How much influence does your SO have on your hair?

How much influence does your SO have on your hair?

  • He/she is the major deciding factor between natural, relaxed, and texlaxed for me

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • He/she often determines whether I get to protective-style, etc

    Votes: 14 14.7%
  • He/she is my main consideration where my hair is concerned on special occasions only

    Votes: 19 20.0%
  • He/she is not a factor - love me, love my hair!

    Votes: 55 57.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Honestly I didn't know how to vote. I guess it would have to be in two sections. He hates the length of my hair right now so lately I have been wearing my clip on extensions like my avatar to please him. But sometimes I'm like "F" him I'm wearing my twa..this is my hair and I love it!:grin:
My significant other does not really say much about my hair but the styles he likes on me are the styles I hate so that is funny. I decided about a month ago I wanted to grow out my hair to brastrap length which boggled his mind because in frustration (starting a new business) 2 months prior I cut all my hair in the shower to ear length and it was a little past armpit length. I just swore life would be easier without hair, this is a lifelong habit I have had which started around 4 years old, I am trying to recover, send help, lol.
I used to wear it pretty wild, which thanks to LHCF, I know those styles are called twist-outs and braid-outs. We have been discussing hair a lot lately and now he is judging other women in the streets for fullness and hairlines, I may have created a monster with my new obsession. He is indiffernt about my going natural because I always preferred big hair whether it was finger combed roller sets or twist-outs and is used to seeing my hair in the styles I will be using for transition time. His favorites though are when I pull all my hair back and you only see my face or when I pin it up once again highlighting my face which i think of as my give up styles as I really love hair to frame my face. Overall he is supportive of whatever I do, he even reminds me to put something on my head to go to sleep at night, I might be the sabotage artist when it comes to my hair.
He doesn't have much influence on my hair at all. My hair is natural and I wear it in different styles. He likes my hair no matter how I wear it.
My husband is kinda ignorant when it comes to women's hair. He says, as far as he is concerned there are two categories: nice and effed up. According to him, I always stay in the nice category. But I notice I get more 'your hair looks nice" from him when I wear big braid outs, bantu knots, and fancy flat twist styles.
Hes a factor in some things but not others. Were long distance so i usually wear it in a style i know he likes when we can get together. If i wanted to cut or dye my hair hed have to get over it. But im natural and i know he likes my hair straight so i flat iron it when i see him.
My SO loves loves loves short hair so once I cut my hair super short he was in heaven. Now I grew my hair out and he loves that too. I only take his consideration if I am thinking of doing something drastic. Other than that its my hair,my head I do what I want regardless. As long as its hot to me thats all that really matters. I do make sure to keep it looking good and thats all that matters to him long short curly or straight. Long as it looks fierce he could care less lol.
One day my SO asked me, "Has your hair ever been longer than this?" It was SL at the time and I told him that it had pretty much always been that long. He said he was just curious, and he doesn't mind short hair or long hair, but that was the turning point that made me want to find out why my hair never seemed to "grow." Now I'm approaching APL and I tell him all the time that he's the reason my hair is healthy and retaining length :grin: He doesn't care about the length either way, but he can definitely see a difference in the health of my hair, and he's happy that I'm so happy with my progress :yay:
Dh and I both would like my hair longer, but not for looks per se, but cause I always wanted long hair, ever since was a kid. I just didn't know how until now. He really has never told me how to wear my hair though. I guess he figures its my head to do with what I will.
My Dh loves the fact that I am growing out my hair. When I first decided to transition to natural two years ago, I freaked out right before he was to come home for Christmas from Aghanistan. I was feeling that I would not be "sexy or pretty enough" with my hair natural and I put a relaxer in. Then a friend begged me to go a year just being natural, saying that he wouldn't be home for six months anyway, I decided to give it a try. Its funny cause now he LOOOVES it when I do the wash n go and just have it all out and curly! He loves the fact that my hair is now so much more versatile. I would have never thought that he would really love my hair just out. He doesn't like me to put any headbands in my hair,he wants it loose. I would never cut my hair unless it was like rediculously long, pass butt length or something because he loves long hair, and now I love growing it for him! THANK YOU LHCF!!!
My SO doesn't care what I do with my hair. But he plays in it so sometimes I'll let it loose for him if it's up in a pony when I normally wouldn't. But generally, he just says it looks nice no matter what I do.
I clicked "often" because I am very aware and considerate of my husband's opinion and preferences, however, I did go against 'his preference' when I cut after only transitioning for 6 months (= really short hair) and he actually wasn't too fond of the natural thing BUT now he's quite fine. so me going after what "I wanted" worked out well. I wouldn't cut my hair that short again because I know it really isn't something that he likes.
He absolutely has no influence. He says he likes long hair and doesn't really like natural hair, unless it's 3a/b...uummm...yeah, I know..:rolleyes:.

