How To Attract A Rich Man

Ok, I'll be a litte specific:

1 - Evening lectures at either museums or universities on specific exhibits or topics. But to be clear, the art crowd is a bit different (a tad more uppity) than the university crowd. Sometimes they're intertwined, but other times they're 2 different animals.

2 - Business/Property owner association informational meetings... especially if the topics cover new construction and zoning. Successful business and property owners like to stay in the know of what changes could potentially affect their revenue. Many times, they're voting on what to approve and who/what to endorse.

3 - Profession-specific mixers, such as Finance MBAs or Ad Execs, which are usually in conjunction with the city chamber of commerce.

4 - Tennis & golf tournaments, especially when they are sponsored by a major corporation. All you have to do is sit and watch. The person you sit next to may be the one who gave the green light to finance the whole thing.

5 - A rotary club sponsored event. You'll be be youngest one there and wind up meeting a man whose wife does the same thing as you. You meet the wife who in turn thinks you'd be great for her son, the orthodontist...

6 - A political informational meeting, such as city council meeting. This is where all the attorneys with $$$$ are. Remember that the most successful politicians are attorneys, and for those politicians that aren't, they have many attorneys advising and working for them in some capacity. These attorneys are the partners and senior staff at their firms.

To find when and where these events are taking place, read the LOCAL (and most of the time free) newspapers, not just the Times or the like. Many of these newtorks stay very close to the communities that they run.

I'm tellin you ladies, it's not the athletes and rappers with the real money. Not by a long shot.

Just my $.02.

@Bronwdilocks this is a great list! I am going to have a busy fun summer! Lol!
Ok, I'll be a litte specific:

1 - Evening lectures at either museums or universities on specific exhibits or topics. But to be clear, the art crowd is a bit different (a tad more uppity) than the university crowd. Sometimes they're intertwined, but other times they're 2 different animals.

2 - Business/Property owner association informational meetings... especially if the topics cover new construction and zoning. Successful business and property owners like to stay in the know of what changes could potentially affect their revenue. Many times, they're voting on what to approve and who/what to endorse.

3 - Profession-specific mixers, such as Finance MBAs or Ad Execs, which are usually in conjunction with the city chamber of commerce.

4 - Tennis & golf tournaments, especially when they are sponsored by a major corporation. All you have to do is sit and watch. The person you sit next to may be the one who gave the green light to finance the whole thing.

5 - A rotary club sponsored event. You'll be be youngest one there and wind up meeting a man whose wife does the same thing as you. You meet the wife who in turn thinks you'd be great for her son, the orthodontist...

6 - A political informational meeting, such as city council meeting. This is where all the attorneys with $$$$ are. Remember that the most successful politicians are attorneys, and for those politicians that aren't, they have many attorneys advising and working for them in some capacity. These attorneys are the partners and senior staff at their firms.

To find when and where these events are taking place, read the LOCAL (and most of the time free) newspapers, not just the Times or the like. Many of these newtorks stay very close to the communities that they run.

I'm tellin you ladies, it's not the athletes and rappers with the real money. Not by a long shot.

Just my $.02.

I wish we could make stickies for ourselves.
This is long, but needs to be said:

Ladies, there is nothing wrong with finding a rich guy, but beware the TYPE of man you choose.

One of our neighbors is rich. For the reals rich. Old money rich. Millions of dollars rich- he is a Stanford Business School grad and friends with the dude who created Google and the people who started Ebay.. He is not some six figure LHCF standard joker. Yet, he lives in our neighborhood and not a more expensive one. He is also one of the BIGGEST tightwads I have ever met.

His wife is from Uzbekistan. Baaaby, she thought it would be lifestyles of the rich and famous and it ain't. She thought she would be marrying some rich, American guy and he would sweep her off her feet, blah, blah, blah. No, that's not how it is for her AT ALL. She is not living the U.E. life that she thought she would be.

This dude is so tight he won't pay for monthly trash service or get the house sprayed- a must if you live in our area. Roaches roaming all over said trash piled up in their garage :barf:

Homie gets all of the trash together PUTS IT IN HIS TRUNK and takes it to a dumpster himself just to save a few coins.

When we go out to eat with them (which we hate cause he's always lamenting prices) they are always sharing plates- like whole family splitting one plate of pad thai and we like to get apps/drinks/whatever. Sooooo, if we do the whole split the bill thing, we've had the whole menu while they've only had one entree. It's just easier for us to pay.

