How much influence does your SO have on your hair?

How much influence does your SO have on your hair?

  • He/she is the major deciding factor between natural, relaxed, and texlaxed for me

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • He/she often determines whether I get to protective-style, etc

    Votes: 14 14.7%
  • He/she is my main consideration where my hair is concerned on special occasions only

    Votes: 19 20.0%
  • He/she is not a factor - love me, love my hair!

    Votes: 55 57.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I keep seeing posts that make me think about it. For me, I realize that my DH actually had a big influence. He is the one that convinced me I could go natural (though it would be a fight if he wanted me to relax now :boxing:). When he requests a certain hairstyle I try to do it. It's funny cause I wear makeup for myself even though he doesn't like it, but I'm more flexible on the hair. What's your policy?
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My SO doesn't influence me per se, but I do ask and value his opinion regarding the styles I choose. He completely supported my decision to go natural, he understands the amount of time my hair takes because he likes the result. He prefers twistouts to twists, but really LOVES coil-outs. He likes my hair when I do Teri's method of smoothing, as well as a standard wash n go. He's pretty vocal about what he likes. I know that for special occasions, he prefers that I do something that stretches my hair, so I'll occasionally blowdry and then do a twistout for those. If he wants me to try a look, by all means I do it. I did read him one member's regimen last night (who shall remain nameless :look:), and he told me that if I ever spent that much time on my hair, he was going to have to say something to me, and it wouldn't be good. :lachen: So I know where my limits are too. And regarding makeup, heck, I worked in a makeup store. He doesn't have much say on that, but he thinks I'm gorgeous either way. :infatuated: Keeper!
he has none. if i still had my relaxed long hair and he said he likes me with big curls, i would make a point to do that once in a while. but if he told me to never cut my hair i would have still done the big chop. i guess i lucked out that he loves my hair either way but even if he didnt....oh well. i will tell you my father's fav saying "you already been raised once". and there you have it.
More than anything he likes my hair natural. He loves it in a big fro too. When I first met him I had a head full of mirco braids. He confessed to me later that he didn't like them and was glad when I took them out.

However, he does understand that it takes a lot to deal with my hair and sometimes I need to just cover it up with a half-wig. I compromised and bought a nappy one.
DH does not care one way or the other. He just wants me to stop buying hair products all the
Dh is my main consideration. I'm not gonna do something to my head that he doesn't like or find attractive, but he doesn't make my decisions for me
My SO use to play a major part in how I would style my hair. That is one of the reasons I was in the weave so long (a:because I was trying to grow my hair out, b: he preferred long straight styles). Recently I have grown my hair to a nice length and I am now concentrating on thickening my hair up, so I came out of the sew in to do that. Now he's looking at me like.... :look: but I have to start taking care of my hair 100% and not putting style before the health of my hair.
My SO has no influence on my hair. He honestly does not care whether it is natural and big from a twist out or straight when flat ironed. Even in the past when I experimented with hairstyles, he still did not try to influence the way I did my hair. He only complains about money spent on hair products and time spent on the forum...LOL. However, it is a different story with my SO when I wear make-up.
Although my SO loves me regardless of what I will do with my hair he does have a lot of influence when it comes down to it. When I met him I was sporting a short spikey wig. When I took it off a few weeks later and he saw my natural hair he was like... I thought that was your real hair?! My natural hair was about chin length I was kinda embarrassed that I wasn't up front about my true style. Last nite I took my wig off after wearing several since March... it's way too hot for that now! I shampooed and conditioned, blowfried, and put my little sleep bonnet on. This morning I was trying to figure out how to style my fro and he helped me pick it out so it could look even all around. He gave up after a while... he said he was tired... too much thick hair... a lot of shrinkage...!:lachen:
My DH likes Natural hair and Relaxed....I have been both since we have been together...He doesn't care either way...He just loves hair....Lots of hair.....

But I do consider him when picking styles...Because I know he prefers to see my hair ..And doesnt really care for the buns
He often determines whether I get to protective-style, etc. Since we only get to see each other on the weekends I try to always have my hair looking its best when I see him! But he knows and understands that once we're married that I will continue my protective styling during the weekdays if I choose to and the weekends I will wear it out. As far as being natural or relaxed, he'd prefer that I was natural but doesn't really care as long as I keep it no shorter than SL.
My fiance likes my natural hair. He actually did my BC. He prefers me to wear it out though and laments about how much I protective style. Once I reach a satisfactory length (full APL) I'm going to wear it big and out more often just for him.
Mine has been surprisingly supportive of my recent decision to majorly ALL...Off. He knows that I know how to care for my hair now, so it's just a matter of time before I'm back to my longer hair styles.

