How much should he pay for the ring??

How much should the ring cost?

  • $500-$1500

    Votes: 21 18.6%
  • $1500-$3000

    Votes: 38 33.6%
  • $3000-$7000

    Votes: 33 29.2%
  • $7000-$15,000

    Votes: 14 12.4%
  • $15,000 and up

    Votes: 7 6.2%

  • Total voters


I've asked a few people (men and women) this question, and I've gotten some drastically different answers. So, how much do you ladies think your fiancee (current or future) should pay for your engagement ring? Married ladies, how much did yours cost??? Just being nosy out of curiosity!
I won't really answer your question about the price-because I don't even know, that wasn't a factor. I have an idea though. Just know, don't focus on the price, I wasn't concerned about the price, the ring is perfect, as is he.
I won't really answer your question about the price-because I don't even know, that wasn't a factor. I have an idea though. Just know, don't focus on the price, I wasn't concerned about the price, the ring is perfect, as is he.

I agree. I just have heard that a lot of women who aren't married have told me that they would be offended if the ring wasn't a certain price. So, I'm trying to see if that's a common notion among women or not.
As long as I like it...I could care less what it costs. Currently the one I have told my SO I want is $2200......So I voted for the second option but if we find one I like that is cheaper, I'd tell FI I wanted the cheaper one.
Is he going to help pay for the wedding too? I guess I would want a nice ring but if he is kicking in for the wedding and house than I would prefer than versus a $5000 ring.
how bout my EX gave me a ring...uh huh..and guess where he purchased it from???????

the pawn shop!!! how did I find out? I saw the yellow ticket. The gotdayum pawn shop..... oh a sista was pissed....i literally shoved it up his this day, his left one is crooked....
how bout my EX gave me a ring...uh huh..and guess where he purchased it from???????

the pawn shop!!! how did I find out? I saw the yellow ticket. The gotdayum pawn shop..... oh a sista was pissed....i literally shoved it up his this day, his left one is crooked....

LMAO!!:lachen::lachen::lachen: I don't blame you girl!
I won't really answer your question about the price-because I don't even know, that wasn't a factor. I have an idea though. Just know, don't focus on the price, I wasn't concerned about the price, the ring is perfect, as is he.

You can't vote on a price every man should pay for a ring. It's his decision and depends on the couple. Some people don't use a ring at all for their engagement and that's fine too.
The 2 month salary rule of thumb is pretty silly to me. To base something important like an engagement on salary doesn't seem right.
Like I said, it depends on the couple.
It depends on his financial position, I don't think there should be a set rule and I'd advise any guy to be weary of any girl demanding a ring that he feels he can't afford. Although I really love my ring, I barely focus on it like I did when we were engaged, its just something I wear to let others know I'm taken.
I love my ring because my FH picked it out all by himself. : )

I don't know much about jewelry, and I really didn't have a clue as to how much he shelled out until I got a few reactions from other women.
He should pay what he can afford. No need to go into debt over a ring. I think it can get silly at some point in time to expect a $5000 ring from some guy who doesn't even make 20K. Unless he is living at home with his parents and has no bills. That would be a red flag for me though.
I won't really answer your question about the price-because I don't even know, that wasn't a factor. I have an idea though. Just know, don't focus on the price, I wasn't concerned about the price, the ring is perfect, as is he.

I love this!

...the ring should be a reflection of the two of you - it should fit into your lifestyles, not be a testament to a lifestyle you want, but can't afford.
I've never had a price range in mind. To me, I think it's something that should be a significant purchase for him, but not something that's going to bankrupt him either.

I'd expect a pricier ring from an investment banker than a teacher, for example, but I don't want either guy to go and scrape the bottom of the barrel either.

Like, if dude can and has spent $1000 on something really important to him, then don't spend $500 for my ring. That's being cheap. I'd hope you'd be willing to spend the same $1000 on my ring since you are capable of coming up with that type of money for yourself.

But you don't have to go to $5000 either if you're a regular middle-class dude working 9-to-5. But if investment banker guy can drop $5000 easily on a big golf trip for himself, then he better drop that on my ring as well.
I think 2 months salary is a good rule of thumb because it's an attainable savings plan.

Even though I don't require the biggest diamond on the block, I'd love the most amount of diamond for the least amount of money, i.e., he got a good value for the money.
I don't want a ring that cost more than $5K... I actually wouldn't mind rocking one that costs $1-2K. I'd rather him spend the money on a really nice trip or a gift certificates at the spa or something. Even if dude was loaded and caked up, I wouldn't accept a ring over $5K... I just don't require anything that ostentatious. I dig that jewelry can be an asset, but just give me one that looks pretty and is under $5K... give me the money you saved on the ring to expand my business or buy land or something.
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It depends on his financial position, I don't think there should be a set rule and I'd advise any guy to be weary of any girl demanding a ring that he feels he can't afford. Although I really love my ring, I barely focus on it like I did when we were engaged, its just something I wear to let others know I'm taken.

