How long do you wait?


New Member
So I recently got engaged (last Monday :drunk:) and I'm really excited! I was wondering, how long after you get engaged do you wait to plan your wedding? We set a date of 11-11-11, so that gives us a year....
Congrats on your engagement/marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suggest you start planning immediately. A year is not very much time and time can easily slip through your fingers if you wait to long. You have to also take into consideration that people involved in your wedding have to take off work/school, and save up money.

Again...congrats, and have fun planning!
:congrats: I'm sure that's going to be a very popular wedding date, so I would suggest booking your venue and caterer right away.

We got engaged in March of 09 and got married in August 09. We planned our wedding in 5 months. My parents footed the bill for the wedding and they already had money saved so we really saw no reason for us to draw the date out.

Congrats again!
Thanks everyone! Yeah, seeing how it will be a popular date, I do want to at least get the venue booked! I feel so overwhelmed I don't even know where to start!!

We got engaged in March of 09 and got married in August 09. We planned our wedding in 5 months. My parents footed the bill for the wedding and they already had money saved so we really saw no reason for us to draw the date out.

Congrats again!

We were married 4 months after we decided to get married. It really doesn't take long to plan a wedding.
I would start now as that is a popular date, and I am SURE a lot of venues will be reserved early! Congrats...
If my SO pops the question, which I believe he will, next month on my birthday, I want us to get married ASAP, no need to wait around. Neither one of us wants a big wedding. He had me scared when he told me he wanted to get married in a church. Once I dug deeper that is literally all he wants, because I ask joklingly would the pastor's study be ok and he said perfect. We just have to contact, in Madea's words, "Reverent".
Start planning yesterday. If you're planning on having a wedding of any size it will take all of a year to plan it . That day will be very popular so most of the popular venues most likely have already been booked. Some people book the venue for their receptions up to 2-3 years in advance.

You should start making your guest list ,planning the catering and looking for your dresses and decor ASAP so that you can have time to change your mind and really look for your dream dress. A year comes and goes so quickly now.

I wish you well.
Depends on what kind of wedding you want. I had an intimate wedding so it only took me 6 months to plan. You want a big shebang, you should start now. Facilities fill up fast.

Start now! As mentioned above, that date is very popular. You don't want the best vendors with the best prices to be already booked by the time you get to them. Get the biggest things out of the way now. Those are, your venue, dress, photographer, cake, and catering.
So I recently got engaged (last Monday :drunk:) and I'm really excited! I was wondering, how long after you get engaged do you wait to plan your wedding? We set a date of 11-11-11, so that gives us a year....

Congrats, Lady C Dawn L, I am so happy and excited for you. When I get engaged next time (within the next 400 days; I just claimed it yesterday and started a thread about the topic) my "wait" will simply be long enough to to make it happen, honey. But, you see, I am 50+ years young, am not extravagant, and realize it's about the days, years AFTER the ceremony that count.
If my SO pops the question, which I believe he will, next month on my birthday, I want us to get married ASAP, no need to wait around. Neither one of us wants a big wedding. He had me scared when he told me he wanted to get married in a church. Once I dug deeper that is literally all he wants, because I ask joklingly would the pastor's study be ok and he said perfect. We just have to contact, in Madea's words, "Reverent".

:lachen:@ TH's comment about Madea!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait, Sis. I am happy at this prospect. Wish I could be there to take the pics. :yep:
We were married 4 months after we decided to get married. It really doesn't take long to plan a wedding.

Yup, DL, dats what I'm talkin' 'bout. It truly does not. You love each other, keep it moving, save all that money for your first dwelling and commence to lovin' one another, in a fine manner, in God's eyes.
Congratulations! You must be over the moon! A year is a long time. It's up to you. Start planning when it suits you best.