His wife is on a strict allowance. He gives her so much a month to pay certain bills, grocery, her necessities, etc. You better believe she has the heater off in the winter and the AC off in the summer to make sure she can pay with what he gives her.

Wife was preggo with baby #3. She had a 4 door Hyundai sedan that already had a booster and carseat and no room for a carseat for the new baby. Her husband said the oldest kid (7) could ride in the front seat. She said well what about when they go somewhere as a family? He said they wouldn't all be going to the same place all the time and he could drive his car separately (an old arse station wagon- who still makes those???) if need be:rolleyes:

I could go on and on. He checks her mileage to make sure she's not using too much gas.

He has her hand him a stack of her receipts for when he's gone on a business trip.

They said they were having a pizza party one Superbowl and WHY when I showed up was it Costco take n bake pizza??? The oldest son (whose not his BTW) said he wanted more and he said he wouldn't put another one in the oven until more people wanted more:perplexed

He's got approx 11 million dollars that he made overseas that he's trying to figure out how to bring to the US without paying the taxes on it and was actually considering renouncing his citizenship to do so.

I understand a man who is judicious with money- mine def is- but watch out for stingy men, they come in all socioeconomic levels.

This is happening in the U.S. of A, ya'll. Find yourself a Sugar daddy, but make for good and dang sure that his wallet isn't super-glued shut.

She should leave him. She's already living poor.
Ugh I'm taking notes in this thread.

I think I'm doing it all wrong:cry2: I've applied a lot of the tips in here but I CONSISTENTLY attract rich OLD men:nono:

I went out a couple weekends ago and three men came up to me....1 was an old italian guy with a toupee, another looked like/sounded like he was probably in the mob and the third one was 60 and told me about how he got his lung removed and how he had shoulder surgery coming up:cry2:

In any case, my small contribution to this thread is to check out auto shows. I went to one a few weeks back and the place was teeming with wealthy men and they weren't just there to look

ETA: I live in a chichifroufrou area of town - LOTS of old money so I think the places I frequent skew towards the smoking jacket crowd. I go out to eat by myself quite a bit too. I'm a bit of a foodie so its fun to try out reviewed restaurants...grab a seat by a bar and chat it up with the bar staff. Its pretty fun until grandpa comes up and parks himself next to me:lol:
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Ok, I'll be a litte specific:

1 - Evening lectures at either museums or universities on specific exhibits or topics. But to be clear, the art crowd is a bit different (a tad more uppity) than the university crowd. Sometimes they're intertwined, but other times they're 2 different animals.

2 - Business/Property owner association informational meetings... especially if the topics cover new construction and zoning. Successful business and property owners like to stay in the know of what changes could potentially affect their revenue. Many times, they're voting on what to approve and who/what to endorse.

3 - Profession-specific mixers, such as Finance MBAs or Ad Execs, which are usually in conjunction with the city chamber of commerce.

4 - Tennis & golf tournaments, especially when they are sponsored by a major corporation. All you have to do is sit and watch. The person you sit next to may be the one who gave the green light to finance the whole thing.

5 - A rotary club sponsored event. You'll be be youngest one there and wind up meeting a man whose wife does the same thing as you. You meet the wife who in turn thinks you'd be great for her son, the orthodontist...

6 - A political informational meeting, such as city council meeting. This is where all the attorneys with $$$$ are. Remember that the most successful politicians are attorneys, and for those politicians that aren't, they have many attorneys advising and working for them in some capacity. These attorneys are the partners and senior staff at their firms.

To find when and where these events are taking place, read the LOCAL (and most of the time free) newspapers, not just the Times or the like. Many of these newtorks stay very close to the communities that they run.

I'm tellin you ladies, it's not the athletes and rappers with the real money. Not by a long shot.

Just my $.02.

This is a great list Browndilocks. :yep:

I would also like to add:
-horse-y events (polo, steeplechases, races, etc) or even consider joining a hunt club if you can ride :look: People who are into horses generally have $$$
-events sponsored by charitable groups (although at galas, the men probably came with a date :ohwell:)
-join co-ed charity young professionals (20s-40s) groups that raise money for various causes
-opening night of theater, opera, ballet, etc
-art auctions at places like Christie's, Sotheby's, etc
ETA: sailing and boat related activities
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She should leave him. She's already living poor.

