How Do You Split The Holidays In Your Household/relationship?

We’re engaged but we’ve agreed to continue splitting the holidays as we have been until we move/ are married.

My parents live in the city and his parents live in the suburbs. We spend thanksgiving day with his family and Christmas Day with my family. We each have family traditions for Christmas Eve so we spend those apart. We usually spend New Year’s Eve together.

If we move we will probably alternate thanksgiving and Christmas between our families. Once we have kids we’ll probably open up our home to both sets of parents and both of our siblings and their significant others.

Basically once we have kids we’re not doing a ton of traveling and will probably have the most space to host extended family.
For Thanksgiving, we alternate. That means every other year we travel out of state to my extended family. When we stay in state, my parents stay, too, and end up at his parents house with us. My parents don't cook tday dinner ever.

For Christmas, we stay in state and visit all our parents.

For nye, we usually stay home/do something fun with just us 2.

I don't see this changing once we have kids.
My relationship is still new although we're integrating each other into our families. My parents tried to see about splitting Thanksgiving so SO could come over for part of it but his immediate family planned on going to visit extended family in another city. That got scrapped so they're not sure what they're doing for Thanksgiving now, and my family made other plans.

Not sure what we'll do for Christmas since it's SO's dad and sister's birthdays at that time.
For Thanksgiving, my mom is gracious enough to hold Thanksgiving in the afternoon while his extended family holds theirs in the evening.

For Christmas, DH’s family celebrates Christmas Eve and mine celebrates Christmas Day, so there’s no conflict.

My dad is out of state and we just recently reconciled, so we’ll have to do something different for next year as far as holidays (his side holds a huge reunion each Thanksgiving, so that’s a factor too).
Thanksgiving: alternate each year
Christmas eve: my family
Christmas day: wherever the wind blows us
NYE: its my mom's bday and then we go to dinner with friends
This year we're starting Thanksgiving off at my mother's house and then late afternoon/evening we're headed to his aunt house for his family's dinner. We're also spending the night at his parent's house tomorrow. For Christmas my son is normally home with me so we stay home and watch him open up presents and then I go to my moms. This year for NYE's we have plans up near the harbor just the two of us.
It seems like the last few years, we've gone wherever the spirit moves us on Christmas day. Last year we scored AWESOME seats to a NFL game, the year before we got dressed up and went club/bar hopping.
WE're in a new relationship...we spent Canadian Thanksgiving together out of town no kids.

We're talking about the Christmas holidays now...usually I do my thing at home with my kids...he does the same...and then Xmas eve or boxing day my whole family no set date...his family is set for Boxing day every year so we have to figure out if we will be together. I look forward to us creating a tradition.
His family lives local but my Mom lives across the country so we alternate holidays. This year it's her turn to come to us for Christmas. When we are in town we always go to his parents for Christmas dinner. We are planning to move though so I think next year we will finally start hosting dinner at our house because we will finally have enough space for everyone to gather.
My family is in FL, and his is in NC. We altenate Thanksgiving and Christmas. If we visit my family in FL for Thanksgiving, then we'll spend Christmas with his. We alternate holidays each year. My sister does the same, so on the holidays we're with my parents, she's down there with hers as well.