As someone who went to graduate school for marketing, I'm going to reiterate something I learned & I'm paraphrasing, but emotions/feelings are separate from business. You hear the comment, "it's just business" and you know that's what separates those with the mindset and those without.
Sure LHCF is making tons of money from subscriptions. I'm also a web developer, and domains can cost as low as $1.99 with unlimited hosting running about 13 bucks a month (Godaddy). I assure you, a handful of subscriptions plus ad revenue, LHCF is not hurting. I have no doubt Bev and folks also have a desire to educate women on hair care, but it for sure isn't the sole reason for LHCF's existence. It's just business.
How do I feel about other members charging for their spin off sites? It makes me proud. Not only are more Black women making money, they are reaching even more people that need the help that don't know about LHCF. I got my friend to subscribe on this site, she has yet to post nor plans to because she says this site is not user friendly; she said she would have preferred more one on one help and a better search engine. Some other sites would have perhaps served her well.
I'm not going to lie, me and my cousins have taken the knowledge we've gained from here as well as other sources to start our own company in Nigeria. Along with our progress pictures, we have found from other websites, info on how to create natural shampoos, conditioners, and even made our own hair moisturizers. We've imported weave hair, trying to get a MAC franchise in Nigeria, and other beauty products. Currently, demand is high and I'm currently building the website, but we feel blessed that our shipments are sold out almost immediately with women and men asking for more. Asides from us wanting to help people in our country that have damaged their hair trying to mimic westernized beauty practices, we're conducting business. It takes time and effort. YOU do the same thing, and you'll understand. Hate it or love it, we're bringing something that's new.
Again, hats off to those who want to offer free advice because they want to be helpful, but we know that everyone is different. People do different things, makes the world go around and it's what sparks innovation.