She's now in culinary school full-time and works 30 hours at the Fours Seasons restaurant downtown on the weekends:spinning:

I don't think she would ever leave him, but it looks like she's at least trying to get a plan together.
Ugh I'm taking notes in this thread.

I think I'm doing it all wrong:cry2: I've applied a lot of the tips in here but I CONSISTENTLY attract rich OLD men:nono:

I went out a couple weekends ago and three men came up to me....1 was an old italian guy with a toupee, another looked like/sounded like he was probably in the mob and the third one was 60 and told me about how he got his lung removed and how he had shoulder surgery coming up:cry2:

In any case, my small contribution to this thread is to check out auto shows. I went to one a few weeks back and the place was teeming with wealthy men and they weren't just there to look

ETA: I live in a chichifroufrou area of town - LOTS of old money so I think the places I frequent skew towards the smoking jacket crowd. I go out to eat by myself quite a bit too. I'm a bit of a foodie so its fun to try out reviewed restaurants...grab a seat by a bar and chat it up with the bar staff. Its pretty fun until grandpa comes up and parks himself next to me:lol:

ROTFL @the man talking about ailments like most old people do!

Im sorry for laughing but I attract these same old behind men also! Too Funny!

I hope I am not being to forward by asking for the PM as well...

BTW great thread!

My goal is to find and marry someone who makes more than me. I make a nice, decent salary.
dress like a lady, be beautiful, be in shape, be low-key friendly (don't be extra) be laid back & optimistic, be a genuinely good person, be trustworthy & sincere. Most of all, be yourself. Lol. They're used to fake people swarming around them and smell fakeness a mile away.

Good well-off men like the best of everything. The best restaurants, boats, planes, clothes, club memberships, houses/co-ops, pets and wives. You must be beautiful like other rich men's wives. Men are proud & competitive. Who has the longest yacht? Latest g550 or g650? Who donated $100 million to the neighborhood park or new research building? Again, they want the best & go after it. So not only do you have to look good, but it would benefit you to also 'be a good woman'...'the best woman'...If you want to be a keeper.

This is not for the faint of heart. Hang in there & be patient. Supposedly self-made men propose marriage quickly while those with inheritance take their sweet time. Self-mades prefer the stability of a marriage, which allows them to be comfortable & just focus on building the business & making $$$$. The old money men have more to consider and tend to be more traditional.

The black women I see that are married well tend to have the qualities listed above. They are very elegant, uppity & beautiful...think Aunt Viv from Fresh Prince. They have a clean cut 'Im rich' look. They think they're the best & so do their husbands. They also have their own hair-Relaxed of course or flat ironed...usually shoulder length to armpit length. Most black women i see that are married very very well are late 30s to 60s.
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As a rich man i can say that i have never, nor will ever feel a urge to cheat upon my gorgeous wife, though i might get tired of a woman, i will never cheat on her. Though bachelor life is tempting, it’s a thing of the past, not all rich men are sleezebags, personally i have inherited a company, a lot of stocks and quite some capital from my father, i don’t have time for cheating or adventuring, i need a woman who can respect my desire to work 24/7 and be there at my leisure when i get home.

As long as she keeps everything in check, has my dinner ready when i get home and is ready for sex i would never cheat on her.

- A workaholic investor
Yeah this thread is "popping" lol. You ladies have alot of advice. I need to venture out and find out where the rich men hang out in my area. I need motivation and courage too :)
This is a really interesting thread... I read every single post. I've never been the type to want a rich guy, but maybe these tips will help attract a quality/stable guy period.

Maybe instead of going straight home, I'll make a detour to a coffee shop in a nice area after work on days when I'm all girlified and just read and sip on a decaf something or other for an hour or two. Also, this is just the push I needed to take advantage of that symphony discount they offer at work.
*****Grabs pen and pad****
I'm in NY...what groups, what events, and where? :look:

****writes reminder to check out 100 black women, and
Urban League

Here is NY there are several groups that have events and if you go you will start seeing the same faces :look:

Also, join groups like 100 black women or other similar groups (Urban League, etc) and get to know people. You'd be surprised :)
Great thread! As always thanks Zaynab barbiesocialite and PretteePlease

I know a handful of ladies who married millionaire athletes and they all met during college. The ladies are all a certain type- long hair, light skin-which feeds into the "exotical" stereotype unfortunately. The guys just wanted women that looked that way, I guess..The women have no more education than you and I, they dont dress "nice", dont work out and barely cook and clean and Claim to hate sex. So not sure what other qualities they have.

