How To Attract A Rich Man

What City do most of you women live? I'm in West Palm Beach. Any rich men I run into are usually in their 70s in this area. smh

Ads premed to the list of people I will be visiting this summer. Bring on the Old Cavalli types :giggle:

dang it Prez just called and asked if I was dressed today. I have to put on some clothes :lachen: I'm going to pick his brain for places to meet men for this thread

oh I have been known to prance around the mens department for my dad at Saks, Nordstrom, and Neiman Marcus. I know the sales people want to know just how many birthdays my dad has :lachen: go in bally and custom mens boutiques
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Ok, I'll be a litte specific:

1 - Evening lectures at either museums or universities on specific exhibits or topics. But to be clear, the art crowd is a bit different (a tad more uppity) than the university crowd. Sometimes they're intertwined, but other times they're 2 different animals.

2 - Business/Property owner association informational meetings... especially if the topics cover new construction and zoning. Successful business and property owners like to stay in the know of what changes could potentially affect their revenue. Many times, they're voting on what to approve and who/what to endorse.

3 - Profession-specific mixers, such as Finance MBAs or Ad Execs, which are usually in conjunction with the city chamber of commerce.

4 - Tennis & golf tournaments, especially when they are sponsored by a major corporation. All you have to do is sit and watch. The person you sit next to may be the one who gave the green light to finance the whole thing.

5 - A rotary club sponsored event. You'll be be youngest one there and wind up meeting a man whose wife does the same thing as you. You meet the wife who in turn thinks you'd be great for her son, the orthodontist...

6 - A political informational meeting, such as city council meeting. This is where all the attorneys with $$$$ are. Remember that the most successful politicians are attorneys, and for those politicians that aren't, they have many attorneys advising and working for them in some capacity. These attorneys are the partners and senior staff at their firms.

To find when and where these events are taking place, read the LOCAL (and most of the time free) newspapers, not just the Times or the like. Many of these newtorks stay very close to the communities that they run.

I'm tellin you ladies, it's not the athletes and rappers with the real money. Not by a long shot.

Just my $.02.

This is a wealth of info!! I am SERIOUSLY taking notes on these because I really would have never thought about these things. And a lot of these are so doable for me and I'm sitting and twiddling my thumbs so much.

Thank you so much Browndilocks !!

My list was part sarcasm, part truth, part humor..take it with a grain of salt. It's not the definitive list and it's not to be taken that literally. Just be aware of some of the statistical problems of trying to find your rich man, no?

I agree about being aware, but it comes down to personal preferences. What some view as a problem to others it maybe a perk.
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Okay, I'll cut the sarcasm here and cut right to the shops? Wear cute clothing to the club? You know, most people who marry rich men are introduced to them through their circle of friends, family, associates, neighbors, ok? At places Browndilocks suggested....where they do business and run the city. I need to know the definition of rich here. Doctors/dentists are usually on the much lower rung of who I thought OP was initially talking about.

I live in a college town but there are a few big businesses here. I think I could find someone ... under 70 :lol:

Are you in college or close to college age? If your school has a medical school or law school that could be a gold mine! (no pun intended) you would meet a lot of potentially wealthy men.
I'm curious about having an answer ready for the "I want to help, how can I help you?" question... I've never had that:sad: The men who've been the most generous just pay for my cabs and meals... That's it. No one has offered to take me on vacation yet, which I think is probably what I would most want:look: But one DID ask me to choose a particular gift, and I kept thinking and feeling weird about it that I never followed up.

I have a very relevant example... I lost an earring a few weeks ago while hanging out with a young man. I was sad about it, and left the other earring with him so that he could look for it. In the meantime, I forgot about it. Earlier, he messaged me to say he hasn't found it, and that he's sorry. Now, I had totally forgotten about the earring. But I won't lie, it was one of my favorites, though super cheap.

