I want to thank you for asking this question because I've been a little afraid to ask it
. I started paying for a hair site (which will remain nameless because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or start no mess) about three months ago and I don't think it is worth the money to pay for this particular site.....but all of the info that is on their is just para-phrased from other articles, books, blogs, etc. I don't feel it's right to "copy and paste info" from other sources and charge members to use it. Plus, the content isn't updated enough to keep me interested let alone pay for it with my hard earned money. There are also other hair boards that are NOT charging that are very informative and are updated with enough info that includes lots of pics, videos, DIY tutorials and so much more. But to answer the question, No. I don't feel it is right to charge for info that came from other sources that you could have googled to find out FOR FREE instead of paying for the same info on a hair site. If this was the case I could've made my own blog a looong time ago and charged some money too. This is the only site that I am going to continue to pay for and I will be donating to the ones that are free