How do you feel about members creating their own sites and charging?

As a newbie, i dont know how much my opinion is worth, but I think she has beautiful hair. I have not joined her website, but it looks professional and as if takes Alot of time to manage. It also seemed like a passion, which is great, why not get paid for doing something you love?

I can see also see the other side, but think that we are all free to choose. As a Newbie I will say it takes more time and effort to learn and search for many things you have no idea for. I remember being like Cowash ... huh? :drunk: lol. For some maybe they are willing to pay more for a personalized experience. Anyways just my humble opinion.

You LADIES have the MMMMMOOOOSSSSTTTT :spinning: Amazing heads of Hair I have seen in my life!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can still see her fotki and videos.......I believe.

I wasnt talking bout Marchie Amor or however its spelled... she has a product (a video) That doesnt bother me. Some ppl dont know how to roller all for that!

Im actually talking bout another member who has another site where you basically pay for advice and fotki product.... I cant get with that. This member has also removed her Youtube videos the only one left is one of the paying tribute to MJ and a add for her websits

Im all for paying for goods and services but aint no one gonna make a serious profit off me for advice. I have what I need at LHCF but as I said...this is just how I feel....if you wanna pay I say go for it! im only 1 person and as the saying monkey dont stop the show!
awww adorable and cute!

girl what you turning this thread into , the 'hair story from day one thread'??? :lachen::lachen: I got one too


And it all began with this little 'tuft' :lachen:


aaawwww.... it makes me wanna bring little me to the party!
I wasnt talking bout Marchie Amor or however its spelled... she has a product (a video) That doesnt bother me. Some ppl dont know how to roller all for that!

Im actually talking bout another member who has another site where you basically pay for advice and fotki product.... I cant get with that. This member has also removed her Youtube videos the only one left is one of the paying tribute to MJ and a add for her websits

Im all for paying for goods and services but aint no one gonna make a serious profit off me for advice. I have what I need at LHCF but as I said...this is just how I feel....if you wanna pay I say go for it! im only 1 person and as the saying monkey dont stop the show!

ITA :yep::yep::yep:
'Mommy and me the next generation' pic



she had three 'tuft's to my one! haha

(was blinking but all eyes on her anyway)
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I don't understand , members own their videos ya'll

It's their property, they don't owe anyone to keep that information up or out there

It's not their 'job'
Wow Irresistible, you look so much like your mom in that pic! No big surprise genetically speaking, but aren't gnetics amazing! Your baby girl is absolutely precious
awww adorable and cute!

girl what you turning this thread into , the 'hair story from day one thread'??? :lachen::lachen: I got one too


And it all began with this little 'tuft' :lachen:


ROFL...Noooo...I so don't want to hijack anyones thread. I just want all women on here to have a heartfelt laugh...

And seriously realize that the women's haircare industry makes billions of dollars off of us and most of it...ok...lets go on and say 95-97% is just unhealthy for us. For the thousands that knows these healthy haircare sites exist there are millions who don' this info is much more valuable than the $6.50/yr. We get bamboozled by these companies for things that they know isn't healthy for our hair. :perplexed

So why can't someone who has the know how, products and gumption to get out there and show folks like me who don't know and get their mortgage and bills paid too. For example...I'd rather be giving my money to BM and BT than Pantene:nono: So the more women who are able to get out there and do it. The more I am able to support...:grin:

And by the way don't be no fool in thinking that LHCF ain't getting paid by the way...Cause I forgot to add that they got all these Google Adsense Ads up in here. One click by any of us there are making money and its thousands of us on here clicking all day. So all them sites you clicking on Ford, Folica & etc...whether we buy product or not is more money on that Adsense check. So its really about how one gets their money. Ol' gurl is just charging up front... The $6.50 fee is just icing on their cake.

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As for info, I think it should be free unless you have some brand new technique that is not available on free sites. But as for a product such as, haircare line, accessories such and such; definitely there should be a price to pay. As many product as I went through. There is no product alike. Even the knockoffs sometimes are different. Shoot! I hope to get my own product line in about 2 or 3 years. (in dream state now):rolleyes:
But all in all. If you want to compile info and sell it. I say go for it. You cant make anyone buy anything. I've bought a few hair books myself.

ROFL...Noooo...I so don't want to hijack anyones thread. I just want all women on here to have a heartfelt laugh...