I was thinking, in light of this thread, this would be a nice opportunity for him to offer to buy me a new pair or something...:lol:

So, I responded a little dramatically about being sad because it was my favorite, and how I was hoping he would find it. Is that enough of a hint??:ohwell: I would not refuse an offer for a replacement, but I have zero experience or success with men getting me jewelry or whatever.

I said in another thread how men send me natural recipes, earthy products and stuff like that when they're trying to be nice to me, and that maybe I'm giving the impression that I don't like nice sparkly things:sad:
This is a wealth of info!! I am SERIOUSLY taking notes on these because I really would have never thought about these things. And a lot of these are so doable for me and I'm sitting and twiddling my thumbs so much.

Thank you so much Browndilocks !!

Any time. I'm just giving you what I know based off of my own personal experience. I don't know where you're located, but I'm in LA. While I'm in a major city, it's very casual here. People wear jeans to just about everything. If this were NYC I know you'd have to step your style game up, and if in Atlanta you'd have to be a little more feminine-chic. But I've never been an advocate of trying too hard. As long as the basics of hygene and neatness (is that a word?) are covered, and you have a lick of common sense, just work with what you've got. Don't over-think it, don't sweat it. Be cool.
It was like specific stuff that I needed to work on LOL, not general advice. She was blunt but not rude :look: :grin: She did tell me how she met her husband and talks about how she tries to take care of him and keep him happy. She's very old-fashioned, in a "fascinating womanhood" kind of way, so very catering to her husband.

We are learning most of these things in an organization I am a part of called The Single Wives Club!
In another thread I mentioned going to cultural centers like Alliance Francaise, Asia Society, etc, to meet upwardly mobile people. Don't sleep on those - connected people and rich people are the ones who frequent them. In NYC, almost all are located in the UES. Need I say more? :look:

If you're in the DC area specially (but also in NY), make friends with foreigners. Not the FOP immigrants who work at Starbucks, but the professional crowds. They are likely a tight-nit community who attend a lot of events where UE types hang out. For instance, a very close relative of mine is in with the French crowd there and they invited her to the French Embassy during a gala for their independence day celebrations last year. The who's-who of Washington was there (politicians, lawyers, ambassadors, etc) and she's now sorta dating someone she met there.

Another great place to meet people is at hotel restaurants and bars, instead of just regular ones. They're not as pricey as you think either. The other day I dined at the Rare bar and grill in Chelsea, which is a rooftop restaurant/bar on top of the Hilton. It looks expensive and feels it too, but the prices were quite reasonable. A meal + a drink + tip ~ $30. There were lots of people (i.e. men :look:) there too, but I was there with friends so I didn't mingle.
According to your definition, my man is rich. :lol: The only thing I can honestly say that I did was be honest with myself. Not only did I stop dating guys that simply had the perception of these qualities, but I also stopped hanging around females who dated them as well. Where I live, there are a lot of guys who think they are flyer than they actually are. Their perception of wealthy is ALLLLLLLLLL wrong. Their egos and exterior are way bigger than their pockets. They might drive a benz and have nice clothes and a few other attractive material items. Yet when you look just a little bit deeper, they have nothing else. No reserve. No lasting power.

It starts with self. I set a standard for myself by already identifying an idea of how the type of woman who wins in life, lives. I took those ideas and started to apply them to myself, and invest time into myself to become that person. It's a work in progress. I've found that you have to be open to converting your mindset. You have to be willing to do different things and go different places than what's trendy or popular at that moment. I hope this is making sense.

The one thing I know for sure though is, you have to change your circle. You have to be willing to feel friendless and kick it by yourself for a while if it means eventually being around the right people who are on a path that is parallel to what you desire in life. Not saying kick your friends to the curb, but be open to having new friends. The best way I can tell you is by example:

I have a cousin whose best friend is the mother of a millionaire's child. All while she dated this dude, he cheated on her. She'd have to read about it, hear about it, whatever. While he broke her off with money, she was still always singin the blues. Every girl in her clique for the most part is fly...nice looking etc. But all of their men treats them the same daggone way and they're all forever singing the same blues ballad. The difference is that these men are not rich , but simply have the material front and ego as if they were. All the girls love each other and support each other... as they continue to date the same quality of men that keep them singin the blues. This is a prime example of when you need to get rid of your friends to do better in life.

