I Tried Something New ....Just Had To Share

I love your bangs! I just cut some myself, but now I kinda regret it. Do you use a curling iron on them?

I use a flat iron on a low setting ...Just my bangs...I plan on wearing them a while so I don't mind...When I decide to grow them out again I will keep them away from then....
Absolutely gorgeous. I can't imagine what I would do with that much hair!!! How do you do anything to your hair without your arm and hands hurting. My arm gets tired with combing my hair at APL. At your length I think I'd lose my mind.
I watched your video rave about Chi last night actually and I'm planning to purchase asap :yep: as per your recommendation. However I will be trying this today and I will post a pic for you to see :grin:

Would You post a link to that video? Please!
omg you're hair is so beautiful & so are you, your sister & your dog haha. yup, i'm a subscriber to your youtube channel & i read your blog. thanks for everything that you're doing to help women get to lengths that they've never been to.

Awww Thanks for subscribing and following my blog...I really appreciate it :yep:
*screaming at my hair*
Now why can't u grow long like Traycee's hair huh? huh?!
*Slaps it with condish*
*screaming at my hair*
Now why can't u grow long like Traycee's hair huh? huh?!
*Slaps it with condish*

Girl I don't know what your talking about...You already got the thickness...And your MBL....Your catching up to me on the length...

Love your hair