How To Attract A Rich Man

Right, and I too intended no shade in my comment. I just would like to hear the marriage stories along with the dating/attracting ones.

Someone upthread mentioned very wealthy men being quite eccentric, I've heard the same. Understandable if you have unlimited access to cash, I guess.

sunnydaze I know your font and I know others as well. I apologize if you felt attacked I just dont want potential posters to get scared off from the thread.

As far as marrying goes, have you guys seen the posts on here??? A woman is likely to be accused & shamed of being a gold digger if she married rich to begin with :nono: As far as this thread goes, I'm sure we prob have some trophy wives who are lowkey. Personally I dont know of too many women on the board that meet the married rich criteria-- although there are a couple athlete wives on here :look:. For the most part, a lot of the husbands seems to have amassed wealth over time, they didnt start the marriage that way tho. Then there's another category of women that are successful at attracting money or acquiring things. So for women that want to marry rich, I'm sure putting the pieces of the puzzle together coulld help a woman find herself in such a position where she may find herself set for life. :yep:
Read books by Ginie Polo Sayles. She basically says if you want to marry the rich, you have to socialize with the rich: go where they go and live where they live. Ginie would also say to cultivate an aura of rich. Dress like them (even if it's a less expensive brand). Don't be afraid to visit high end stores even if you're just looking. Buy the most luxurious things you can afford (but don't go into debt to look rich!).

Also consider foreigners who have wealth and/or titles. :look: Although this was not a man, I met a german baroness (older woman) at a formal and we kept in touch. A few weeks later, we met up for lunch in NYC. A few months later, she invited me to meet up with her and her friends in Paris/Monaco :look: but I cannot just run off to Europe just like that. We were in Europe at the same time last year, and she invited me to stay at her apartment in Milan. Of course, I took her up on that :look: After staying with her, I'll say rich people are very. . .interesting. Even from the women, you can learn a lot. Of course, she started telling me very bluntly some things I needed to do to find a nice (aka rich) man LOL.
@sunnydaze I know your font and I know others as well. I apologize if you felt attacked I just dont want potential posters to get scared off from the thread.

As far as marrying goes, have you guys seen the posts on here??? A woman is likely to be accused & shamed of being a gold digger if she married rich to begin with :nono: As far as this thread goes, I'm sure we prob have some trophy wives who are lowkey. Personally I dont know of too many women on the board that meet the married rich criteria-- although there are a couple athlete wives on here :look:. For the most part, a lot of the husbands seems to have amassed wealth over time, they didnt start the marriage that way tho. Then there's another category of women that are successful at attracting money or acquiring things. So for women that want to marry rich, I'm sure putting the pieces of the puzzle together coulld help a woman find herself in such a position where she may find herself set for life. :yep:

See and that sucks. If we are comfortable sharing "I married blue collar bob and won" stories, we should also be able to share dating/marrying rich and winning as well. Hopefully these wives/girlfriends will chant in.
Read books by Ginie Polo Sayles. She basically says if you want to marry the rich, you have to socialize with the rich: go where they go and live where they live. Ginie would also say to cultivate an aura of rich. Dress like them (even if it's a less expensive brand). Don't be afraid to visit high end stores even if you're just looking. Buy the most luxurious things you can afford (but don't go into debt to look rich!).

Also consider foreigners who have wealth and/or titles. :look: Although this was not a man, I met a german baroness (older woman) at a formal and we kept in touch. A few weeks later, we met up for lunch in NYC. A few months later, she invited me to meet up with her and her friends in Paris/Monaco :look: but I cannot just run off to Europe just like that. We were in Europe at the same time last year, and she invited me to stay at her apartment in Milan. Of course, I took her up on that :look: After staying with her, I'll say rich people are very. . .interesting. Even from the women, you can learn a lot. Of course, she started telling me very bluntly some things I needed to do to find a nice (aka rich) man LOL.

Belle Du Jour, please share
I mentioned this upthread that attracting them isnt the same a landing them.

I feel like this post is an early attempt at shade. Regardless of my own personal preferences,I support any black woman that wants to marry well. So, in defense of the women that do aspire to marry money or currently are dating wealth, dating rich men is just like dating any other men. takes practice. Dating is often an acquired skill, most women have to go through a few toads to find their prince. Better they be rich toads than poor ones.:lol:

hopefully this thread stays friendly....

