How do you feel about white men who ONLY dates black girls?


New Member
does it putt you off? like if it was a fetish thing or would you be flattered and think it was awesome?

I was talking to a scottish guy today and he me told he loved black girls. He had a black girlfriend when he was 16 and since then lost interest for all other races. He said things like we taste better:perplexed yeah he actually said that i dont think i need to clarify which part he was talking about :look:

He said white woman arent attractive to him and the palest he would agree with was Alicia Keys "NOT LIGHTER THAN THAT, NEVER, I LIKE MY GIRLS DARK!" He said.

I have a picture on my phone with me and my good friend who is white and she is gorgeous! (Its actually the girl in the video singing in my siggy lol). And i showed it to him and said "You cant deny this girl is beautiful"

He laughed and said "She's not even black!"

So yeah, what ya think?
It depends on the person in question. I've seen some who seemed to have some kind of fetish, and others who were just into black women or "black culture" (whatever that is).

But the insistence on ONLY would strike me as kind of odd regardless. If that's what your more attracted to, then fine, but I don't know if absolute restrictions are necessary.
I find nothing flattering at being the object of one's fetish. We are more than our skin colors, body weights, appendage sizes, pretty feet, etc. Of course, if one had no issue with such superficiality and shallowness, have at it.
does it putt you off? like if it was a fetish thing or would you be flattered and think it was awesome?

I was talking to a scottish guy today and he me told he loved black girls. He had a black girlfriend when he was 16 and since then lost interest for all other races. He said things like we taste better:perplexed yeah he actually said that i dont think i need to clarify which part he was talking about :look:

He said white woman arent attractive to him and the palest he would agree with was Alicia Keys "NOT LIGHTER THAN THAT, NEVER, I LIKE MY GIRLS DARK!" He said.

I have a picture on my phone with me and my good friend who is white and she is gorgeous! (Its actually the girl in the video singing in my siggy lol). And i showed it to him and said "You cant deny this girl is beautiful"

He laughed and said "She's not even black!"

So yeah, what ya think?

Nope @ the bold...everyone has a preference
What does he look like? WW usually leave the funny looking ones for us to deal with. :lol:
It probably is just his preference to date black women. Like it's my preference to only date white men.

As long as it's not a "fetish" but a preference and as long as he don't put down white women. I don't see what the big deal is, plus I think people over analyze the whole interracial dating thing.

Date, sex, marry, whatever whomever you are attracted to; someone is always going to have a problem with YOUR preference.
Nope @ the bold...everyone has a preference
What does he look like? WW usually leave the funny looking ones for us to deal with. :lol:

He was allright. Far from ugly.
Lol he wouldnt give any white women a chance he made that VERY clear.
It depends on how they come across. I get immediately turned off it comes across as a fetish, but sometimes there ARE men who find BW aesthetically more pleasing, but they don't mind dating other races and there's no harm in that :) . I prefer the latter. I've met white men in the former category who seemed as though they hated being white and felt that they had no culture or "coolness" :look:- it just comes across as sad. I know I physically have a type (the color doesn't matter, just the features so the men I end up attracted to look like the same man in different races/colors) but most of the men who fit this aesthetic tend to be Middle Eastern. :look:.
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lol. what do YOU think though?

i prefer for a man to like all women. This may be irrational, but i hate it when white men go on about how beautiful black women are and how ugly white women are....why is that neccesary? If you are macking on me.....go ahead, u don't need to insult your entire race to get me. It's not cool to me, i don't want to be with a man who has a fetish for blk women....i want to be with a man who met a woman he was attracted to. Period.
Thanks for this thread though, i have just started seeing a spanish guy and this exact thought crossed my mind.I'm also missing black men but that's another issue!
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I like white guys too and i find myself more attracted to them but i would definately date a black guy if he was a great guy and we had chemistry. I understand preference but i dont understand writing of a race completely? May i ask why? No shade im curious lol

I have dated both black and men of other races (cultures). I keep going back to white men. It's been this way for me since high school. The only reason why I even bothered dating black men was because I felt like I had too. Not because I wanted a relationship with them (although, they did end up being my boyfriends).

I just realized that I attracted to white men more so than black men. Nothing against BM or anything.

Of course, if I see a cute black man....I'm enjoying the view. But nothing more.
It depends on how he expresses his preference. I knew this guy who said he gave ww a chance but he just wasn't physically attracted and couldn't do it. In that case, it's fine. But if it's a hate for his own race, run for your life, he's got issues.

i didnt get the vibe he had a hate for his own race but the part about us tasting better than white women between our legs threw me off.. that was a bit too much
I wouldn't care generally but THIS guy sounds creepy. And anyone who came at me discussing sex in the first (or first few) conversation would be immediately eliminated from consideration.
I know a white guy that prefers dark features, and loves bw. People have preferences. It has nothing to do with me, so I don't care.

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I would steer clear of them, as they are to white men as "fat white woman who only dates black guys" is to white women.

I learned this very quickly when I began to date interracially. He was a skinny blonde jewish nerd type and accidentally let it slip once that blonde white women are considered the ideal, but he wasn't about to chase what he couldn't get, so that's why he dated black women. He quickly tried to follow it up with "not that I don't want them too!" but the damage was done and that was the end of that story.
Um... I wouldn't talk to a guy who was as creepy as the one in the OP, but I have no problem with a guy who is only attracted to women who look like me :lol:
What puts me off is when people limit their preferences to other races to their sexual partners only. Okay, white dude prefers BW, fine. But how many good black friends are in his life? And they better not be all women.

What does it indicate to you when someone dates another race yet their friends aren't of that race? Just curious because I date others and pretty much all my good girlfriends are black.
I see nothing wrong with it. Why would a woman totally disregard a man because he says he has a preference for black women?

I'm so confuzzled by that...
Um... I wouldn't talk to a guy who was as creepy as the one in the OP, but I have no problem with a guy who is only attracted to women who look like me :lol:

agreed. dood sounds like a creepazoid and i think it's super easy to peep men like this.

but to be honest, i would prefer to be my partner's physical ideal. it doesn't strike me as odd in the least when a man, black or non-black, prefers black women. why wouldn't they?:lachen:
I see nothing wrong with it. Why would a woman totally disregard a man because he says he has a preference for black women?

I'm so confuzzled by that...

Imma tell you, I would rather be in bed with a man who prefers black women than one for whom black women are the last choices...