So, I pay him no attention. I transitioned and "BC'ed" last yr. All my guy friends love my hair natural. So, if he can't deal with it, there's more fish in the sea. :look:
He's not a factor. Although he loves natural hair, I went natural before I met him and I stay natural for me. As for my hairstyles, I don't even think he notices. Come to think of it, he's not really a hair man.
True 80s baby. Hair had to be big, long and thick. Style is not as important. And he'll pay whatever it takes for product and beauticians. Cutting if off will result in divorce court -- not kidding. That's our unoficial pre-nup.

This explains why I transitioned and b/c'd in braids for a solid year without one word about it. So yeah, his opinion matters.
Dh is my main consideration. I'm not gonna do something to my head that he doesn't like or find attractive, but he doesn't make my decisions for me

When I pick a hair style I usually keep what SO likes in mind. He doesnt really care about my hair texture he is cool with me being relaxed or natural. He just doesnt care much for short hair.....:nono:
Overall Im am me, and I wear what I like.....:rolleyes:
My SO is important to me so and I love him dearly, but he didn't want me to go natural, but I did it anyway in that situation I had to put me first. But as far as hair styles for special occasions I will do certain styles that I know he likes. Besides its just a style. But to permanently keep my hair altered, its a style, but I can't undo in a matter of days. That takes years unlike a regular hairstyle with no chemical alteration.
I teach my SO a lot about hair care. When he told me that he didn't like braids much I let him know that braids are good for growth. Now he doesn't mind me having braids at all. He said that as long as my hair is long, he doesn't care.
too much he is a straight hater. I told him im getting a half wig he really went offf on me he doesnt like that you know what but im still goingto buy one anyway
when i met DH i was relaxed back in 2004. then i transitioned. grew it long to mbl, cut if off natural, dye , colored it. the decided to completely BC down to nothing. and now finaly growing it out again.
hes actually the one that suggested i chop it off and start again.

i dont know if hes just a good liar. lol but he said hes loved it all. as long as it looks good, he likes it. :)
He is not a factor in my hair choices at all. When I cut my hair it was a big deal to him, but I had to put me first. He also sometimes doesn't like how I style my afro now( doesn't like natural hair), but I do it however I want anyway. He has gotten use to it though, Sometimes they have to be educated :grin:
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My DH likes Natural hair and Relaxed....I have been both since we have been together...He doesn't care either way...He just loves hair....Lots of hair.....

But I do consider him when picking styles...Because I know he prefers to see my hair ..And doesnt really care for the buns

This is my EXACT situation! Hes seen me relaxed and natural! My SO hates buns with a passion! He prefers for it to be out. Be it a twist-out, braid out, rollerset.. whatever anything but a bun.. hes amazed at how big my hair has gotten.. gotta love em!
I voted, "he/she is not a factor..."

My SO is a sweety, and though I had my hair in some Mrs. Celie braids, he actually commented on how cute it looked. I really think he prefered it to my long wet 'n wavy ponytail. He also likes my plain jane bun. I'm thinking, if you thought them Mrs. Celie braids were cute, man I can wear my hair anyway I want and you'd be cool with it. (He's Caucasian, and I know many NEGROES that would be like, "Umm you need to do something with that head)." :nono:
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