Advice Please: Am I Even His Type?

I'm less concerned about his dating preferences and more concerned about you thanking him for "giving dark girls props" as if him doing this, as a what I assume to be a black man, deserves some type of accolades. I'm sure you are very secure in your skin but that to me screams otherwise.
That’s the part that I’m stuck on as well. To me the OP is projecting her insecurities and creating an issue. From what I read, it wasn’t until OP thanked him (unnecessarily) for complimenting darker skinned women, did he say that she’s the first dark skinned woman he’s been with.
I mean this with no disrespect. Apologies if it seems rude. What do you guys talk about? Do you talk? Because this sounds very much like an interaction I would have with a guy I just started talking to, and was still trying to feel out. And then he would get googly eyed over another woman and I would make a comment letting him know I didn’t like it. But coupled with being the token dark skinned love interest and this would be enough to put him on the back burner.

Despite all that, I don’t care if I’m his type. What matters is if he’s MY type
This is strange... the fact that he was oogling another woman and describing her to you was strange as well...

I'd say this though, I cut off a guy, who was courting me, when he told me that he was into exoticals. I'm not exotical... why would you tell me that? That was more than 10 years ago and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

The bolded struck me too. Not because he thought she was attractive but the way in which he did it. I smell potential narc but that's another story. If y'all are together and see the woman at the same time, I guess I could understand but..nah. Seems to me he was testing the waters to see how far he can go in ogling other women in your presence/earshot.

I would feel weirded out too at the whole thing. I immediately got vibes of , " Wowwweeee, darskinned women are hot af..didnt really pay attention after all these years. Now I am. Gotta explore this more." Then again my soul is a bit jaded from the RAW sentiments and behaviors I see from men, particularly ..... narcs.