How To Attract A Rich Man

@Arlana What's considered a "brick house"? I've heard the term get thrown around, but never really fully understood it....

@PretteePlease is an example :look:.
it means stacked, big boobs, small waist, big hips usually on a woman who is sturdy or a bit overweight...
For example although Halle Berry or Nicole Murphy have big boobs/small waists/wide hips they aren't exactly brick houses to me :lol:, not thick enough imo. I'd be a brick house if I had bigger boobs :lol:.
Some examples might be Sofia Vergara ( she's on the slim side but still a brick house to me lol), Kim Kardashian ( well not now :look:), Amber Rose, Serena Williams ( though she has no hips), maybe Tyra Banks.

Oh I have more... Christina Hendricks and Kelly Brook.
Oh and Salma Hayek.
I guess it's basically having a sturdy hourglass shape.
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This again depends on the type of guy you want to attract. There are many rich men that like cultured educated women someone they can talk to. My background working alongside a prominent matchmaker previously...I found this to be true. Regardless of if they are looking for vapid or talkative and intelligent, I will say this: they do want someone who does not create or attract drama. Most rich men have high powered jobs and do not want to come home to more stress.

In real life I agree with you. However, I try to stay away from including it in topics similar to this because IME the only women that advise, recommend or vocally condone such a temperament are usually single--myself included. :look:

This thread is a perfect example. Only single women are advocating the deep intellectual/scholarly woman, I find that to be quite notable and relevant. :look:
I noticed "thin" being brought up quite often. I understand the significance and how this comes into play regarding attraction. However, what about average weight....or dare I say, a few lbs overweight?

I think any woman can attract any man she wants, being slim can help you get there faster,but its not the end all be all. Pretteplease is a great example.
Just make sure you look your best regardless of size.
Great thread. Can you ladies please add more to the places you meet these types of men? I saw upthread about coffee shops and VIP areas. I'm going back upthread to see what else I missed.

I don't work in town but I have a pretty good job. I don't live in the most affluent area, so trips to the grocery store isn't exactly where I expect Mr. Big to show up. I've actually outgrown my neighborhood but I don't want to move again until I'm married.

I think I have the ladylike tendancies/look already put in place but I just don't know where to go?? The only things I do is go to the malls and the clubs occasionally (I don't expect to meet Mr. Big at a club but hey, it's something to do). And as for the malls, the ones I go to are in the more affluent areas but men aren't exactly hanging in the malls. They're in and out.

I have no problem attending VIP events and all but it's hard when your friends can't afford it or don't want to pay to play. :perplexed I guess that's why you mentioned meeting new friends, right.

Any tips for me?

Try upscale steak houses,between 6-9pm. Sit at the bar.
As a rich man i can say that i have never, nor will ever feel a urge to cheat upon my gorgeous wife, though i might get tired of a woman, i will never cheat on her. Though bachelor life is tempting, it’s a thing of the past, not all rich men are sleezebags, personally i have inherited a company, a lot of stocks and quite some capital from my father, i don’t have time for cheating or adventuring, i need a woman who can respect my desire to work 24/7 and be there at my leisure when i get home.

As long as she keeps everything in check, has my dinner ready when i get home and is ready for sex i would never cheat on her.

- A workaholic investor

Excuse me? Don't troll.
In real life I agree with you. However, I try to stay away from including it in topics similar to this because IME the only women that advise, recommend or vocally condone such a temperament are usually single--myself included. :look:

This thread is a perfect example. Only single women are advocating the deep intellectual/scholarly woman, I find that to be quite notable and relevant. :look:
I advocate intellect and am engaged. My guy falls into this category. The marriage is on hold by my choice to wrap up grad school first...and now I am happy I made that decision because I see something that gives me pause. His overly aggressive and intrusive mother..,, I am side eyeing his mom who has become unbearable when at first she was super nice and sweet. I do believe family matters. So...with that I have told him if he can't reign her in or handle her to fall back I will be back on the market....and best believe off shortly again.

Btw this is not the first rich guy to ask me to marry. I don't find it hard to get a real propsal w ring... I find it hard accepting.:grin::perplexed:lol: and it's not a game. The thing is though I want a guy who has his ish together I also want to be in love too.

Tips I guess

As for asking for your hand: I have found...l

1)Rich guys know what they want and ask fast.You do have to know how to date the marrying type and not the playboys. With that said there are always exceptions to the rule.