I dont know anyone who has married or is dating a self made or corporate millionaire currently although I know plenty of women who aspire to do so. The pointers are very helpful and I have tried the eating alone in a nice restaurant thing myself just to see if I would attract a professional, qualitty guy and I did!! Lol... Im super shy, dont give off a friendly vibe and I have an awful mean mugging resting face-Lol...The guy said that he was in charge of the company that builds a well known breakfast chain and he was in town checking on the new project, yada, yada but I was super depressed getting out of a relationship so I didnt follow up.

Sorry for the rambling but I will keep checking for more tips, while planning to drive 30 miles to the "rich" Starbucks to get a yogurt parfait!! Lmbo!

You know what though being exotical sometimes has its drawbacks. It can limit you. Personally I think a kellyrowland type could do way better at landing a whale than a draya;). Being tall, thin, pretty and dark has a lot of advantages if you know how to use it;)
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This is a good thread ladies. I have met plenty of rich men, all millionaires. I've dated an attorney for rapper Rick Ross, a relative of a celebrity, and an African buisness man. All of the tips that have been given are true and they work. Only reason I haven't been wifed up yet is because I refuse to "give it up". I do have morals.
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I feel like my city is too confusing? small? (I'm trying to think of the right word). I'll just give a recent situation.

I'm researching new places to go for happy hour. I find a few that are pretty low key and in the wealthiest hotels. The happy hour is the only thing in my price range. :lol: Next thing I know, someone is on facebook like "having a reflection moment at _______". :wallbash: Pissed me off because that's how the hood gets a hold of things and ruins it. Looks like I'll just have to drive a little further out. *end rant*

Perhaps my contribution to this thread is to not advertise what you do on social media. This is the kind of knowledge you share with women who have the same goals as you. Not the hoodrats and birds. I'm happy that members on here are will to share what they know and communicating it in a practical manner. I appreciate you. :)

Someone up thread said that they wish they had a UE mentor. I agree. I feel lonely in this city. :ohwell:
I noticed "thin" being brought up quite often. I understand the significance and how this comes into play regarding attraction. However, what about average weight....or dare I say, a few lbs overweight?
I wish people weren't so catty or I'd post face/body pics cause I'm not the typical body type to attract rich dudes

I've seen your pics and I agree, not the typical type but very attractive ( pretty face/nice hair/brickhouse body) all the same so it's not hard to see that you'd be able to attract men of any caliber.
I think all types of men like a brick house :lol:.
I noticed "thin" being brought up quite often. I understand the significance and how this comes into play regarding attraction. However, what about average weight....or dare I say, a few lbs overweight?

Personal story of my own observations:

Myself thin with no ***: Men (black and white) in the financial district cold approaching me on the street, staring, getting in free to places, wanting to spend their money on me, etc, heard "beautiful, gorgeous", many thought I was rich, idk why

Myself overweight with Serena *** but flatish enough waist: Catcalls, some cold approches, mostly by ***-men only dudes; most not well to do, requests to casually hookup, get "sexy, hot"

This is just my experience, There is a difference. I didn't want to admit it, but there is. Like PP, if you got some curves you can still pull rich guys but if you're not up on game and have a bubbly personality + pretty face it's harder IMO, idk.

@Zaynab @barbiesocialite and @PretteePlease THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSES! :grin:
Ok, so get my body together with this workout and eating situation.
-Get mind and attitude right...smiling and bubbly. I'm extremely shy in social situations and the smiling doesn't come easy there, but I'm very smily/bubbly at work.
-Go to some of the places that Browndilocks mentioned
-Bring my femininity back with more dresses, which is why I need to get my body right

Thanks to all for the great advice!
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this. some women need to learn the power of stfu. :look:

there are too many black women that insist on steady talking 24-7. certain men dont want to talk about it and your opinion is not always welcome. sometimes it's best if you quiet down and just sit & be pretty. :look: <--ime, there are more subtle women w/rich men than there are vocal intelligent women with them. see, this is why I know my own limits :look::lol:

This again depends on the type of guy you want to attract. There are many rich men that like cultured educated women someone they can talk to. My background working alongside a prominent matchmaker previously...I found this to be true. Regardless of if they are looking for vapid or talkative and intelligent, I will say this: they do want someone who does not create or attract drama. Most rich men have high powered jobs and do not want to come home to more stress.