How many years to get to ur goal lenght?

It took me...

  • Less than a year

    Votes: 11 5.2%
  • 1 year

    Votes: 28 13.3%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 72 34.1%
  • 3 years

    Votes: 69 32.7%
  • I'm almost there!

    Votes: 31 14.7%

  • Total voters
3 years to get from 2-inch twa to BSL. several trims (necessary and unnecessary :lol: ) along the way. now debating if i even wanna go past BSL - maybe growing all my hair out even so i'm full BSL will be enough.... :look:
I'm going to say one more. Maybe two. I'm only shooting for APL. Possibly BSL but I imagine APL will be more than enough hair to deal with natural.
Well I think I've finally found a regimen that works for and I've stopped using direct heat. So, I should reach my short term goal of BSL in about 2 more months. I think I should reach MBL within a 1-2 years(giving myself some room). I'm so excited though!:yay:
I gave myself 2 more years. I started out ine 01/07 damaged and collarbone length when stretched, currently APL stretched and my goal is MBL stretched (flat-ironed). I give it 2 more years tops.
I voted a year,for my 1st goal,which as APL..but my goal,at the moment, is full MBL,which will take me approximately 2yrs...So I should,god willing, be there by spring 09':yep:
I voted for 3 years but in all actuality it will be more like 4-5...I want to reach classic length but it has been hard becuase of my career and all the stress it entails, physically and emotionally. My hair has really felt the bulk of that pain, always being pulled back and shoved unde a beret or helmet...I am past my shoulders now and should be full APL by Mar, NLT (No Later Than) Easter...we'll see how that goes though it seems like whenever I leave it alone and dont watch it or make goals for it it grows like a ragweed so...:ohwell:
Let's see, my hair hovered collared bone length for YEARS...I mean YEARS. In 2000, I stopped weaving my hair and my hair grew and broke off at collar length. I went natural in 2004 and my hair up until late 2007 was collar bone. In early 2008, I reached shoulder length and now my hair is sweeping APL. Don't know the burst in growth, but I am not complaining.

My ultimate is full BSL.
Realistically, it'll probably take me 3 years to get from SL to BSL. My growth rate appears to be verrrrrrrrrrrry sloooooooow. I'm 3 months post and my new growth looks like it's barely an inch.:ohwell::perplexed:sad:
I'm not really sure what my goal length is...I'd like to say MBL

Right now I'm CBL. It took almost 11 months to go from almost chin length to CBL.

I think I voted for 2 years...but now that I'm calculating, it may take a little bit longer.

I'm really trying not to cut any layers in my hair until i get to my goal length, but it's sorta hard cuz i feel like it's oh so flat right now.
from dec 2006 to april 2008 I would say I went from being bald to MBL (as I decided to transition in december and did the BC in june 2008.
Would love to see where my hair will be a year from now
My answer in the past would be one to two years but after my experience this past Saturday, I don't think I will EVER see my goal length at least not with any frequency.

In keeping my hair natural and having the shrinkage factor record I may need to change my goal length completely.:ohwell:

See results here:

Like when my natural shrinkage reaches 1/2 way to APL or at the very least shoulder length then that may be more reasonable and something that I could see with some frequency. But saying my old goal of tail bone stretched. It doesn't matter, I would be the only one who would even know it and no one but maybe you ladies would even believe me because unless I walked around with one hard pressed braid in the back on my head people would think I was delusional. :perplexed

I thought I would be able to show the goal length, because I was so use to seeing others with length or thinking my hair would do the same but that will only happen if I am able to somehow show it streteched out and based on my experiment I don't see that happening regularly.

In answering this question now I think it will take at least 4-5 more years. I am being very very conservative and cautiously optomistic.:yep:
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I voted 2 years. I am APL now so I know I can be BSL sometime this year; hopefully by the end of the summer. Maybe I will getting close to MBL by the end of the year into early next year. It will take at least a year to grow out these layers. My shortest is chin length. :wallbash:
Well right now I'm at the beginning of apl, in aug 08 I cut my hair from apl to sl, and from aug 08 to apr 09 I grew from sl to beginning of apl (8 months), I didn't trim or cut again, and I will probably trim next year, depending where I am, so hopefully around sept or oct I will be full apl aiming for bsl...
My overall goal is full BSL...i want that V cut and i want the V under my bra strap if that makes sense
Hmmm....I'm about three inches from APL with my goal being BSL (about six inches from APL). So that's about nine inches---shooting for BSL by April 2011--that's two years!
I'm close to WL. Hope to be there by the end of this year but from just above SL to MBL took me two and a half years approximately. The first year I didn't trim at all and got to APL in like 7 months. Thereafter I dusted and trimmed just to even. As I was looking in the mirror yesterday, I stretched my hair and realised that I'm almost WL and HL isn't really that far anyway:look:. ***here we go again***:rolleyes:.
i'm not quite there yet. i started from a shaved head about three years ago, and figure i have at least 2 more years to reach my waist length stretched goal. so that'd be 5 years total.

For my natural-mad-shrinkage-prone-unstreched hair, it's gonna take double that time, seriously, about 10 years total, lol, but i'm going to enjoy it every step of the way.