Will hair get thicker?.. is that possible or just an illusion

I think it is possible for hair to get thicker. I don't know the best ways to go about it though. I can say that for me going natural REALLY thickened up my hair. Or maybe my hair was always thick but the relaxer thinned it out. Either way going natural for me was the best thing because when I was relaxed the thing that I focused most on was ways to thicken up my hair.

Good luck finding something that will work for you.
Originally Posted by mommatide
Do ya'll henna? check out this thread about henna. this is how i started researching. i use it to thicken/condition my hair.....but your hair is super thick to me, just gorgeous:p

sometimes i wonder if it's worth having long/fine hair. what do you guy's think? i lost a lot of my hair on the left side due to a botched home relax. i trimmed about 2 inches off to even it up, but one side is full, the other somewhat limp:mad: i'm trying to be patient and keep at this gowing thing, but i truly don't think i will ever get a decent amount off thickness.

How is henna helping your hair? just color?
la flaca, henna adds shine, thickness, and some color to the hair. If you don't want any sort of color change, try cassia instead. It has the same conditioning/thickening properties as henna, but it does not color your hair. I've used cassia twice, and I did my first henna treatment about 2 weeks ago. It's great stuff! Since I haven't used it very often, I can't say that it has thickened my hair yet, but I'm hopeful. Everyone on this site who has tried henna has said that it made their hair thicker, so I'm a believer!:)

Henna is very easy to do (although some people's henna mixes can be somewhat complex). Basically, you add water to henna powder, stir it into a paste, let it sit so the natural dye can "release", apply to hair, let stand, and wash out. The hennaforhair.com site posted earlier has great info. You can also order your henna from that website (it is highly recommended by LHCF members).
:yay::yay:Well, ladies I must confess my hair IS GETTING THICKER, today I did a ponytail and the difference is awsome, and my bun looks bigger. I think streaching for 41/2 or 5 month is a keeper. (6 monthsis not good for me)

Thanks for answering all questions :kiss:
Isis said:
Drinking just 2 ounces of carrot juice daily will thicken the hair. There is a long, ongoing Carrot Juice Challenge here about that.

Henna automatically thickens the hair by binding to the keratin in each strand.

One of the ladies at Longhaircommunity.com started a thread recently on eating just 10 soy beans each morning after soaking them overnight in a glass of water. She said in 2-3 months she had to stop because her hair became too thick! :)
Thanks! I never heard of this thickening agent.