Rich is not just financial. Rich is also feeling secure and having peace of mind. Rich is when you are trying to achieve your goals, and you are putting all of your energy into accomplishing that goal... without being drained by the energy it takes from the drama of having a man who cheats on you.

Like I said, it starts with self. I couldn't identify what I wanted in a man, but just from hangin around my cousin's friends, I sure could identify what I didn't want. I stuck to it and I got busy at working on myself. And I didnt X out the calendar days that went by anticipating when I'd meet this dream man. There are plenty of men out there who have great qualities and are rich. We just have to think more with our minds and not our eyes.

Well said Browndilocks! Thank you!
This is long, but needs to be said:

Ladies, there is nothing wrong with finding a rich guy, but beware the TYPE of man you choose.

One of our neighbors is rich. For the reals rich. Old money rich. Millions of dollars rich- he is a Stanford Business School grad and friends with the dude who created Google and the people who started Ebay.. He is not some six figure LHCF standard joker. Yet, he lives in our neighborhood and not a more expensive one. He is also one of the BIGGEST tightwads I have ever met.

His wife is from Uzbekistan. Baaaby, she thought it would be lifestyles of the rich and famous and it ain't. She thought she would be marrying some rich, American guy and he would sweep her off her feet, blah, blah, blah. No, that's not how it is for her AT ALL. She is not living the U.E. life that she thought she would be.

This dude is so tight he won't pay for monthly trash service or get the house sprayed- a must if you live in our area. Roaches roaming all over said trash piled up in their garage :barf:

Homie gets all of the trash together PUTS IT IN HIS TRUNK and takes it to a dumpster himself just to save a few coins.

When we go out to eat with them (which we hate cause he's always lamenting prices) they are always sharing plates- like whole family splitting one plate of pad thai and we like to get apps/drinks/whatever. Sooooo, if we do the whole split the bill thing, we've had the whole menu while they've only had one entree. It's just easier for us to pay.

His wife is on a strict allowance. He gives her so much a month to pay certain bills, grocery, her necessities, etc. You better believe she has the heater off in the winter and the AC off in the summer to make sure she can pay with what he gives her.

Wife was preggo with baby #3. She had a 4 door Hyundai sedan that already had a booster and carseat and no room for a carseat for the new baby. Her husband said the oldest kid (7) could ride in the front seat. She said well what about when they go somewhere as a family? He said they wouldn't all be going to the same place all the time and he could drive his car separately (an old arse station wagon- who still makes those???) if need be:rolleyes:

I could go on and on. He checks her mileage to make sure she's not using too much gas.

He has her hand him a stack of her receipts for when he's gone on a business trip.

They said they were having a pizza party one Superbowl and WHY when I showed up was it Costco take n bake pizza??? The oldest son (whose not his BTW) said he wanted more and he said he wouldn't put another one in the oven until more people wanted more:perplexed

He's got approx 11 million dollars that he made overseas that he's trying to figure out how to bring to the US without paying the taxes on it and was actually considering renouncing his citizenship to do so.

I understand a man who is judicious with money- mine def is- but watch out for stingy men, they come in all socioeconomic levels.

This is happening in the U.S. of A, ya'll. Find yourself a Sugar daddy, but make for good and dang sure that his wallet isn't super-glued shut.
This is long, but needs to be said:

Ladies, there is nothing wrong with finding a rich guy, but beware the TYPE of man you choose.