Sorry, no shade as well. It just seems like most of the date rich men threads are focused on fun and good times and not long-term commitments and marriage, which I think the latter most women here are interested in.
sophie I need that pm too lol

I feel like Prez is grooming me to marry a rich man here is the list he gave me

1. get another degree

2. always look like something you never know who you are going to meet; he often calls me and asks what I have on he knows I can be extremely ratchet :giggle: when he says that I immediately jump in the shower and get presentable. He told me directly sometimes I want to take you places but I'm not sure how you will be dressed when I call

3. network and hang with "quality women" he told me not to tell anyone else that a former friend currently strips

4. take up golf When I went to Insperity last week he looked kind of sad and told me I was gonna come home someones wife.

5. he often looks at me crazy because he said for someone who is struggling I know about all the power broker restaurants I told him I can afford happy hour :giggle: he told me that those are the places to meet powerful men

6. hurry up and start my business other and network with business people

few things i do that i noticed people comment on:

when i'm standing in a room I don't just stand I pose like my siggy

I will walk up to a guy and say something random "sir how fast have you gone in that car" "sir why are you eating alone" *icebreaker*

I have great pronunciation I don't speak anything but Spanish and a lil Portuguese but I have learned phrases in French, German, Farsi, and Arabic these are great icebreakers

I wear hot and or crazy shoes. dudes love feet and my siggy shoes always get people to walk up and randomly speak to me although I have only worn them about 5xs in the last year but I have a pair of snake skin shoes with neon green piping and laces up the back love them
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I have a confession. I cannot look like a million bucks everyday. I love flats, I refuse to do my hair EVERY DAY, I will not put on make up everyday (too much time). I have to find the energy so I can step my game up. I mean, I look everyday presentable for the average Joe but surely not a wealthy man. :(
Subbing. The rest of 2013 I'm gonna work on me....drop some weight. I'm already aggressively working with my Derm. Then 2014 the info in this thread will be put to work.

It was like specific stuff that I needed to work on LOL, not general advice. She was blunt but not rude :look: :grin: She did tell me how she met her husband and talks about how she tries to take care of him and keep him happy. She's very old-fashioned, in a "fascinating womanhood" kind of way, so very catering to her husband.
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I have a confession. I cannot look like a million bucks everyday. I love flats, I refuse to do my hair EVERY DAY, I will not put on make up everyday (too much time). I have to find the energy so I can step my game up. I mean, I look everyday presentable for the average Joe but surely not a wealthy man. :(

you don't have to be fashion page fresh every day. you will do better by finding a place and becoming a familiar face. I have a friend that doesn't drink coffee but she goes to the "Rich" Starbucs a few times a week she is now rubbing elbows with some very rich very powerful people

we went last week after going to the golf tournament group of regulars were outside we stopped talked for a while then he marched us inside and paid for our drinks it less than $10 but the point is to be where the men you want to meet are looking a mess or not
It was like specific stuff that I needed to work on LOL, not general advice. :look: :grin: She did tell me how she met her husband and talks about how she tries to take care of him. She's very old-fashioned, in a "fascinating womanhood" kind of way, so very catering to her husband.

Same thing my girlfriend said. She met a very wealthy guy on Match. She specifically stated the income she was looking for. He moved her out to Malibu from Miami. They have been married for a few years now. She just had a her 1st child last month.
you don't have to be fashion page fresh every day. you will do better by finding a place and becoming a familiar face. I have a friend that doesn't drink coffee but she goes to the "Rich" Starbucs a few times a week she is now rubbing elbows with some very rich very powerful people

we went last week after going to the golf tournament group of regulars were outside we stopped talked for a while then he marched us inside and paid for our coffee it less than $10 but the point is to be where the men you want to meet are looking a mess or not

Ahhhh ok. I'm following you now! ;)
I travel a lot...99%.9% I get upgraded... Met some interesting dates guy owned a I got wine by the crate

One time, I was seated next to this older British lady who was struggling with her luggage, so hell,I helped her out, and gave all the men sitting on their butts a side-eye.We got to talking, it was a long a flight, she was visiting her son,I reassured her that all the turbulence we were having would stop soon. She insisted I meet her son, I took her up on her offer...omg,they didn't live in a house, it was a friggin castle:lol::grin:Her son was a trust fund baby, but doing philanthropist types of initiatives..

Golfing...met CEO of well known company, he has his own corporate jet at his disposal...he would practically fly to whatever city I happen to be in that week.It was fun for a while,but as rich as he was, I don't think he needed a girlfriend, he needed a therapist, dude would boo-hoo tears when I couldn't see him. Had to throw him back

Private Clubs..Membership is often by invitation only, and dues can average anything from $10K to $50K per year.A guy I used to work for, had a lifetime membership.He would let me use it as a guest. Often if you stay at one, you can use others in other cities in the world. Anyway, lets just say, the only folks staying there are moneyed folks...:grin: but lets just say, I've networked my way, until now, I can get in by my own steam..I rarely see any of my like there....