Yup. I think things need to be reevaluated if that is the most important concern for the wife to be.
I'd wear a ban, that costs less than 300. As long as he is devoted to the commitment and not the APPEARANCE of a commitment, I'm good. Def. not going broke if we ain't got it like that....
Interesting thread. I had a former friend, yes former, tell me at the time DH & I were ring shopping that she would not accept a ring less than 2 carats. Her reasoning was that she has big hands. Hah! She was at our wedding a few years ago.....and she is still single right now.

The price of the ring will depend on so many things, cut, color, clarity & of course carat weight. From what my friend's husband told us (he's a jeweler) most men buy 1 carat center stones and spend about $7,000 total on the engagement ring. This was a couple of years ago though and we have not asked him about diamonds since then.

However, one can find a 1 carat center stone for $30,000

And one can find a 1 carat center stone for $6,100

and .98 carats for $2,400

The marketing for DeBeers has everyone on that 2 months salary idea but it really does depend on so much more. If you are starting a life with a man, do you really want him spending $30,000 on your ring....even if he can afford it?
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My SO has been engaged before and he brought his ex a 2000 dollar I'm pretty simple and not really too materialistic..but uhm...he better outdo the last relationship and thats what im basing my pricing on. i chose the 2nd choice
he needs to pay what he can afford. bump that 2 months salary crap. don't go in debt for a ring. and the woman should respect that. if he's buying a ring for a woman he can't afford, he either needs a new woman or to wait until he can afford the ring she wants (i think that is greedy on her part if he has to buy what she wants, not what he wants to give her from his heart).

my suitor & i were discussing this last night. i don't care how much the ring cost or what he paid for it, i care about the quality and uniqueness of it. i'll take a less pricey, unique ring than a cookie-cutter ring of any price or size.
Anyone can get a big diamond that is cloudy and has lots of color. I have learned that it is best when the diamond is clear VS1 colorless. Would rather have a ring that is quality and not quantity.
Some women couldn't care less about a ring. If you are one of those that find it important, he should recognize it and try to accomodate. My first ring was a $150 plain gold band. I really wanted a diamond but we were scraping the bottom of the barrel the day before the wedding trying to get the band!! I DID get a diamond solitaire several years into the marriage though and it was .5 carat @ $900. He gave me $1000 cash and told me to go to the store and pick a ring and make sure the tax and everything was under $1000. I was majorly ticked but I DID take that $1000 and buy my ring and a pair of earrings so I didn't have to give the bast@rd any change. When we divorced, I sold it to a jeweler for $1200 :-) I took the band and hurled it in my mothers bathroom and it surfaced last year (over 10+ yrs later) between the wall and a cabinet when she remodeled. The second time I married I really wanted something nice. We could afford it and I was extremely pleased with the solitaire he chose. It was pretty plain though so I had it reset prior to the wedding in a fancier band. My sis said it was tacky of me to do so but he did not mind and I have to wear it everyday and will pass it to my children so I wanted what I wanted. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting a nice, quality ring unless the money is best spent on other things.

(Hate to be a killjoy, but if you split up - the house and everything else is OURS. Once you say, "I do" the ring is YOURS and you just may need it. It is a sound investment.)
It doesn't matter how much my SO pays for the ring. I know the gift will come from his heart. What I hate is when men buy a ring that they can't afford and get on a payment plan. The payment plan is for 2942942 years, so the new wife ends up helping the guy pay for her own ring... :nono:
I think he should pay whatever it costs for the ring I want.

Of course I will pick a ring that is in line with his income. If he can't afford a decent ring, he is in no position to marry.
I don't think the price of the ring matters and I don't buy the 2 months of salary rule either. I think that it should be whatever the man can afford and certainly not a ring for an amount that will put him in debt. It's not good to start the marriage off with debt because marriage is hard enough, especially when you're just starting out. I say whatever ring is nice and he can reasonably afford in cash. JMO. I'm married and I don't think that the cost of the ring makes the marriage. I'm married and mine cost a couple of thousand, I think. I have 2 carats total. I just wanted something that was beautiful, the price tag was not the issue for me.

BTW: I know plenty of single women who have no man but they are always talking about they won't accept less than 2 carats and the best my experience, those are the ones that are always talking about what they won't accept, whereas the married women I know were more flexible with the ring and how much it costs..hmmm...