How do you feel about your relationship today?

Feeling good about it, although men can work your nerves and eat all the food without even thinking they are doing something wrong.
After the rockiest period where I was sure we were not going to survive, the past four days have been sheer bliss. The man I fell in love with is back and I couldn't be happier.
:swearing: The man woke me up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. How can a man, say something so selfish and accusatory one moment, then in self pity, state how he has decided to "move forward in making you my wife, but now look at us..."

What a jerk! :wallbash:
Right now, time is bitter and sweet! I am in a hate/love situation and really don't know what to do. My 10 year plan has been thrown the heck off into 'lost in translation'.

Never could comprehend the saying "patience is a virtue" until now.

*le sigh*
better. we've certainly had our ups and downs.. and the fact that we're so young i feel like there's so much more maturing that needs to be done on both sides before the relationship is 100% but, i'm feeling confidant. he's a wonderful husband.
I am tired and ready to move on. I just feel like I am the only one who cares about our relationship and I am tired of always been the understanding one.. We've been together for almost 5 years and I've always been there for him no matter what, pity its not been returned..
I mean I like him. He's fun and SUCH a sweetheart. But I think we might be moving just a little too fast. And I'm not *really* looking for a long term relationship right now. Summer's coming and girls just wanna have fu-un you know?
Feeling pretty good right now. He was kind of annoying me to no end the other day, but I think part of that was due to how little sleep I had.
Nervous, excited, scared, worried, hopeful, giddy, all at the same time. :lol: starting a new relationship is tough! I feel like a little school girl. I worry that I'm not good enough for him, and I worry that I have no idea what I'm doing in this whole relationship thing. I've been out of the game for FOUR years. :ohwell: He is being patient with me and I hope he keeps it up. He's out of town for the weekend (Grandmother died :sad: ) and he's already made plans to see me on Sunday when he gets back. Things are looking good so far. Now if I can just relax, be myself, and calm my nerves I'll be okay. :lol: I have to remind myself that if this guy is who God expects me to be with, then there is nothing I can do to screw this up!
it's wonderful!!!!! Last night he told me that he loved me for the first time. I admit i was scared as all get out! Today its sinking in fully and i couldnt be happier.
My husband has this serious need for female friendship. The problem is that they become his priority. The worst of it is that he's extremely jealous himself. Go figure!
BTW, mine is wonderful.
My baby worked all night and instead of going to sleep he went with me to the hair salon ( I was there for 3 hours and he waited so patiently) and took me out to lunch...Aaaaw, I love me some him :cloud9:
You know how men are. When they know they have their woman and she would do anything for him, they begin to take the woman for granted. That's where we are now. He's testing his little limits with me to see how far he can get.
I don't think I could love him more. I know I can try his nerves but he's so patient with me. He used the M word today. I just love him to pieces.
Still a fairly new relationship here, but he makes me feel really good. We enjoy every minute we spend together. He makes me laugh and smile and I make him laugh and smile too.