One of our neighbors is rich. For the reals rich. Old money rich. Millions of dollars rich- he is a Stanford Business School grad and friends with the dude who created Google and the people who started Ebay.. He is not some six figure LHCF standard joker. Yet, he lives in our neighborhood and not a more expensive one. He is also one of the BIGGEST tightwads I have ever met.

His wife is from Uzbekistan. Baaaby, she thought it would be lifestyles of the rich and famous and it ain't. She thought she would be marrying some rich, American guy and he would sweep her off her feet, blah, blah, blah. No, that's not how it is for her AT ALL. She is not living the U.E. life that she thought she would be.

This dude is so tight he won't pay for monthly trash service or get the house sprayed- a must if you live in our area. Roaches roaming all over said trash piled up in their garage :barf:

Homie gets all of the trash together PUTS IT IN HIS TRUNK and takes it to a dumpster himself just to save a few coins.

When we go out to eat with them (which we hate cause he's always lamenting prices) they are always sharing plates- like whole family splitting one plate of pad thai and we like to get apps/drinks/whatever. Sooooo, if we do the whole split the bill thing, we've had the whole menu while they've only had one entree. It's just easier for us to pay.

His wife is on a strict allowance. He gives her so much a month to pay certain bills, grocery, her necessities, etc. You better believe she has the heater off in the winter and the AC off in the summer to make sure she can pay with what he gives her.

Wife was preggo with baby #3. She had a 4 door Hyundai sedan that already had a booster and carseat and no room for a carseat for the new baby. Her husband said the oldest kid (7) could ride in the front seat. She said well what about when they go somewhere as a family? He said they wouldn't all be going to the same place all the time and he could drive his car separately (an old arse station wagon- who still makes those???) if need be:rolleyes:

I could go on and on. He checks her mileage to make sure she's not using too much gas.

He has her hand him a stack of her receipts for when he's gone on a business trip.

They said they were having a pizza party one Superbowl and WHY when I showed up was it Costco take n bake pizza??? The oldest son (whose not his BTW) said he wanted more and he said he wouldn't put another one in the oven until more people wanted more:perplexed

He's got approx 11 million dollars that he made overseas that he's trying to figure out how to bring to the US without paying the taxes on it and was actually considering renouncing his citizenship to do so.

I understand a man who is judicious with money- mine def is- but watch out for stingy men, they come in all socioeconomic levels.

This is happening in the U.S. of A, ya'll. Find yourself a Sugar daddy, but make for good and dang sure that his wallet isn't super-glued shut.

:lol: This guy got a Ph.D in stinginess -WTF?
This is long, but needs to be said:

Ladies, there is nothing wrong with finding a rich guy, but beware the TYPE of man you choose.

One of our neighbors is rich. For the reals rich. Old money rich. Millions of dollars rich- he is a Stanford Business School grad and friends with the dude who created Google and the people who started Ebay.. He is not some six figure LHCF standard joker. Yet, he lives in our neighborhood and not a more expensive one. He is also one of the BIGGEST tightwads I have ever met.

His wife is from Uzbekistan. Baaaby, she thought it would be lifestyles of the rich and famous and it ain't. She thought she would be marrying some rich, American guy and he would sweep her off her feet, blah, blah, blah. No, that's not how it is for her AT ALL. She is not living the U.E. life that she thought she would be.

This dude is so tight he won't pay for monthly trash service or get the house sprayed- a must if you live in our area. Roaches roaming all over said trash piled up in their garage :barf:

Homie gets all of the trash together PUTS IT IN HIS TRUNK and takes it to a dumpster himself just to save a few coins.

When we go out to eat with them (which we hate cause he's always lamenting prices) they are always sharing plates- like whole family splitting one plate of pad thai and we like to get apps/drinks/whatever. Sooooo, if we do the whole split the bill thing, we've had the whole menu while they've only had one entree. It's just easier for us to pay.

His wife is on a strict allowance. He gives her so much a month to pay certain bills, grocery, her necessities, etc. You better believe she has the heater off in the winter and the AC off in the summer to make sure she can pay with what he gives her.