Investment clubs - I attend seminars,conventions...pick up strategies
I'm not saying the folks I meet here have Oprahmoney, but definitely ain't 99% folk...

One of my friends brother played for the Redskins...dated a Redskin and some player from Phoenix team...but you need a certain mental level to deal with this's not for me..

There's a lot more...I'll post in a bit...but being in and around their circles help..being comfortable being out of your comfort zone helps..

Seminars/conventions/Theater/Concerts - occasionally, I'll splurge and get VIP never know who might end up sitting next to...:grin: that's all I going to say about that... not let the pursuit blind you...there are as many rich stingy folks and con-artist out there too...
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I seem to attract rich men. Although I am not married, I do know that most rich men will let you know they want you for their wife very quickly. I have been tiold I attract them for marriage because I do not care about their money and am not out seeking them and they pick up on it quickly. I have been out with girlfriends who are on a hunt for wealthy men and these men rarely go for them, even though they are beautiful. These types of guys usually want a women who takes care of herself but not necessarily independently wealthy. They want a woman who is intelligent, as intelligent as they are as they want to someone they can talk to at home, however, I don't think what the woman does for work makes a big difference. They also want someone they could see raising their children. They are really concerned that the woman is not a gold-digger as most are very protective of their money and do not want a woman who they suspect might leave once the marriage is sealed and they have a few kids. They want someone who is in there for the long haul, to protect their earnings.

I met a guy when I was about 25 who was 39 and very wealthy. He pursued me quickly and offerred marriage at out third date. He was very blunt and stated that he saw that I was not materialistic but intelligent and he liked my style. This guy had many women pursuing him (including me ex-bff but that is another story :rolleyes:) I told him I would only marriage for love and was not interested as I did not love him. He would not give up and even got on his knees at one point before I moved to NY :look:. This guy is still not married and every now and then will call or text to see if I am married or dating. He says he is still waiting. I finally asked him why me, with all of the women out there. he said that he knew I was someone he could trust with his money. He also said I was adventurous like him and fun to be around. He added that he thought I would be a good mother :) He enjoys life seems to be having fun but I am just so shocked that he is still single :lol:

Other guys have brought up marriage very early too, these guys usually know what they want, if you are dating for a while, he is probably not interested in much more than dating at that time. I would say be yourself, have personal interests, expand your realm of knowledge, about the world and different topics, and dress cute.

I remember meeting a surgeon once at a party. He circled around me for a while, checking me out, he thought he was being discreet. I feigned disinterest and that's when he hit. :lol: He introduced himself as Dr. ___ and said he was an orthopeadic surgeon. I talked about a story I knew of someone who had a a problem with their a fracture in their leg and he was impressed that I knew what he did specifically. He said that most women got it wrong. I think he was hooked at that point :lol: Not that impressive to me but I guess for him it was.

Also, go to events where rich men hang out and learn to get out and network. Have a little mystery too, let the guy come to you. :)

ETA: All of the guys I dated were AA.
attracting and findig them is one thing, landing them is another.

I max out at well-off, there are a couple other members that are better suited for blatantly rich. :lol: Most of what I know is experience/obervation of women I know and have known over the years and I've posted most of it in that golddigger thread. My advice is pretty basic and the path of least resistance-- go to where rich men are (location), be feminine, midly vapid, ego-stroking, confident and thin. :look:

Zaynab or PretteePlease may be of better use here, there are a few others but not sure if they want to be tagged but hopefully will join in the thread. :yep:

Yep. Good advice.:yep:

Following along with go where they are, men with money eat near and where they work, that's mostly likely the city center, they eat out everyday or have drinks right after work, eat ALONE (never with other women) there. Smile. Smile. Smile. Look approachable. Being vapid...I think AA women miss this and men with money eat it up. Remember if they're 'wealthy'/'rich' they are dealing with all types of personalities and attitudes daily, they want someone who is just simply fun and accommodating. Watch the attire, don't dress in hooker/club clothes, feminine dresses that are conservative and heels. Speak well and don't talk alot. That's all I got.
I seem to attract rich men. Although I am not married, I do know that most rich men will let you know they want you for their wife very quickly. I have been tiold I attract them for marriage because I do not care about their money and am not out seeking them and they pick up on it quickly. I have been out with girlfriends who are on a hunt for wealthy men and these men rarely go for them, even though they are beautiful. These types of guys usually want a women who takes care of herself but not necessarily independently wealthy. They want a woman who is intelligent, as intelligent as they are as they want to someone they can talk to at home, however, I don't think what the woman does for work makes a big difference. They also want someone they could see raising their children. They are really concerned that the woman is not a gold-digger as most are very protective of their money and do not want a woman who they suspect might leave once the marriage is sealed and they have a few kids. They want someone who is in there for the long haul, to protect their earnings.

