How To Attract A Rich Man

Yeah I said it. I know "rich" is hard to define but I'll try ...

Minimal debt, excellent credit, steady work/income, saving towards retirement, benefits, and maybe investments or property.

So what worked for the UE ladies?

According to your definition, my man is rich. :lol: The only thing I can honestly say that I did was be honest with myself. Not only did I stop dating guys that simply had the perception of these qualities, but I also stopped hanging around females who dated them as well. Where I live, there are a lot of guys who think they are flyer than they actually are. Their perception of wealthy is ALLLLLLLLLL wrong. Their egos and exterior are way bigger than their pockets. They might drive a benz and have nice clothes and a few other attractive material items. Yet when you look just a little bit deeper, they have nothing else. No reserve. No lasting power.

It starts with self. I set a standard for myself by already identifying an idea of how the type of woman who wins in life, lives. I took those ideas and started to apply them to myself, and invest time into myself to become that person. It's a work in progress. I've found that you have to be open to converting your mindset. You have to be willing to do different things and go different places than what's trendy or popular at that moment. I hope this is making sense.

The one thing I know for sure though is, you have to change your circle. You have to be willing to feel friendless and kick it by yourself for a while if it means eventually being around the right people who are on a path that is parallel to what you desire in life. Not saying kick your friends to the curb, but be open to having new friends. The best way I can tell you is by example:

I have a cousin whose best friend is the mother of a millionaire's child. All while she dated this dude, he cheated on her. She'd have to read about it, hear about it, whatever. While he broke her off with money, she was still always singin the blues. Every girl in her clique for the most part is fly...nice looking etc. But all of their men treats them the same daggone way and they're all forever singing the same blues ballad. The difference is that these men are not rich , but simply have the material front and ego as if they were. All the girls love each other and support each other... as they continue to date the same quality of men that keep them singin the blues. This is a prime example of when you need to get rid of your friends to do better in life.

Rich is not just financial. Rich is also feeling secure and having peace of mind. Rich is when you are trying to achieve your goals, and you are putting all of your energy into accomplishing that goal... without being drained by the energy it takes from the drama of having a man who cheats on you.

Like I said, it starts with self. I couldn't identify what I wanted in a man, but just from hangin around my cousin's friends, I sure could identify what I didn't want. I stuck to it and I got busy at working on myself. And I didnt X out the calendar days that went by anticipating when I'd meet this dream man. There are plenty of men out there who have great qualities and are rich. We just have to think more with our minds and not our eyes.
I don't know. Guys who are wealthy from educational pursuits (not ball players, etc) tend to want a woman who has opinions and expresses them. They don't, however, want a woman who is all chatty in the streets. They do like quieter women but they want the woman to be someone they can talk to one-on-one. These types tend to not want the women to be clueless at home, what is the point of that, those types of women they prefer to just date.

not talking about ball players. They are more likely to like "fiesty" women more than others.

regardless of educational attainment, I can say 100% that the women I know, on average, that are currently married to the best/richest men are the quietest or are simply chicks that are happy, easy-gong, accomodating and bubbly all the time. There are exceptions but I find my description to be the norm. I'll take that to even the women I know married to 6-figures off the bat.

eta: I'll even put myself out there; most of my girlfriends are married well, some extremely well. A good number of them I have lured to LHCF. Although my personal preferences and disinterest play a part, I'll say that there's a reason why they are married and I'm not. Mind you, I'm a social being, men like me and most people love me IRL. However, as far as my friends go, there's a reason why my married-well gfs don't or rarely post, they are super chill and laid back in their conversation. I'm a bit diff, although introverted and quiet in public (says glamazon386 lol) I have 50-11 opinions and according to my mom & gma, I have an answer for everything:look:----- a lot of men, esp those with demanding and high-powered professions simply find such a temperament frustrating at times. So in my opinion, and in taking the path of least resistance, I think it's best recommended that women watch their words, tone and learn to be sweet & feminine vs prove intellect. :yep:
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this. some women need to learn the power of stfu. :look:

there are too many black women that insist on steady talking 24-7. certain men dont want to talk about it and your opinion is not always welcome. sometimes it's best if you quiet down and just sit & be pretty. :look: <--ime, there are more subtle women w/rich men than there are vocal intelligent women with them. see, this is why I know my own limits :look::lol:

That's why I asked that in that other thread, do women argue with men like that with these sour ***/bitter *** attitudes:look: Because...yea...:look: Learn to be sweet and charming, pretend even if you have to. SMILE. SMILE
LOL after visiting me this weekend, two of my friends sent an e-mail this morning asking this exact question.