Wife was preggo with baby #3. She had a 4 door Hyundai sedan that already had a booster and carseat and no room for a carseat for the new baby. Her husband said the oldest kid (7) could ride in the front seat. She said well what about when they go somewhere as a family? He said they wouldn't all be going to the same place all the time and he could drive his car separately (an old arse station wagon- who still makes those???) if need be:rolleyes:

I could go on and on. He checks her mileage to make sure she's not using too much gas.

He has her hand him a stack of her receipts for when he's gone on a business trip.

They said they were having a pizza party one Superbowl and WHY when I showed up was it Costco take n bake pizza??? The oldest son (whose not his BTW) said he wanted more and he said he wouldn't put another one in the oven until more people wanted more:perplexed

He's got approx 11 million dollars that he made overseas that he's trying to figure out how to bring to the US without paying the taxes on it and was actually considering renouncing his citizenship to do so.

I understand a man who is judicious with money- mine def is- but watch out for stingy men, they come in all socioeconomic levels.

This is happening in the U.S. of A, ya'll. Find yourself a Sugar daddy, but make for good and dang sure that his wallet isn't super-glued shut.

this post is tragic.. :nono: This guy is like a real live Scrooge in real life. His wife is crazy :nono:
Jeez calliope, that's almost as bad as this woman I know married to a rich guy but who uses cloth to wipe up in the bathroom (after #1 only thank God) to save money on toilet paper. She would then wash and reuse :barf:
I agree about being aware, but it comes down to personal preferences. What some view as a problem to others it maybe a perk.

You're still completely too literal's not that serious. Common sense would suggest people have preferences...nobody said YOU had to follow anything in that sarcasm. Now, if people want a man who has absolutely no time for them, go right ahead...and if others don't care if somebody is trading secrets and whatnot, jailbird bait, hell, let 'em have 'em. Basically, not all that shines brilliantly is worth the gold. :yep: That's basically what I'm saying, tying into the closed thread about choosing well and marrying up. Shrugs. I don't get why you're so disturbed by my list...just pass that heads-up by.
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I have met and dated rich men and I find most of them will sweep you right off your feet in the beginning and then turn into the tightest squeekiest stingiest "thang" you ever met in your life.

On the other hand I have met and am dating a man with mediocre job and income who treats me like a princess. I take average income and Rich in love anyday over rich and living in parsimoniously.
smdh, very important to know who your dealing with
Ive dated every type of rich/wealthy man there is and you really need to know who your dealing with or planning a future with and the family they come from

talk about a living hell:nono:

This is long, but needs to be said:

Ladies, there is nothing wrong with finding a rich guy, but beware the TYPE of man you choose.

One of our neighbors is rich. For the reals rich. Old money rich. Millions of dollars rich- he is a Stanford Business School grad and friends with the dude who created Google and the people who started Ebay.. He is not some six figure LHCF standard joker. Yet, he lives in our neighborhood and not a more expensive one. He is also one of the BIGGEST tightwads I have ever met.

His wife is from Uzbekistan. Baaaby, she thought it would be lifestyles of the rich and famous and it ain't. She thought she would be marrying some rich, American guy and he would sweep her off her feet, blah, blah, blah. No, that's not how it is for her AT ALL. She is not living the U.E. life that she thought she would be.

This dude is so tight he won't pay for monthly trash service or get the house sprayed- a must if you live in our area. Roaches roaming all over said trash piled up in their garage :barf:

Homie gets all of the trash together PUTS IT IN HIS TRUNK and takes it to a dumpster himself just to save a few coins.

When we go out to eat with them (which we hate cause he's always lamenting prices) they are always sharing plates- like whole family splitting one plate of pad thai and we like to get apps/drinks/whatever. Sooooo, if we do the whole split the bill thing, we've had the whole menu while they've only had one entree. It's just easier for us to pay.