I met a guy when I was about 25 who was 39 and very wealthy. He pursued me quickly and offerred marriage at out third date. He was very blunt and stated that he saw that I was not materialistic but intelligent and he liked my style. This guy had many women pursuing him (including me ex-bff but that is another story :rolleyes:) I told him I would only marriage for love and was not interested as I did not love him. He would not give up and even got on his knees at one point before I moved to NY :look:. This guy is still not married and every now and then will call or text to see if I am married or dating. He says he is still waiting. I finally asked him why me, with all of the women out there. he said that he knew I was someone he could trust with his money. He also said I was adventurous like him and fun to be around. He added that he thought I would be a good mother :) He enjoys life seems to be having fun but I am just so shocked that he is still single :lol:

Other guys have brought up marriage very early too, these guys usually know what they want, if you are dating for a while, he is probably not interested in much more than dating at that time. I would say be yourself, have personal interests, expand your realm of knowledge, about the world and different topics, and dress cute.

I remember meeting a surgeon once at a party. He circled around me for a while, checking me out, he thought he was being discreet. I feigned disinterest and that's when he hit. :lol: He introduced himself as Dr. ___ and said he was an orthopeadic surgeon. I talked about a story I knew of someone who had a a problem with their a fracture in their leg and he was impressed that I knew what he did specifically. He said that most women got it wrong. I think he was hooked at that point :lol: Not that impressive to me but I guess for him it was.

Also, go to events where rich men hang out and learn to get out and network. Have a little mystery too, let the guy come to you. :)

ETA: All of the guys I dated were AA.

Def agree with the bolded. Although I think being a good listener is just as marketable as being a scholarly brain. There are just as man vapid silly chicks that are good listeners as there are women intelligent women that are able to challenge & push that are currently with rich men. It just depends on the guy and his preferences. Some men are perfectionists and go for the woman that's the best at everything. Other men want submissive trophies that are seen and not heard.
He was very blunt and stated that he saw that I was not materialistic but intelligent and he liked my style. This guy had many women pursuing him (including me ex-bff but that is another story :rolleyes:) AA.

Would love to hear more about your and your Ex BFF failing out. Was it about her coming after your dudes? How do you ladies deal with going out, but you have overly competitive girlfriends who want all the attention on them and will do anything to get it! Do you only hang around a certain type of women when you are going out to meet men??
Yep. Good advice.:yep:

Following along with go where they are, men with money eat near and where they work, that's mostly likely the city center, they eat out everyday or have drinks right after work, eat ALONE (never with other women) there. Smile. Smile. Smile. Look approachable. Being vapid...I think AA women miss this and men with money eat it up. Remember if they're 'wealthy'/'rich' they are dealing with all types of personalities and attitudes daily, they want someone who is just simply fun and accommodating. Watch the attire, don't dress in hooker/club clothes, feminine dresses that are conservative and heels. Speak well and don't talk alot. That's all I got.

this. some women need to learn the power of stfu. :look:

there are too many black women that insist on steady talking 24-7. certain men dont want to talk about it and your opinion is not always welcome. sometimes it's best if you quiet down and just sit & be pretty. :look: <--ime, there are more subtle women w/rich men than there are vocal intelligent women with them. see, this is why I know my own limits :look::lol:
this. some women need to learn the power of stfu. :look:

there are too many black women that insist on steady talking 24-7. certain men dont want to talk about it and your opinion is not always welcome. sometimes it's best if you quiet down and just sit & be pretty. :look: <--ime, there are more subtle women w/rich men than there are vocal intelligent women with them. see, this is why I know my own limits :look::lol:

I don't know. Guys who are wealthy from educational pursuits (not ball players, etc) tend to want a woman who has opinions and expresses them. They don't, however, want a woman who is all chatty in the streets. They do like quieter women but they want the woman to be someone they can talk to one-on-one. These types tend to not want the women to be clueless at home, what is the point of that, those types of women they prefer to just date.
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I've never dated an extremely wealthy guy, but Ive dated a guy who made 6 figures. One thing that us younger women(18-35) need to realize is not to overlook ambitious men that are still working on establishing themselves. All you women in your early thirties should not sleep on those 27 year old grad students that want to wife you up because one day you might be well taken care of by them. He could be a millionaire by 40. Also a lot of ambitious or rich people are not alway outwardly flashy with their appearance and their clothing may not be up to standard. Many people who have it don't flaunt it and those ones get overlooked. Haven't you noticed that some men dress better when they have wives and girlfriends?