I didn't know what to tell them. I said just don't date poor guys :lol: I don't think I do anything special to meet these guys, I just meet them. I'm an annoyingly bubbly extrovert so I meet all sorts of people. After reading some of these posts I guess I hang out in the right places and present myself a certain way. But poor guys also hit on me, I just don't date them so IDK.
do i need to buy a lacefront or do rich dudes dig short hair?
i'm growing out a fade.
:lol: :look:
i'm like half joking.
I saw the thread title and instantly smiled. I love LHCF. You ladies have your priories in order! Off to grab my notebook. Lol.

So happy its UE week :D
3 of the men on my list are black......just pulled up at the gym Prez car is here I hope he takes me to breakfast

Oh a note one beauty routine i'm working on my acne/scars as a result I rarely wear foundation put on my eyebrows, lips, and sometimes eye liner

eta:Found an old Pic in my phn this is how I looked in my law firm days I was bigger than my siggy Pic when I met NM and current size for everyone else I met

You have the prettiest face and smile!
not talking about ball players. They are more likely to like "fiesty" women more than others.

regardless of educational attainment, I can say 100% that the women I know, on average, that are currently married to the best/richest men are the quietest or are simply chicks that are happy, easy-gong, accomodating and bubbly all the time. There are exceptions but I find my description to be the norm. I'll take that to even the women I know married to 6-figures off the bat.

eta: I'll even put myself out there; most of my girlfriends are married well, some extremely well. A good number of them I have lured to LHCF. Although my personal preferences and disinterest play a part, I'll say that there's a reason why they are married and I'm not. Mind you, I'm a social being, men like me and most people love me IRL. However, as far as my friends go, there's a reason why my married-well gfs don't or rarely post, super chill and laid back in their conversation. I'm a bit diff, I have 50-11 opinions and according to my mom & gma, I have an answer for everything:look:----- a lot of men, esp those with demanding and high-powered professions simply find such a temperament frustrating at times. So in my opinion, and in taking the path of least resistance, I think it's best recommended that women watch their words, tone and learn to be sweet & feminine vs prove intellect. :yep:

I agree, I think you are misunderstanding what I wrote. Having opinions and being intelligent/knowledgable, does not equal being disagreeable, unfeminine/etc. Also, I am very quiet in public, the quietest of my friends and very shy. I woud often be the one falling asleep in the lounge while my friends worked the room :lol: For some reason, I would usually get the wealthy guys who seemed curious about my lack of interest in playing the "dating game". When they talked to me I would be honest about my thoughts if asked about something and talked about my interests. I am not a "yes" woman and that gets some men excited, especially when you are quiet in public.

ETA: @ I think it's best recommended that women watch their words, tone and learn to be sweet & feminine vs prove intellect. I am not saying that one should prove anything :nono: I am saying that a woman should expand her wealth of knowledge on various topics as these types are usually knowledgable themselves. I don't do so to meet men, I like learning about different things and about all types of subjects. I just find that men like that, the educated ones at least. Don't do anything just to meet a guy, it would come off as superficial anyway. :)
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That's why I asked that in that other thread, do women argue with men like that with these sour ***/bitter *** attitudes:look::look: Because...yea... Learn to be sweet and charming, pretend even if you have to. SMILE. SMILE

I thought I was opinionated until I came to LHCF. wooo chile.... some of these women.....:nono::nono::nono:

jus sayin, I understand some of the relationship forum threads.....
I love your fade. Are you a rail thin boney chick? sell yourself as model type :lol:
aha so that's the solution! thanks barbie :lol:
yep, i'm pretty tiny.

hmmm, i also wonder about style of dress. i tend to favor more boho looking clothes, i'm talking i wrap my head sometimes, long maxi skirts, etc. it works for me, but then i seem to also attract lots of earthy but BROKE dudes like that.

do i need to trade in my maxi skirts and bamboo bangles for tailored sheath dresses and pearls or nah? :lol:
aha so that's the solution! thanks barbie :lol:
yep, i'm pretty tiny.

hmmm, i also wonder about style of dress. i tend to favor more boho looking clothes, i'm talking i wrap my head sometimes, long maxi skirts, etc. it works for me, but then i seem to also attract lots of earthy but BROKE dudes like that.

do i need to trade in my maxi skirts and bamboo bangles for tailored sheath dresses and pearls or nah? :lol:

Yes. Now. Fast. Hurry:lol:

I'm being silly. Well not really. If you like it, that's great. But if you're trying to get a certain kind of man, um no. And no offense and not being snarky but I hate that kind of look and polished men do too:look:
Ladies. I promise being slim, fit, attractive, smiling ALOT and being feminine/well dressed will get you soooo far in attracting the type of man you want. You attract what you look like. Dressed as Southernbella. said like a lady.

Example: My BFF wears a brazillian 24" weave but she's soo...dainty and demure and feminine, and dresses very well, the men don't notice and don't give a ****. :lol: And she like has men falling all over her telling her how much of a lady she is, she was married for 10 years and got engaged in six months after being divorced doing the above. To a NICE GOOD man with money .:yep: So I know this works:yep: I follow my own advice, should I need a new husband, it won't be hard for me to get another one and quickly:look:
He had no clue that I grew up in the hood.

I fit in perfectly with his circle. He liked that I was well-spoken, thin, pretty, nice smile, very composed, flattering clothes, smart, and drama free. I also didn't compete for his attention.

I was someone his parents would like. And they did.

We didn't end up getting married but if circumstances had been different I'm pretty sure we would have.
Yes. Now. Fast. Hurry:lol:

I'm being silly. Well not really. If you like it, that's great. But if you're trying to get a certain kind of man, um no. And no offense and not being snarky but I hate that kind of look and polished men do too:look:

i swear my mom could have written this post.:lol: not snarky at all.

she literally just went and bought me all this Banana Republic stuff too, all these tailored shirts and pencil skirts and sheath dresses, like ima need you to dress like a real adult now that you graduated.
guess i'll go actually take the tags off. :look:
Ladies. I promise being slim, fit, attractive, smiling ALOT and being feminine/well dressed will get you soooo far in attracting the type of man you want. You attract what you look like. Dressed as Southernbella. said like a lady.

Example: My BFF wears a brazillian 24" weave but she's soo...dainty and demure and feminine, and dresses very well, the men don't notice and don't give a ****. :lol: And she like has men falling all over her telling her how much of a lady she is, she was married for 10 years and got engaged in six months after being divorced doing the above. To a NICE GOOD man with money .:yep: So I know this works:yep: I follow my own advice, should I need a new husband, it won't be hard for me to get another one and quickly:look:

I really love your BFF, she's so awesome!
Ladies. I promise being slim, fit, attractive, smiling ALOT and being feminine/well dressed will get you soooo far in attracting the type of man you want. You attract what you look like. Dressed as Southernbella. said like a lady.

Example: My BFF wears a brazillian 24" weave but she's soo...dainty and demure and feminine, and dresses very well, the men don't notice and don't give a ****. :lol: And she like has men falling all over her telling her how much of a lady she is, she was married for 10 years and got engaged in six months after being divorced doing the above. To a NICE GOOD man with money .:yep: So I know this works:yep: I follow my own advice, should I need a new husband, it won't be hard for me to get another one and quickly:look:

This is great advice, cause um I always want to be prepared.
I think its def about balance, cause I know a lot of earthy&natural women and you have to balance that out so you dont come off as the I dont care if you just a yoga, kung fu, tai chi instructor with no money I love you anyway type of girl:lachen:
As far as conversation...I'm by far not the demure type..:grin::lol: but you do have to be able to be yourself and at the same time match the type of personality you are talking to...
I didn't exactly have a 'hot iron' thrown at me:grin::lachen:but it was close, but there was this one baller type who got really mad and upset that I didn't know who he was..:grin: Why would I? I don't exactly follow US sports...

so yeah, read up on specific areas,have what I call an 'elevator' speech...something in a conversation that distinguishes you from anyone else, that he might meet..
There was one guy who owned a software company,he pretty much talked non-stop, and I couldn't get a word in edgeways..:grin::lol: so then I found out he was really into Aikido..he was really intrigued that I knew all about that
Ladies. I promise being slim, fit, attractive, smiling ALOT and being feminine/well dressed will get you soooo far in attracting the type of man you want. You attract what you look like. Dressed as @Southernbella. said like a lady.

