Do you let your Husband/SO play in your hair....?

Do you let your Husband/SO play in or comb your hair?

  • Yes

    Votes: 154 73.3%
  • No

    Votes: 56 26.7%

  • Total voters
You ladies have some sweet husbands/SO's. I don't think any of the men I've dated have been too interested in my hair one way or the other, but I love giving scalp massages. Hopefully, I'll find a guy who likes to return the favor!
lana said:
Um, I say YES, becuase I let my SO cut my hair with professional shears. He did an excellent job and it saved me a lot of money. He actually has an eye for a cut, and he only cut what was absolutely necessary. I had to MAKE him trim more.

He oils my scalp for me on the regular. I even had to go to the derm for flaking and he uses a medicated oil and will oil or check my scalp for me to make sure the flakes stay away. I love my man.

I am very particular about my hair, but since he's so careful with it, it doesn't bother me at all.

Your SO is like your own personal stylist! It must be real great. I wish my SO was somewhat hair knowlegable so I could get him to help me with my hair. I would love for him to play in my hair so he can help me when i braid it but he only looks at it with admiration. I am thinking about putting extensions in my hair and since he knows how to braid I think i might teach him!!!
trimbride said:
My Husband knows better than to touch my hair. He also hates on my new obsession. I am conditioning tonight with my "self heating" cap. He told me to get out the room with my "Alluminum Foil Head"

Too funny:lachen: :lachen: My bf has a picture of me in the bathtub with foil wrap on my hair and its one of his favourites (he's a sci fi nut and said i looked liked i shud be in dr who). He would love to play in my hair more but its in braids most times.

he simply adores my rough nappy hair and likes it when i leave it out which is hardly ever but i'm more than happy to let him play with it cuz i remember when i was back in boarding school and we had to corn row each others hair, all my friends used to run away from doing my hair :nono: cuz it was too wiry and it used to cut their finger tips (no joke it did and my braider used to have the same problem until recently when i discovered this site and started trying diff things out)

So right now i'm just happy to find someone who likes my hair enuf to wanna get their hand stuck in, cuz that's what happens when he tries to run his fingers thru it. (i'm working on it though but that story is for another thread)
Yes, I let SO enjoy my hair. He would wash, condition, relax, rollerset, etc., if I needed him to. :lol: :lol: And his hands feel so good in my head that I really don't mind at all.
If I had one, I would on special occasions. There is something sexy about having a man feel your hair.
I love it when my SO touches my hair! He hardly ever plays with my hair though, so when he does, it makes me so happy! There's no way I'd tell him to stop. :o
Not when it's touchup time. He might not get his hand/fingers back from the corn filed. On the 5th week, I look like children of the corn. My edges are so rough the 5th week I look like Alopecia Jenkins. :lachen:
theoneandonly said:
Not when it's touchup time. He might not get his hand/fingers back from the corn filed. On the 5th week, I look like children of the corn. My edges are so rough the 5th week I look like Alopecia Jenkins. :lachen:

LOL!! :lachen:This is so true. I complained in this thread about my SO not touching my hair but I don't want his hands in there when I have all that new growth.
When it's in twists yes. Last time he played in my fro, he lost his ring in there. I didn't find it until the next morning, hiding safely under my neck in bed.
HighlyFavored1 said:
I love it when my SO touches my hair! He hardly ever plays with my hair though, so when he does, it makes me so happy! There's no way I'd tell him to stop. :o

My SO is the same way. When he plays in my hair I get so happy.
I voted "no", but that doesn't mean that I don't let him "touch" my hair, it's just that I don't let him "play" in my hair. Playing tugs on the hair giving it plenty of opportunites to be damaged.
funny..i'm usually baggied up with my fake pony. i've been leaving my hair in a pony at home lately & not baggying. well my so is used to not seeing my hair out EVER and had his hand all up on it. my hair is growing too so i guess he didn't realize the length i had.

i love it. i rub his head all the time so i figure he can touch mine once in a while.
Okay, LHCF fans am I wrong for behaving this way? Does such as time exist when we MUST go against everything we have learned and believe in and let the ones we love most do unspeakable things to our hair???!!???