His wife is on a strict allowance. He gives her so much a month to pay certain bills, grocery, her necessities, etc. You better believe she has the heater off in the winter and the AC off in the summer to make sure she can pay with what he gives her.

Wife was preggo with baby #3. She had a 4 door Hyundai sedan that already had a booster and carseat and no room for a carseat for the new baby. Her husband said the oldest kid (7) could ride in the front seat. She said well what about when they go somewhere as a family? He said they wouldn't all be going to the same place all the time and he could drive his car separately (an old arse station wagon- who still makes those???) if need be:rolleyes:

I could go on and on. He checks her mileage to make sure she's not using too much gas.

He has her hand him a stack of her receipts for when he's gone on a business trip.

They said they were having a pizza party one Superbowl and WHY when I showed up was it Costco take n bake pizza??? The oldest son (whose not his BTW) said he wanted more and he said he wouldn't put another one in the oven until more people wanted more:perplexed

He's got approx 11 million dollars that he made overseas that he's trying to figure out how to bring to the US without paying the taxes on it and was actually considering renouncing his citizenship to do so.

I understand a man who is judicious with money- mine def is- but watch out for stingy men, they come in all socioeconomic levels.

This is happening in the U.S. of A, ya'll. Find yourself a Sugar daddy, but make for good and dang sure that his wallet isn't super-glued shut.
Most Ballers are not the brightest people on the planet even if they aquire money they are NOT very bright they made money on their athletic talent not because they were Rhodes scholars. So of course they are going to go for what people of THEIR ilk said was beautiful even if she is not so pretty and not so smart and hates sex. A lot of these women will STAY with that even if he steps out cause they know that if they did not use his money to get a better education they were not going to get any better or may even have to down grade the next time and that claiming they dont' like sex eeeeeehhhh olkay

Great thread! As always thanks @Zaynab @barbiesocialite and @PretteePlease

I know a handful of ladies who married millionaire athletes and they all met during college. The ladies are all a certain type- long hair, light skin-which feeds into the "exotical" stereotype unfortunately. The guys just wanted women that looked that way, I guess..The women have no more education than you and I, they dont dress "nice", dont work out and barely cook and clean and Claim to hate sex. So not sure what other qualities they have.

I dont know anyone who has married or is dating a self made or corporate millionaire currently although I know plenty of women who aspire to do so. The pointers are very helpful and I have tried the eating alone in a nice restaurant thing myself just to see if I would attract a professional, qualitty guy and I did!! Lol... Im super shy, dont give off a friendly vibe and I have an awful mean mugging resting face-Lol...The guy said that he was in charge of the company that builds a well known breakfast chain and he was in town checking on the new project, yada, yada but I was super depressed getting out of a relationship so I didnt follow up.

Sorry for the rambling but I will keep checking for more tips, while planning to drive 30 miles to the "rich" Starbucks to get a yogurt parfait!! Lmbo!
I have met and dated rich men and I find most of them will sweep you right off your feet in the beginning and then turn into the tightest squeekiest stingiest "thang" you ever met in your life.

On the other hand I have met and am dating a man with mediocre job and income who treats me like a princess. I take average income and Rich in love anyday over rich and living in parsimoniously.

Did you read my definition of rich? I didn't include any numbers.
I'm 24, yes. Good idea.

One of my co-workers went to law school JUST to meet a husband. She did, he seems like a nice guy and a good father. She's not happy in the marriage but that's not to say you won't be. Go for it...and be prepared for the high student loans. My co-worker is still paying on hers and so is her husband. Dang, I sound like Im being discouraging but Im not, just throwing in what I know.:yep:
Hang out in the city center, rich men socialize and eat near where they work, they are too lazy to go within a five mile radius.

Zaynab I believe we are in the same city. I am new and still learning the areas. Do mind PMing me to let me know what is considered the city center here?