How is your hair today ?

today it a mess, having a bad hair day. it dry and i'm needing o wash it to bring it back to life. also need a touch-up real bad it been 3 months.
The most fabulous twist-out ever. I finally tried it over the weekend and I am absolutely loving it. I know many of the ladies here have BEEN doing this, but for some reason I could never bring myself to do it and wear it out in public, now I don't want to wear my hair ANY OTHER WAY (for now that is). It's great!
My hair is healthy in a protective style of a ponytail,but I am so use to getting a perm around 6 weeks that I am not use to seeing all this new growth when I style my hair
I CO wash every other day and today is a non-wash day. Last night I made two plaits, rolled the braids on soft rollers and went to bed. Today I finger combed to separate my curly wavy hair and put it in a low ponytail. Took all of 3 minutes to style it this morning. This might be my look this fall when I go back to school
Today was a very bad hair day. I air-dried it as I've done successfully before, slicked back into a bun but somehow it just didn't look right on my head after it dried. It looked off somehow with a little lopsided poufiness I haven't had before (it's week 8 post relaxer retouch) and a little more nappiness around the edges.
It was pitiful and I did what I could to smooth things down but I didn't have much time before I had to leave home. Oh well, tomorrow will be a better day!
Frizzy , gray popping out ( yikes ) and in need of total do- over. But , at least its growing , feeling stronger and for some reason extremely soft.

So, when time and energy permits I will pull my stlye back together.

I'm considering micro- braids , just because I've never had them and need a protective style for the fall.

Good hair day to 'ya ladies !
My hair is in Bknots, for the next 2 weeks, it is my protective style for my natural hair, since I cant do a bun, I am doing Condtion Wash, and Daily wetting of the hair, not giving up on that, and I am taking 12 mg of biotin for the pass 4 days,I hope to get some good growth with my protective style.
I am happy today, about my hair, I have successful change to a different style that I did myself
, I just do cornrows going back, not the best looking ones, but today I did them going to the side
, It looks ok, they are not too fat but medium, I am happy to be able to try something new and do it myself
, I dont know how long it will look decent, I hope for atleast a few days
I'm determined to learn to do cornrows properly!

I let someone else (a friend) twist my hair for the firt time last week. I love it! She did it so nestly and they still look good! I've begun to use my mum's World of Curls activator spray daily (only in the last few days though, LOL), my hair seems to be liking it. I also mix Kemi shea butter and Kemi Oyl to put on my ends every few days.I'll try and keep the twists in another week.

I'm promised my hair that I will wear my twists up to make it a truly protective style. That'll help keep my glasses clean too, no hair in my face for a while!
Dry as the Sahara. I'm going back to the glycerin and water combo. I stopped because I heard glycerin takes moisture out of your hair. Whatever!!!! My hair is dry without it!
Today it's in a single twisted flat circle (tfc) bun. Yesterday I did a center part and two (tfc) buns. One bun on each side with a full bang semi stacked to one side. Hubby said he liked it.
My hair is looking and feeling good today. I wore it in the usual French twist, held by a claw clip. My hair is thicker, stronger, shinier, and softer, thanks to my increased level of conscientiousness, and all of the wondertul information and advice from everyone on the LHCF!

Soft though it's not as straight as I'd like after flat ironing it. Plus I have about an inch of new growth and it keeps matting up when I wash.
still the same length since 2 years ago. Gets about an inch and a half on the top and never gets anylonger than that with hardly any breakage.
My hair is soft and moisturized AND smells like strawberries and cream! I wore a bun today but I'm sick of the bun ... can't seem to do it longer than 2 days in a row. Had a small revelation today...that is that to go throughout the whole day without one hair out of place is impossible! What I see now is that I have a few strands here and there out of place and I've realized that breakage or not, there will always be flyaways!
I have my 1st bun
, successfully and it made it throught the night,
My little sister did it for me, I dont know how long it will stay, but it looks so good too me, I was soo surpise I kept saying 'I have bun' I did not think I could done one large one, but my sister did, My kicten is out
but that is not a big deal, I did not have to use gel or anything just comb my hair out, and I lost alot of hair :cry2: but I am cool as long as I make it up with this BUN!!! I am just soo happy, to have one, hows ur hair today?
My hair is looking wavy and shiny today. Last night I sprayed on Surge, followed by Healthier Hair in a Bottle, the slicked my hair back and covered with a scarf. This morning? Wow! Nothing but waves and shine.
in a puff as always. A second day puff at that. I sprayed on Surge and diluted conditioner and picked it a little to get rid of the bedhead. It's looking a little funky today though, not as good as usual but still great.