Do you let your Husband/SO play in your hair....?

Do you let your Husband/SO play in or comb your hair?

  • Yes

    Votes: 154 73.3%
  • No

    Votes: 56 26.7%

  • Total voters
I voted yes cuz my boyfriend loves to play with my hair esp if it's in twists or loose...he likes to make it as poofy as he can but he's very gentle....heck he even helped me do my parts for my c & g! :grin:
My husband can and does play in my hair. I love my hair and take great care of it and he understands that but I'm not one of those women who will not live life and have fun because of my hair. I've never been that way. I will swim..pool or beach, I will squirt water guns/throw water balloons with our sons, I will workout and I will allow my husband to grab/play with my hair when the mood hits
Absolutely! My husband is very gentle and literally wouldn't hurt a hair on my head. He can play in it as much as he likes, but he never attempts to comb, braid or do any type of "do-ing" to my hair...he said he's afraid of what I will do if he messes it up :lol:
The only thing that is annoying is when I have tamed my hair into a nice neat little bun, and DH will "play around" and rub my hair in the wrong direction...that one will have me like :angry2:
Well, I asked my SO tonight why he doesn't ever play in my hair and the conversation went something like this...

Me: Do you want to play in my hair tonight?
Him: *confused look* Really? Okay.
Me: I bought this thing called a hair zing, you want to play with that too?
Him: Umm...
Me: Okay, baby steps. But why didn't you ever ask me to play with my hair before?
Him: Because I never see your hair! Everytime we come you put it in a scarf and then I don't see it until the next day... :nono: (HE'S SOO TRUE! :lachen:)
Me: Awwww, okay.

BIG MISTAKE! I let him give me a scalp massage which was excellent. But then this fool tried to play Shear Genius and make up hair-do's. At one the convo went...

Me: *feeling tugging* Umm, baby, gentle. Please. And what are you doing?
Him: When I was younger I had this doll thing that was like green or tan and his hair always stuck straight up, I'm trying to do that.
Me: *thinking silently* ....A TROLL DOLL??
Him: Yeah! I loved those things! *has a concentrated look on his face while styling*
Me: I'll be right back. *gets up*

I got up and left and came back with my scarf on :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Well, I asked my SO tonight why he doesn't ever play in my hair and the conversation went something like this...

Me: Do you want to play in my hair tonight?
Him: *confused look* Really? Okay.
Me: I bought this thing called a hair zing, you want to play with that too?
Him: Umm...
Me: Okay, baby steps. But why didn't you ever ask me to play with my hair before?
Him: Because I never see your hair! Everytime we come you put it in a scarf and then I don't see it until the next day... :nono: (HE'S SOO TRUE! :lachen:)
Me: Awwww, okay.

BIG MISTAKE! I let him give me a scalp massage which was excellent. But then this fool tried to play Shear Genius and make up hair-do's. At one the convo went...

Me: *feeling tugging* Umm, baby, gentle. Please. And what are you doing?
Him: When I was younger I had this doll thing that was like green or tan and his hair always stuck straight up, I'm trying to do that.
Me: *thinking silently* ....A TROLL DOLL??
Him: Yeah! I loved those things! *has a concentrated look on his face while styling*
Me: I'll be right back. *gets up*

I got up and left and came back with my scarf on :lachen::lachen::lachen:

LOL! Cute! :grin:
Whenever anybody wants to play in my hair I just tell them Good Luck. Your hand will go in but it might not come back out.

I'd let my SO run his hands through it but not comb it or anything. We tried that once and when I told him he need to comb it from the bottom up, he looked at me like I was crazy. And that sucker is ROUGH. You should see him when he's picking out his afro. :nono: I pity his hair.
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Sometimes I let my SO help me wash my hair...but as far as "playin" in it, I"ll only allow him to when it's freshly relaxed!...he likes to rub the nape of my neck when he knows I need a touch up and it makes me sooo mad!:wallbash:
My husband can play in anything of mine :yep:.

Awww sookie, sookie now! These are some great responses ladies....I love the aluminum foil head, and the troll doll OMG!! I had to read some of these posts to my SO, and he really got a kick out of the answers. Plus it helped him understand how we really feel about our hair. Now he's rushing me to do my relaxer so he can prove to me he's learned a good lesson at LHCF!!!!:lachen:
I have a lot of hair and it will never lie smooth because of the thickness. My SO likes to stick things in my hair to see to how far they will go... he also tries to hide things in my hair... :naughty: I still love him, he knows not what he does.
I voted yes to this question because the anwser is usually yes...but sometimes he rubs it the way guys grows (the wrong way) or like he's washing my hair (all over my head) and so I will usually do something to distract him like like him or something. :grin:
I would but he never seems like he wants to. lol. He's always like "wash my hair... blah blah blah" but when I asked him to give me a scalp massage he doesn't want to. He loves when I wear my natural hair out (no weave) and he admires just looking at it. When it comes to touching it, if he ain't pulling it, he's keeping his hands to himself
Definately, my DH is very gentle with my hair.When I used to highlight my hair, he was the only one I trusted to do it for me and now he'll gently comb and detangle my hair. He can even braid it for me if I ask. I taught him right!:grin:
in the moment of course but if we're not in the moment im usually wearing my blue satin bonnet that he CANT STAND! so he dosent get that many opportunities. i love playing in his hair though i love washing his hair thats our thing.
Sometimes he washes it, but I detangle it myself(bad experience the last time). He's always interested in it, but I rarely wear it down. The other day he got this dreamy look in his eyes whien I had my hair out, and was like "there's so much of it":rolleyes:. Sometimes when i straighten it I'll let him play in it, but he knows better then to touch it when it's curly.:look:
ahhh....maybe one day...

my hair and SO...are not friends right now...SO doesnt like it very much.NOW

BUT wait until it grows up...then he gonna wanna be all up in it
He likes to play with it all the time. He's always grooming me if a strand is out of place. He likes when I wear my hair down.

What I don't like... is getting bedhead after other activities. I know every time he's over I'm going to be detangling for a long time in the shower the next day at least once. Which, I suppose, is a yay and a boo at the same time. :P