How long does your SO/DH want your hair to be?

My DBF didn't really have any preference until after my BC, which he loved but is really excited to see it grow and recently said he couldn't wait for my one year anniversary when I straighten :) I love him so much!! I'm waiting for the big sexy come get me hair...Lol:gorgeous:
Down to my butt, is what he's said. I, however, I don't plan on taking care of that much hair. Unless he's going to twist it, DC it, etc then I'm stopping at MBL LOL
DH likes long hair, but I doubt he'd think anything longer than WSL/HL stretched or straightened and APL/BSL in it's curly state would be hot on a woman my age -especially since I don't hide the grays. He doesn't like "witch hair" on older women, lol
He thinks it's long now (he said the same thing when I was APL) and doesn't want me to grow it any longer. However, he is the one always commenting on how much it has grown and how I should never cut it :lol:
Now he wants it to grow as long as it can. I really don't know where this new way of thinking came from.
My DBF and I always refer to our shared goal length as "Booty Lenght Hair", although im not sure if he would actually like it if it got to that long! however in reality i dont think he cares very much. Before starting my HHJ I was always cutting my hair and growing my hair again so as long as I comb it it's all good!

However he despises my bun! but he knows that in order to get "Booty Length Hair" it must be done!
My DH has expressed he wants my hair to be really long, My hair was WL as a kid and when I showed him a pic he said'' yeah, that length is great". Like some of the ladies on this thread, he already thinks my hair is long (I don't) but maybe that's because of the fact that he and I were together when I BC'd and he is trying to be encouraging (aww so sweet lol).

It came from looking like a million bucks with all that gorgeous hair!

:giggle: He says he prefers me larger but he watches what I eat. He said he prefered short hair but he refuses to even trim my hair for me. When I cut it the other day he said I was wrong and should have waited on him.

MEN!!:nono: bf? He couldn't care less about my hair lol
he thinks its long now......i think in his mind, as long as i'm not bald..them im good *shrug*
:giggle: He says he prefers me larger but he watches what I eat. He said he prefered short hair but he refuses to even trim my hair for me. When I cut it the other day he said I was wrong and should have waited on him.

MEN!!:nono: typical.

Remember d,

Not all men are annoying, some are dead.
All the men in my DH family (including him) love long and straight hair. I tend to do whatever floats my boat and I love curls and texture!! I guess this has rubbed off on my DH because just yesterday he suggested that I cut my hair into an ear length bob. I cut 3" off this summer and he thought it was so cute on me. I think now he loves a healthy head of hair that looks good on me regardless of length.
DH doesn't have a preference for length. He just wants it to be my hair. He does enjoy the length and would not object to me growing to WSL and beyond, I'm sure. However, he would love me if I wasn't growing long.

Now, if I decided I wanted to completely get rid of my booty somehow...then he might be a little upset.
very cute thread
My DH has said that whatever works for me he likes, as long as it's not very short lol
I'm almost APL and he likes it, I've shown him pictures of ladies here who are MBL and he likes that length.
When I decide to go gray, I'll cut it but grow it again to APL. that's my mother's length and all silver and looks stunning. IMHO just because you are older it doesn't mean you have to cut your hair. As long as it has a good cut, healthy and styled, I see no problem with sporting an APL silver look, in fact, I'm looking forward to it.
I just asked DH, he says he does not care as long as I don't clog the drain.

He loved it when I was MBL stretched - I have a picture of a couple years ago in a braidout and he looked at it and told me how he loved my hair like that. Now I'm about APL stretched. My goal is just healthy hair and no length goals - too much work for me. He also loves when I have it wild and untamed with as little product as possible - he will just reach into it and rub his fingers in it or sniff it. He says the products coat the strands and makes it feel less silky and more sticky.
My ex liked my hair at its current length (layered neck length). I told him I wanted my hair APL and he made a face and said he thought that would be too much hair for me.

He also dispises weaves. He loved my kinky twist extensions tho.
I think he likes any style on a woman that is flattering to her features and looks nice and healthy.
My DH doesn't care about my hair length or at least he's never said it. When we met I had MBL locks that he loved, after we got married I cut to a twa which he still really liked. I know he doesn't want me to go TWA again for pulling purposes-lol but outside of that he's never expressed an opinion.
I asked my BF this one day and he put his hands on my hips. I looked at him like he was crazy. I'm aiming for MBL, I don't think I could handle anything past that. He loves long hair because he's never dated a women with hair (healthy) past shoulder and has 7 aunts with hair all shoulder length and shorter.

He did confess he just wanted it long just so he could pull :lol:! :Blush2:

But he is cute about it, he calls it "our hair" and asks questions like "how's our hair doing?" on my wash days :lol:
He wants it long...I dont know how long though...I know when I talk about dying it again..he say u should wait til it grows out some more...he doesn't like chemicals..he tells me all the time I put too much stuff in my hair LOL...its only gel and a leave in...when its MBL we both will be happy..