And seriously realize that the women's haircare industry makes billions of dollars off of us and most of it...ok...lets go on and say 95-97% is just unhealthy for us. For the thousands that knows these healthy haircare sites exist there are millions who don' this info is much more valuable than the $6.50/yr. We get bamboozled by these companies for things that they know isn't healthy for our hair. :perplexed

So why can't someone who has the know how, products and gumption to get out there and show folks like me who don't know and get their mortgage and bills paid too. For example...I'd rather be giving my money to BM and BT than Pantene:nono: So the more women who are able to get out there and do it. The more I am able to support...:grin:
girl some people don't mind thread hi-jacks for a moment (they happen alot)

what I know of SimpleKomplexity, she is pretty laid back and is probably cool with it

SK, if not.....I'm sowwy!

oh and I HEAR YOU!:yep:
Also ya'll the two ladies mostly being referenced here

did give alot! They were doing what they do, I think before they got here, they didn't take their information from here....I don't believe. They are both known for what they do with their hair and each is unique , but they helped many ladies with their hair.....MANY
As for info, I think it should be free unless you have some brand new technique that is not available on free sites. But as for a product such as, haircare line, accessories such and such; definitely there should be a price to pay. As many product as I went through. There is no product alike. Even the knockoffs sometimes are different. Shoot! I hope to get my own product line in about 2 or 3 years. (in dream state now):rolleyes:
But all in all. If you want to compile info and sell it. I say go for it. You cant make anyone buy anything. I've bought a few hair books myself.
In all these instances they got the hair to back them too:yep:
What's wrong with it? I think it's smart and savvy to turn your knowledge/skill/etc. into a business. I also see no problem with having a target group of customers. Maybe these women are charging a certain amount to target a certain demographic? It's extremely time-consuming and burdensome to gather information on LHCF. Some people lead busy lives and have busy careers, or a lot of people simply don't have the time. As a result, having one go to person or a business that cater to their personal hair needs is a blessing for some women.

I applaud these women.
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You got a hairsite you wanna publicize in my thread?

You probably boosted some businesses..and I say not thread killer..
thread pun intended :grin:

In my perspective, the people who are making products and selling them are designing their product because it's not an exact replica of a previous oil or whatever. They have researched and tweaked it to make it better. Much like what others do in inventions such as the computer and etc. So it is "their creation." But others just copy and paste some info from stickies on LHCF, but them in a nice HTML format, and present them as their own. If that was done at a university, it would be called plagiarism. wouldn't:nono:.
btw ..Accusing someone {without ALL of the facts}
of plagiarism is serious business...I'd be real careful of the use of that word
even in describing ex-members
you were joking about being bitter,right..SK? :ohwell:

What's different in this instance?

it's actually not different....just your perception,I guess.
but, unless there's the copywritten symbol ..
or the member says this is patented and there is that disclaimer
in fine print that states the legalities of using the info without permission
then it is NOT plaigarism.. not just because you feel it is
nor is LHCF a monopoly on commerce of black hair care info
even if some of it was gleaned and labbed out of their pages :blush:

you follow?
shared exchanged information is not under the sole ownership of LCHF
which is more or less a clearinghouse and facilitator of such info,but
is probly more in the realm of public domain..

on this thread
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As long as they are not stealing copyright materials and not misrepresenting themselves, more power to them. If you don't like it, don't pay for it. LHCF is enough for me.
To echo many of the other members who responded, it doesn't bother me.

I do think about it in the back of my head when I see the prices 'hey i bet you learned that from lhcf'. Am I mad about it? No. Do whatever you like.

Just don't quote people without asking, steal pics, or say you grew your hair from nl to wl in 2 months when I watched you take 2 years to do it and we will be just fine.
I guess not really, we live in a capatilistic society. I very highly doubt I'd ever do (but I'm not really ambitious) it but I don't have a huge problem with those who do. I'd be mad if I found out I was paying for info that I could have got for free though.
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Hm. To be honest the only person that I know of who started charging had a bunch of highly original techniques (at least I had never heard of them before on this board) and did not really pay much attention to the board bandwagons, and yet did her own thing and still had gorgeous and long hair, and was always giving hair advice.