Uh, yes, no and yeah!!!!

I try to balance all of those concerns. My SO loves my hair. His eyes kind of glaze over if I try to explain to him my regimens and so on. All he knows and/or cares about is that

1. I can do my hair my self and it looks like I went to the salon but I didn't and there fore saves money (not that he wouldn't pay. He would but he just thinks its so cool that I can do it myself

2. Whatever it is about this website that I visit 90% of the time (that would be LHCF) must work because I talk about it a lot and give it the credit for my great looking hair.

He can play in it whenever he wants BUT if I tell him that my hair might not look or stay looking good, he'll back off :).

Example: "Honey, do you have to do your hair, now?"
"If I don't do it now, I won't feel like doing it later and I'll walk around for another week with my hair in a bun..."

SO rushes off to get my comb, brush, flat iron, get the idea.

You have to make it relavent to them in whatever way makes sense. Some ladies have SO/Husbands who take a very active role in hair care: helping wash, twist and what not. Others let you do your thang and admire the finished job. Then they want to play in it.
90% of the time, I say go for it. For me at least, playing in hair can be a very "bonding" experience ;) :yep:..........
Seeing as I have no SO *tear* I can only tell you what would do. I would probably let him touch my hair and enjoy it from time to time. I notice that men love to play in women's hair, and who am I to deprive him of that love :grin:? But if he's too rough with it, I'm going to have to tell him "You like my long hair? Just making sure, 'cause I couldn't tell by the way you were manhandling it!"
My dh doesn't ever play in my hair. I want him to, because since I've known him, I've been a slave to glue in weaves and he couldn't mess with my hair. Now that my hair is healthy and soft, he doesn't wanna touch it. I want him to touch it, I want him to enjoy my hair as much as I do. But it's just not his thing *sigh*
I let him play in it , but I don't let him near me with a comb.

He ask me could he trim my ends on Saturday and I was like :nono:

He always trying to " help me" with it and I turn him down all the time.

I figure , he doesn't have any hair on his head so why would he know what to do with my hair. :lachen:
unless his fingers are coated with oils or conditioners... then no. I'm paranoid right now and am so focused on growth and health that I dont want his man hands messing up, tangling up, roughing up, or breaking up my mane.

i'm not completely mean tho... once I reach a healthy full apl.... he can have weekly visitations with the tresses if he want (but like britney, it'll be under supervision, and any funny business... and he's outta there) If he proved to be gentle, then I wouldn't mind.
my SO does and I love it....he gives me scalp massages and he's very interested in what I do with my hair. He came to sally's with me on Sunday when I went to get a flat iron. He also bought me jibere combs and brushes because "they went with the flat iron" :grin:

He greases my scalp and when I was flat ironing he was spraying the heat protectant on for me. He likes it straight though. Sometimes when I let my natural hair do it's thing he says I look crazy.
This is a sweet thread, I guess men can be sensitive and sweet when they want to.:grin: My hair is always up in a bun or ponytail so my SO does not get the chance to play in my hair...but when I do wear my hair down I catch him staring real shy like, I think he wants to play in my hair but he just stares... it's so funny and cute.
My SO doesn't want anything to do with my hair. He says it gets in his way when we sleep when I don't tie it up. I asked for him to give me a trim once and he said he didn't trust himself.
Well mine use to play in my hair when it was long...:perplexed

But after I had my bad dye job and chopped it all off, he hasnt been back in it :nono:

I actually miss it!
My BF loves to play in my hair. When I lay next to him he likes to stoke my hair very gently (he knows I don't play with that rough Ish). He's the reason that I'm not rocking a twa right now...:yep:
Well mine use to play in my hair when it was long...:perplexed

But after I had my bad dye job and chopped it all off, he hasnt been back in it :nono:

I actually miss it!

He better recognize....your hair is a nice legnth and it looks thick and healthy, he'll be back in your head sooner than you think. If I were you I would tell him no when that time comes.:grin: