You're an adult, not a dependant.

OP you need to start stashing away money. You should have been doing this regardless of the situation. Do you have access to bank accounts? Does he give you money?

Oh and you can walk out with your child anytime. This man is emotionally controlling and blackmailing. He has scared you into thinking you have to leave your child because you don't have ish. Well, you have your Mother. Save up a little cash and move in with your Mother. He cannot do anything. And no contact with your child until you have an official court order otherwise he may not bring her back......sorry but he sounds the type.

I tried to take and walk out with her in the midst of the argument and he "literally" wouldnt let me. He said r u kidding when i said I could go to my mom I took it was because of the neighborhood and/or size of her place and I never realized it was such a thing as "emotionally controlling"
I tried to take and walk out with her in the midst of the argument and he "literally" wouldnt let me. He said r u kidding when i said I could go to my mom I took it was because of the neighborhood and/or size of her place and I never realized it was such a thing as "emotionally controlling"

You walk away when there is no arguement and when he is at work. Plan it.
You're with an abusive man.
PS. Dont forget to file for child support the moment you step foot out that house. :yep: That will be a big help as well.
make sure you have his ssn & place of employment... copy of a check stub or bank info if you can
You walk away when there is no arguement and when he is at work. Plan it.
You're with an abusive man.
I'll say it again plan, plan, plan and then plan again all the while smiling and being calm & friendly to him
When you open up your bank account opt for email notifications... You may need to open up a po box because if you plan to go back to school, apply for assistance for you & child, etc, you will probably start to get mailings and you don't want to alert him of you future moves that don't include him

Since you don't have income yet you may want to apply for social services, i.e. food stamps, medicaid and general asst., if you haven't already. Again, please don't make him aware of this.

there's a thread similar to this with a lot of great advice... anybody remember that thread???
OP, I was in almost your exact situation...I had an 8 month old, no job, no money, no family near by, no car...and I was afraid of being on my own because I had become dependent on my ex who did EVERYTHING for me. I realized that I couldnt even buy a donut without his permission. I remember laying on the floor sobbing to God. But He came through for me. What state do you live in?
Do you have a computer where you can do some form of online work while you look for a permanent position? Even if you just make a little bit a week, put it back into an account to save for whatever you need. If you have some things that you personally own (he didnt buy you) that you can sell, try ebay or amazon to get rid of some small things without him noticing and set that money back as well.

If he ever does really put you out or you leave DO NOT leave without your child. He and the court will likely make it heck for you to get her back.
This is great! I am so glad everyone is chiming in with wonderful suggestions to help this sister!:yep:
You walk away when there is no arguement and when he is at work. Plan it. You're with an abusive man.

Yes, please make that move. What ever you do , don't be like my girlfriend. She was all set to leave her abusive husband when she found out she was pregnant again. That new baby put her plans on hold. 5 years later she is still with this man. OP -Please don't get preggo.

great advice in this thread!!!!

Im rooting for you to get out and raise your lil one in a happy healthy environment...

please stay safe--(Gangstas move in silence) keep it calm and cool with dude-- so just have a plan and also not sure how close you are to your mom but Im sure she wouldn't want to see her baby girl in this situation--talk to her so she is aware about BD and please take the advice given--

so many wise women on this board who have been there so everyday just make a move towards your plan of action...when he is not home work towards your plan!!!!

you need a 30-60-90 day plan of action....the sooner the better

also utilize the services in your location for single moms who need help

wishing you all the best
Also, ask your mom now if you can either move in and use her address NOW for anything you sign up for. At the least use her address for that new bank account because they ALWAYS send something in regular mail for new accounts.

I agree with a poster who said sign up for welfare. But do it if your mom agrees you can use HER address TODAY. Then go down TOMORROW and fill out the forms for WIC, SNAP, Sect 8, public assistance, any form you can get your hands on. Then roll out as soon as the first check arrives.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
I agree with the advice given above. I'll add:

Get a job. You'll need income no matter what you do going forward whether it's moving in with your mom or getting your own place. You can get free job search help from your local unemployment agency. Find one here: Maybe even work at a daycare or school where you can take your child. Some need administrative work done. Set up a free Google voice account for potential employers to leave messages, etc. You can set it up so that the voicemail is kept on Google and not forwarded to your phone.

Speak with a family law attorney or counselor. Local bar associations usually offer "lawyer referral services" where they will match you with a local attorney specialized in your field of need for a $50 consultation fee. You could also go down to family court and speak to court administrators to see what you would need to file for primary custody and for child support. It doesn't happen often but some men have fought for custody and won as they were better able to provide their kids than the mothers. It sounds like he would fight for it. Keep a record/copy of his social security number, employer info, bank account numbers, insurance policies, retirement accounts, etc. Whatever you can get information about that is worth something to him in value.