2)Also being polished goes a long way. I think classic matters but you can be quirky & unique & still be in the running as long as it looks polished.

3)Make sure he's generous and watch the way he treats others. If he opens the door for you but leaves it to smack the woman behind you in the good.

Excuse typos on my phone.

Btw the ladies are on track in this thread for the most part. Everyone I saw married through matchmaking or through what I naturally do ( which happens to fall into these rules) seems to imply the same.

4)I think it's better to cultivate similar to your personality so that it is not fake whether you are opinionated or airhead. The only thing to add is to take away drama or intensity (negative). Join yoga classes or circles on attraction or anything where you are around positivity so it becomes a part of your aura instead of faking it.

These guys usually (at least the non athletes) can usually spot and are turned off by the fakers. Better to go on a genuine pursuit of happiness and cultivate some joy in addition to the outer makeover stuff. The reason I suggest groups that can make you calmer or happier is that it will rub off on you if you go somewhere once or twice a week. It will start to influence your mindset. You will also meet some people here who may invite you to events like charity and other stuff too so it kills two birds with one stone.

5)Don't forget a small donation to sundance, the big arts initiative in town, or the local major ballet will get you invites and on their charity list so you will always know about the big happenings in town via email and mail
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I advocate intellect and am engaged. My guy falls into this category. The marriage is on hold by my choice to wrap up grad school first...and now I am happy I made that decision because I see something's that give me pause. His overly aggressive and intrusive mother..,, I am side eyeing his mom who has become unbearable when at first she was super nice and sweet. I do believe family matters. So...with that I have told him if he can't reign her in or handle her to fall back I will be back on the market.

I must admit though I want to get married marriage makes me nervous.. .because my parents are not the best role models. They are married but my mom is miserable and my goal is not to repeat that mistake. So I am careful at analyzing guys and from working with a matchmaker. My goal is not to over analyze but still see any reg flags and I am trying to separate the two.

Btw this is not the first guy to ask me to marry. I don't find it hard to get a real propsal w ring... I find it hard accepting.:grin::perplexed:lol: and it's not a game. If I tell you I am waiting for the right guy but that may or not be you let's date and see where it goes...meanwhile you pull out a ring after a month or two...that leaves me with mouth dropped not expecting that. The thing is though I want a guy who has his ish together I also want to be in love too.

As for asking for your hand: I have found...l
Rich guys know what they want and ask fast. You do have to know how to date the marrying type and not the playboys. Also it's not about giving it up... I am abstinent until marriage and that has never been a problem (you just have to be extremely confident and own your choices whatever they are withoutnapologizing)...but the matchmaker did teach that if you are to have sex save it for a serious relationship.

girllllll......:look: @ the bolded.... I generally appreciate your contributions but you are doing the most with this post lol
girllllll......:look: @ the bolded.... I generally appreciate your contributions but you are doing the most with this post lol

Am I?:lachen:

I thought we were breaking down where to meet guys. I think mindset matters. The reason I put in background is I side eye long engagements unless there is a reason. I am not a fan of them usually. if he were dragging his feet I would be out :perplexed:lachen: So now that I am doing it I am getting a good laugh. Still let a guy do it:look:. I know,,,I know.
*****Grabs pen and pad****
I'm in NY...what groups, what events, and where? :look:

****writes reminder to check out 100 black women, and
Urban League
you won't find ballers in Urban League YP...just a bunch of black women looking for a man. :look: The events are good though so its a great way to get out there are meet new people. I've met some great girls though, my social circle expanded. The men are okay but some are just trying the same ole' same ole':look:
I think some emphasized but please don't go everywhere with friends. Make it easy to be approached but also find things to do so you are not standing desperately waiting for a guy.

For instance at an art to people, look at art by yourself.

And don't lie. Don't pretend you know about art, for instance, if you don't. Better to say you are just getting into art and decided to start with this exhibit than to act like you know about postmodern blah bola blah. It's also an opening to get his opinion and let him tell you what he knows.

No the other hand don't pretend if you are well versed. Say a few words and then follow barbiesocialite and stfu. This is not a lecture, it's a conversation. Make sure to check yourself if you find you are hogging the airspace. Because it is the polite thing to do. Be an airhead or intellect but learn to share a conversation and listen too.