Example: My BFF wears a brazillian 24" weave but she's soo...dainty and demure and feminine, and dresses very well, the men don't notice and don't give a ****. :lol: And she like has men falling all over her telling her how much of a lady she is, she was married for 10 years and got engaged in six months after being divorced doing the above. To a NICE GOOD man with money .:yep: So I know this works:yep: I follow my own advice, should I need a new husband, it won't be hard for me to get another one and quickly:look:
I followed it and it works. :lol: :look:

And dainty doesn't have to be dresses if you're uncomfortable in them. When I Transitioned (to dating men I would consider marrying), I wore a lot of pants and blazers with fly shoes until I found dresses that I liked and the fit my body type well (a slim ruler with boobies).

I would also say don't be trendy.

I dunno - I feel like so many of the things that are being said in this thread are really things women should be doing as they transition into "adulthood" or something. :look:

- Figure out how you want to live and speak on it. It does you NO GOOD to keep it a secret. NONE.
- Develop personal style
- Know your "angles" (what things work for you whether they be your style, your conversation etc.) and USE THEM (for me its eye contact, conversation and my persona).
- Develop EQ
- Have an answer to the question "I want to help you, how can I help you?" (advice given to me by a CEO of a software startup that I dated)

I like PretteePlease's standing "pose". Gotta work on that.
i swear my mom could have written this post.:lol: not snarky at all.

she literally just went and bought me all this Banana Republic stuff too, all these tailored shirts and pencil skirts and sheath dresses, like ima need you to dress like a real adult now that you graduated.
guess i'll go actually take the tags off. :look:

My mother has alot of young girls that work for her. When I'm in town and I stop by, she's like oh you're just in time, I'm telling them what they're doing wrong:look: She's SO sweet about it though-like in a motherly way. she's like well you need some lipgloss and you shouldn't be wearing so many pants, do you wear sneakers in public ??
i swear my mom could have written this post.:lol: not snarky at all.

she literally just went and bought me all this Banana Republic stuff too, all these tailored shirts and pencil skirts and sheath dresses, like ima need you to dress like a real adult now that you graduated.
guess i'll go actually take the tags off. :look:
Asos' Hybrid dresses are great.
I wanted to add that I am not married to a wealthy guy but wanted to share my personal experiences :)

Would love to hear more from women who are married to wealthy men :grin:
I followed it and it works. :lol: :look:

And dainty doesn't have to be dresses if you're uncomfortable in them. When I Transitioned (to dating men I would consider marrying), I wore a lot of pants and blazers with fly shoes until I found dresses that I liked and the fit my body type well (a slim ruler with boobies).

I would also say don't be trendy.

I dunno - I feel like so many of the things that are being said in this thread are really things women should be doing as they transition into "adulthood" or something. :look:

- Figure out how you want to live and speak on it. It does you NO GOOD to keep it a secret. NONE.
- Develop personal style
- Know your "angles" (what things work for you whether they be your style, your conversation etc.) and USE THEM (for me its eye contact, conversation and my persona).
- Develop EQ
- Have an answer to the question "I want to help you, how can I help you?" (advice given to me by a CEO of a software startup that I dated)

I like PretteePlease's standing "pose". Gotta work on that.

All of this. :yep::yep:
Love this thread. So my aunt is married to a spin doctor, they live in a very upscale neighbourhood in London, vacation in the Caribbean and the south of France. He earns at least 2 million pounds a year. Her advice: be as fit as possible, dress timeless not trendy, learn about etiquette, my cousins and I both went to boarding school to aid in that, hang out where rich people do, be impeccably groomed, learn to listen well, ego stroke and don't be a pushover ( no sex before commitment, don't get wrapped up in the fairy tale). She has been married 18 years.
I mentioned this upthread that attracting them isnt the same a landing them.

I feel like this post is an early attempt at shade. Regardless of my own personal preferences,I support any black woman that wants to marry well. So, in defense of the women that do aspire to marry money or currently are dating wealth, dating rich men is just like dating any other men. takes practice. Dating is often an acquired skill, most women have to go through a few toads to find their prince. Better they be rich toads than poor ones.:lol:

hopefully this thread stays friendly....

This thread is not shade.
Love this thread. So my aunt is married to a spin doctor, they live in a very upscale neighbourhood in London, vacation in the Caribbean and the south of France. He earns at least 2 million pounds a year. Her advice: be as fit as possible, dress timeless not trendy, learn about etiquette, my cousins and I both went to boarding school to aid in that, hang out where rich people do, be impeccably groomed, learn to listen well, ego stroke and don't be a pushover ( no sex before commitment, don't get wrapped up in the fairy tale). She has been married 18 years.
Great list.


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