Talk with someone you trust - not him! I would not tell him anything about your plans. NOTHING! Don't even bring documents home (job stuff, court docs, etc.). See if you can keep documents in a folder at a friend's home or at your mom's place. Don't use a family computer to check email or do research. He may get suspicious and check your search history or be able to log into your account. Use computers at the library, your mom's place, etc. Even local state unemployment agencies have computers for job seekers to use daily for free. As a matter of fact, change all your passwords now on your email account, phone, etc.

Look into domestic violence programs. I was told that Maryland has some program where they will put up a woman and her kids in a local hotel before moving her into an apartment where they pay for her rent for a year until she can get on her feet. My friend was going to rent out her condo to someone in that program. Not sure as to the name of it but your state/city may have something similar. Oh and domestic violence is not about some guy beating you to a bloody pulp. If he is restraining you, belittling you, etc. then you are enduring emotional and physical abuse IMO.

Seek out "free" childcare. Maybe mom can help watch your child once a week for three hours while you go to the library, apply for jobs, etc. A good friend may do so too. Check with local churches. Some have Awana programs ( that kids participate in for a couple of hours each week. You could use that time to redo your resume, read a book, get mental clarity, etc. while getting a break from childcare and from him.

Workout. Find time to get in some physical activity every week. You could walk around the mall, parks, tracks, etc. several times. Walk to the library, grocery store, etc. When you look good, you feel good. Being in a space where you feel trapped doesn't feel good. You'll need to feel good about yourself to take an empowering step in your life.

Good luck sis!
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I agree with the advice given above. I'll add:

Get a job. You'll need income no matter what you do going forward whether it's moving in with your mom or getting your own place. You can get free job search help from your local unemployment agency. Find one here: Maybe even work at a daycare or school where you can take your child. Some need administrative work done. Set up a free Google voice account for potential employers to leave messages, etc. You can set it up so that the voicemail is kept on Google and not forwarded to your phone.

Speak with a family law attorney or counselor. Local bar associations usually offer "lawyer referral services" where they will match you with a local attorney specialized in your field of need for a $50 consultation fee. You could also go down to family court and speak to court administrators to see what you would need to file for primary custody and for child support. It doesn't happen often but some men have fought for custody and won as they were better able to provide their kids than the mothers. It sounds like he would fight for it. Keep a record/copy of his social security number, employer info, bank account numbers, insurance policies, retirement accounts, etc. Whatever you can get information about that is worth something to him in value.

Talk with someone you trust - not him! I would not tell him anything about your plans. NOTHING! Don't even bring documents home (job stuff, court docs, etc.). See if you can keep documents in a folder at a friend's home or at your mom's place. Don't use a family computer to check email or do research. He may get suspicious and check your search history or be able to log into your account. Use computers at the library, your mom's place, etc. Even local state unemployment agencies have computers for job seekers to use daily for free. As a matter of fact, change all your passwords now on your email account, phone, etc.

Look into domestic violence programs. I was told that Maryland has some program where they will put up a woman and her kids in a local hotel before moving her into an apartment where they pay for her rent for a year until she can get on her feet. My friend was going to rent out her condo to someone in that program. Not sure as to the name of it but your state/city may have something similar. Oh and domestic violence is not about some guy beating you to a bloody pulp. If he is restraining you, belittling you, etc. then you are enduring emotional and physical abuse IMO.

Seek out "free" childcare. Maybe mom can help watch your child once a week for three hours while you go to the library, apply for jobs, etc. A good friend may do so too. Check with local churches. Some have Awana programs ( that kids participate in for a couple of hours each week. You could use that time to redo your resume, read a book, get mental clarity, etc. while getting a break from childcare and from him.

Workout. Find time to get in some physical activity every week. You could walk around the mall, parks, tracks, etc. several times. Walk to the library, grocery store, etc. When you look good, you feel good. Being in a space where you feel trapped doesn't feel good. You'll need to feel good about yourself to take an empowering step in your life.

Good luck sis!

Im not in the worst situation where I have to set up google voice accounts and po boxes( which is what someone else suggested) I am not being beaten up and cussed out and mistreated like that( not saying you are saying that) but thats the type of responses I am getting I was working but I recently quit my job because it was just that bad at the work place. I am not some helpless woman who does not know how to search for jobs and not allowed to go anywhere my case is not that extreme. I am simply in a situation where I have no responsibility and that leads to no security for me because I could be asked to leave(like I have before or smtg could happen to him and I would hv to then start over at that time) and those two those two possibilities make me uncomfortable. Because of my age the only real bills I have had was paying a phone bill and rent in college and I knew that money was coming from loans and before that I lived at home with no bills so I never experienced having to pay light bill, rent, car all at the same time. Everything that I wrote under this quote is not directed at you just putting all my thoughts out at once. I am really grateful for the help ladies just wanted to clear some things up.