It definitely helps when they're flexible with their preferences and supportive of your hair decisions....
I thank God for my SO. He doesn't care if I bun 24/7 or stick my hair in braids for a year. He did get bothered when I was washing my hair twice a week (he thought it was too much), but I cut it down to once a week so that was an easy fix. In general, he doesn't mind, but when there is a hair issue that arises with him...I work around him to compromise.
My dh didnt care about me going natural but I did sit down and discuss it with him. He did state that he wanted me to wait to do the big chop.... that is why I am waiting until December. NO LONGER THAN DECEMBER THOUGH!:nono:
That's unfortunate. Were you natural when you met him?

Yes, I was natural when we met. When I relaxed previously it was only once or twice a year and not even every year and he didn't really know. Now it's pretty obvious and he hates it.

I don't discuss hair if it's not on this board.
He likes braids, cornrows, relaxed and flowing hair. I think he just likes I think he'll eventually adjust to the bigness that comes with being long as it's long.
My SO majorly influenced my decision to go natural. He pestered me for 3 years to grow out my relaxer, because he loves the feel of my natural hair. I'm sure I never would've considered being natural if he hadn't suggested it.

He likes every hairstyle I've ever worn, except for straight without curls (I don't like that style either). I feel lucky to have someone so supportive.
DH does not care one way or the other. He just wants me to stop buying hair products all the

:yep: Yep! My SO is the same!! He cusses all day, every day about the products all over the place. He's quick to compliment, though, and quick to let me know if my head's a mess, but he doesn't really make suggestions.
My hubby loves my hair natural (10 mos post relaxer) or Bone straight! Before joining the forum I would get my hair done every saturday morning and sleep funny the rest of the week to preserve the style. If I were to miss an apt I wouldnt know what or how to do my hair and he would complain and say JUST DO YOUR HAIR and I would say do what I dont know wat to do or how to do it. Now that I am on here and experimenting he loves it.
Now he only wishes I wasnt a PJ and take up a closet and the cabinets under the sink!
My husband only likes my hair in locs. That's the only style I've had since we met. I've been talking about taking them down and wearing my hair loose, but he'll have none of that. He likes the length and he loves it when I roller set with big curls. He plays with them. It's cute. I'm sure that if i did take them down, that would be the first major fight in our marriage. Even though I'd never consider it, I know a relaxer isn't even an option. That one would lead to divorce. The women in his family don't relax and he's already said it's not an option for our daughters so... oh well.
When I met DH I was wearing my hair short and tappered in the back and sides. Then I decided to grow my hair out. He really does not care as long as it is kept up.
My SO doesn't influence me per se, but I do ask and value his opinion regarding the styles I choose. He completely supported my decision to go natural, he understands the amount of time my hair takes because he likes the result. He prefers twistouts to twists, but really LOVES coil-outs. He likes my hair when I do Teri's method of smoothing, as well as a standard wash n go. He's pretty vocal about what he likes. I know that for special occasions, he prefers that I do something that stretches my hair, so I'll occasionally blowdry and then do a twistout for those. If he wants me to try a look, by all means I do it. I did read him one member's regimen last night (who shall remain nameless :look:), and he told me that if I ever spent that much time on my hair, he was going to have to say something to me, and it wouldn't be good. :lachen: So I know where my limits are too. And regarding makeup, heck, I worked in a makeup store. He doesn't have much say on that, but he thinks I'm gorgeous either way. :infatuated: Keeper!

^ What she said but insert twist outs for the favorite look. My Dh is a keeper too! :grin:

My SO likes it long. He is very much into sleek styles and loves the idea of me keeping my hair relaxed although I have been considering transitioning for a while now. He is very supportive but is not shy about stressing how much he prefers long hair.
My SO doesent care how I wear my hair, he likes it as long as I like it.

He liked my hair natural the best, even when it was in a TWA, but now that it's getting longer, he liked my relaxed hair more and more.

If he didn't like a certain hairstyle I'm sure I would take it into consideration, but If I really wanted to do something, I'm doing it regardless.
My SO has no say with my all. I ask for his opinion at times just like I ask all my friends and fam when I'm not sure what to do. But in the end..its my hair, my decision. End of story