Be yourself. If shy be shy, if bubbly be bubbly so that you find the right guy for you. Again the only thing standing in your way is drama and negativity. No one...or very few enjoy that and it should be something everyone works on to be their best self anyways. Leave that baggage behind.
*****Grabs pen and pad****
I'm in NY...what groups, what events, and where? :look:

****writes reminder to check out 100 black women, and
Urban League

:) I have to admit that I rarely go out anymore, I am more of a movies/family type person now. But, when I first moved here a few ladies from here told me of the JI (Joint Interest) group. I am on their mailing list and they have all kinds of events throughout the year, I have met quite a few people at their events, men and women, and have run into people I already know. Lots of nice successful men and the women are usually very nice as well. There are a couple other similar groups out there that I have to look up.

I mentioned the 100 black women because the 100 black men groups meets in the building where I work and some of those men are fiiiinnneee!!! :grin: Nice, successful, handsome black men of all ages :yep:

I work in the State Building on 125th St and I often run into prof black men just here in our cafeteria at lunchtime. There are several politicians here in my building and lots of good looking attorneys :) I know some posters here are looking for "ballers" but to me rich can be different things to different people :)

I saw another poster suggested not joining up with the Urban league YP. I have to disagree just because while you may not meet a rich guy who is in the group directly, the organization does have a great membership in the black professional world and you can make great networking contacts through their events and galas. Plus, you will meet other young ladies like yourself who may have a friend or brother or cousin who is available :grin:
According to your definition, my man is rich. :lol: The only thing I can honestly say that I did was be honest with myself. Not only did I stop dating guys that simply had the perception of these qualities, but I also stopped hanging around females who dated them as well. Where I live, there are a lot of guys who think they are flyer than they actually are. Their perception of wealthy is ALLLLLLLLLL wrong. Their egos and exterior are way bigger than their pockets. They might drive a benz and have nice clothes and a few other attractive material items. Yet when you look just a little bit deeper, they have nothing else. No reserve. No lasting power.

It starts with self. I set a standard for myself by already identifying an idea of how the type of woman who wins in life, lives. I took those ideas and started to apply them to myself, and invest time into myself to become that person. It's a work in progress. I've found that you have to be open to converting your mindset. You have to be willing to do different things and go different places than what's trendy or popular at that moment. I hope this is making sense.

The one thing I know for sure though is, you have to change your circle. You have to be willing to feel friendless and kick it by yourself for a while if it means eventually being around the right people who are on a path that is parallel to what you desire in life. Not saying kick your friends to the curb, but be open to having new friends. The best way I can tell you is by example:

I have a cousin whose best friend is the mother of a millionaire's child. All while she dated this dude, he cheated on her. She'd have to read about it, hear about it, whatever. While he broke her off with money, she was still always singin the blues. Every girl in her clique for the most part is fly...nice looking etc. But all of their men treats them the same daggone way and they're all forever singing the same blues ballad. The difference is that these men are not rich , but simply have the material front and ego as if they were. All the girls love each other and support each other... as they continue to date the same quality of men that keep them singin the blues. This is a prime example of when you need to get rid of your friends to do better in life.

Rich is not just financial. Rich is also feeling secure and having peace of mind. Rich is when you are trying to achieve your goals, and you are putting all of your energy into accomplishing that goal... without being drained by the energy it takes from the drama of having a man who cheats on you.

Like I said, it starts with self. I couldn't identify what I wanted in a man, but just from hangin around my cousin's friends, I sure could identify what I didn't want. I stuck to it and I got busy at working on myself. And I didnt X out the calendar days that went by anticipating when I'd meet this dream man. There are plenty of men out there who have great qualities and are rich. We just have to think more with our minds and not our eyes.

Good point.
I love this thread. The advice is so on point. I need to make an effort to get out to more events. Sadly, between working full time and going to night school for my master's degree I've been slacking.

For those who recommend smiling in order to be seen as more approachable, how often/when are you supposed to do it? I went to an event last night wearing a cute dress and heels and had a small smile on my face the whole time. However, I felt silly doing it. Any tips? Does it get easier over time?
I haven't read the WHOLE thread but we must also add that a man needs to be rich in wisdom and all else will follow.

A woman needs to be rich in wisdom also to not fall into the trap of going for the game of a man who is rich in only material but not wise enough to know that he may as well stay single if he is not willing to commit to one woman.

Moral corruption and wisdom just don't go together.

I met my husband when we were both military with no material wealth but that man had wisdom and patience and I had the moral support and understanding that led us to where we are today; married, faithful, happy...not filthy rich in materials but in absolute need of nothing.