If I were her I would charge too, hell. Why not? If you guys are posting here and not just lurking, then clearly it is a profitable business plan. If you have a skill, or an idea, there is nothing wrong with selling it. I think people are just burnt up because a)they didn't think of it first or b) if they did think of it, their hair isn't impressive enough for anyone to pay to see what they did to get it that way.

some of the people I see arguing against it on here clearly don't need hair advice anyway, lol, so of course its going to seem ridiculous to them. But to someone who has never been APL in their life, it may be a price that is worth it to them, particularly if it is from one person. This board has a lot of the same information, yes, but it is huge and there are A LOT of ideas and experiments and possibilities and hair types and etc etc. Not everyone wants to go through all that, particularly if the paid hair site is hosted by one girl who is of a similar hairtype.

Heck some of ya'll are acting like you get any of THIS info for free. Yeah you can see the threads when you're a lurker, but you can't really see all of the pictures, you can't start a thread asking for particular advice, all you can do is read things other people have tried, which honestly, is helpful but not the best (one of the reasons why I joined in particular)
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This pic was taken about 4 1/2 months I was prayed on according to my mother...:lachen: And I still have that baby fine hair till this day!!!***And look at that big ol' ribbon in my damn head...My mama was trying though...***

Look at you, cute as a button!! :D
What an adorable picture.
I don't mind at all if people start new websites or blogs and charge for them. They just won't get my money - unless they offer something that I really want or need :grin:

For Pinkskates and Macherie and others, I kind of understand their reasons. I get tons of PMs and such asking about my regimen and I personally don't mind, but I can imagine what it was like for them on this board and they probably just thought "why not charge for all this info"? If people are willing to pay, why not?

Their inboxes were probably blown up on a daily basis and it takes a lot of time and patience to answer all questions, even though I miss a few every now and then. (Sorry!!)

I wish all entrepreneurs the best of luck! :yep:
I see lots of business opportunities for many of our members, the possibilities are endless.
As long as you are getting what you paid for, then OK. People are always going to try and make a buck one way or another. I lurked this site for several years, just because I did not want to pay for something that I thought should be free. But being nosey :look: got the best of me I am. :yep: And yes it was well worth the price of admission.
I have no issues with it. Since there is a wealth of information here--why worry about someone else's site. Now, if it's annoying because you'd like additional info that other person's site may give. You have to pay the cost--just like you do here. haha
I don't mind anyone trying to earn a dollar. More power to ya! What I find irksome is that the 'perfect' product to end all searches, make your hair be all it can be, swing in the breeze and retain miraculous length loses it saintly status rapidly. Just when your order for the much lauded product arrives they're pushing the the benefits of NEW miracle that's better than the crap you just received. PMOR!! (Pi$$ me off royally)
On a bright note, it has curtailed my PJ'ism to a crawl.
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Too true. And yeah I think for the services Macherie offers, she deserves to be paid and paid well. She offers phone consultations and everything I think. But really? Pay $100 for you to tell me to use a Keracare regimen and wrap my hair at night? Really? lol. *Kanyeshrug* Just sayin. But I'm guessing a newbie who has never heard anything on hair or never had someone to take the time to explain haircare, would be very enlightened.

Really? Have you ever been a member of her site? Are you aware of what her services include? I think a lot of criticisms in this thread stem from generalised assumptions of what other members offer in the context of what one gets from LHCF. People are paying extra for things LHCF doesn't necessarily offer and it's great they have other options. For those for whom LHCF is enough, at least we have this option.

To echo many of the other members who responded, it doesn't bother me.

I do think about it in the back of my head when I see the prices 'hey i bet you learned that from lhcf'. Am I mad about it? No. Do whatever you like.

Ironically, LCHF as a whole may actually have 'learnt' that info from former members who have gone on to do their own thing!
my friend is a paying member of that other board.

she says she loves it, it is not *****.y etc and she feels it is worth the money!

i'll just stick to my LHCF :grin:
I assume they are doing a service. Almost like a research service. The information is free for anyone to go out there and find, but they made it more concise and offer one-on-one counseling and personalized advice. LHCF is great, but it requires a lot of time to find all the information you want, I think. You have to sort through a whole lot of threads and posts, many of them multiple threads on the same topic with new and old/overlapping info. Some people don't want or have time to do that work, so if you present them with what they need to know in a more easily accessible package, you've done a service and you are justified in charging for it.