@JewelleNY if you read my post I didn't say dont join. I am a member and I love it. I've gained everything that you said. But this thread is for people looking for rich men tons more women than men

I'm going to look into 100 black women :yep:
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JewelleNY if you read my post I didn't say dont join. I am a member and I love it. I've gained everything that you said. But this thread is for people looking for rich men and you wont find them in tons more women than men

I'm going to look into 100 black women :yep:

Right, however the ways I have met most of these men in the past were rarely direct. It was often through friends and associates, and these organizations can help you make those contacts. :)
Personal story of my own observations:

Myself thin with no ***: Men (black and white) in the financial district cold approaching me on the street, staring, getting in free to places, wanting to spend their money on me, etc, heard "beautiful, gorgeous", many thought I was rich, idk

@Zaynab @barbiesocialite and @PretteePlease THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSES! :grin:

There is a reason for it. I lived in an upscale Long Island suburb and rich women especially in NY dont eat. Do you think they want to buy anything besides sample size once they see it in the tents in Bryant Park....they are hungry lol
I think some emphasized but please don't go everywhere with friends. Make it easy to be approached but also find things to do so you are not standing desperately waiting for a guy.

For instance at an art to people, look at art by yourself.

And don't lie. Don't pretend you know about art, for instance, if you don't. Better to say you are just getting into art and decided to start with this exhibit than to act like you know about postmodern blah bola blah. It's also an opening to get his opinion and let him tell you what he knows.

No the other hand don't pretend if you are well versed. Say a few words and then follow barbiesocialite and stfu. This is not a lecture, it's a conversation. Make sure to check yourself if you find you are hogging the airspace. Because it is the polite thing to do. Be an airhead or intellect but learn to share a conversation and listen too.

Be yourself. If shy be shy, if bubbly be bubbly so that you find the right guy for you. Again the only thing standing in your way is drama and negativity. No one...or very few enjoy that and it should be something everyone works on to be their best self anyways. Leave that baggage behind.

I would say this is key, groups and packs of women are intimidating to men. While it may seem fun to go with your girlfriends somewhere, it's like coming up to a pack of wolves for men.
Hi ladies...I love this thread! Question: Does all the advice apply to a (natural), petite (5' 1 and 1/2") woman in her early 40's? :look::look::look:
Hi ladies...I love this thread! Question: Does all the advice apply to a (natural), petite (5' 1 and 1/2") woman in her early 40's? :look::look::look:

just my two cents, but I think it's easier for women with your profile than it is for any other category of black woman. Young women tend to play around too much and get played around with more often than not which is why many dont actually make it down the aisle married to money until later anyway, even if they started dating money years before. Petite brown-skin women in their late thirties and early forties seem most likely to hit the jackpot, particularly since the men they are dating are their peers or older. Also, brown skin slender women are the "type" rich white men love. Mellody Hobsbon anyone???

what say you Zaynab
Hi ladies...I love this thread! Question: Does all the advice apply to a (natural), petite (5' 1 and 1/2") woman in her early 40's? :look::look::look:

I somewhat fit your same profile: 41,brown skinned, slender, not quite petite (5'5) with natural hair I typically blow out when I go out.

I have one child and don't plan on having anymore. I wonder if that would end up being a hinderance.
just my two cents, but I think it's easier for women with your profile than it is for any other category of black woman. Young women tend to play around too much and get played around with more often than not which is why many dont actually make it down the aisle married to money until later anyway, even if they started dating money years before. Petite brown-skin women in their late thirties and early forties seem most likely to hit the jackpot, particularly since the men they are dating are their peers or older. Also, brown skin slender women are the "type" rich white men love. Mellody Hobsbon anyone???

what say you Zaynab

Thanks barbiesocialite I was hoping you (and Zaynab would respond to my post.

I'm also a mother to an almost 19 year old AND I'm not interested in having more children. I say this because I notice that most women who marry wealthy men get pregnant within the first few months of being married. I'm interested in living and enjoying my life with a wealthy gentleman :look::look::look:

Ah, yes...Mellody Hobson. She married VERY well.

Within the past few weeks I've been cleaning out my closet I tend to lean more towards a classic edgy type of style; not that there's anything wrong with that , however, a bit of boho has crept in and I've gotten rid of all those clothes (kept a little of the edgy though). I've also introduced more dresses, blazers, high heeled pumps and jewelry into my wardrobe.

Hmmm, does the natural hair have to go? It's usually kept in a (pretty) stretched-out curled twist-out.