How do you feel about members creating their own sites and charging?

i applaud their hustle, but it kinda makes me feel some type of way. they come here and use the wealth of knowledge on this forum to grow beautiful hair, then leave and wanna charge a million dollars a year to share what exactly worked for them. :nono:
i applaud their hustle, but it kinda makes me feel some type of way. they come here and use the wealth of knowledge on this forum to grow beautiful hair, then leave and wanna charge a million dollars a year to share what exactly worked for them. :nono:

But just because they subscribed here does not mean they learned it here. They could have had long hair from the start and figured out little things on the way. They could have shared that info here as well.

Not to you, but it's like the "I refuse to pay my money for free info" is crazy to a fault. We don't want to support other peoples' businesses and hustles... but then we feel slighted when nobody supports our business.

LHCF's information is not exclusive to the black community. Lol. We pay for the convenience, the ability to interact with one another and get direct answers to our questions and the ambience.
But just because they subscribed here does not mean they learned it here. They could have had long hair from the start and figured out little things on the way. They could have shared that info here as well.

Not to you, but it's like the "I refuse to pay my money for free info" is crazy to a fault. We don't want to support other peoples' businesses and hustles... but then we feel slighted when nobody supports our business.

LHCF's information is not exclusive to the black community. Lol. We pay for the convenience, the ability to interact with one another and get direct answers to our questions and the ambience.

I get what you're saying, but wouldn't they have their site up and running BEFORE LHCF? It seems as if they make their websites after joining this site. I may be wrong though.
I'm not mad at that and it doesn't bother me, because I'm definitely not signing up on their site. I'm good with this board. :yep:

Off topic, but I'm more bothered with giving someone products for free on the 'Hated It, Dump Your Products On Me' thread only to have them turn around and try to profit off of my generosity by selling it back on the board. You got them for free, if they didn't work out for you, can't you do the same? :rolleyes:
If they have something worth paying for then I dont think it's that big of a deal. I doubt that I would pay to be able to see pictures of hair when I can see the most beautiful hair here and on youtube.
I get what you're saying, but wouldn't they have their site up and running BEFORE LHCF? It seems as if they make their websites after joining this site. I may be wrong though.

Sometimes the idea doesn't strike you until someone else does it. Would we get mad if one of us started charging our friends and family for informaiton and personal consultations based off what we learned here? no... but if we have to pay for it... damn them to hell
I don't have a problem with it.

If a person violates a law by claiming to own a product or technique that they do not have a legal right to claim or profit off of, then I would have a problem with it. Anything else is fair game I guess.

I kinda feel like most ideas originate from someone else's idea in SOME way, shape or form anyhow; they say there's nothing new under the sun.

At first I kinda had a "little" problem with it because in a way it does seem a tad bit "unethical"...but then I realized that since I don't have a problem buying from apparel/shoe companies that provide knockoffs of designers' products then I guess I can't be mad at people who create knockoffs of LHCF forums. It's the same thing to me. It just so happens that I fall into the market/demographic that LHCF appeals to and have no desire to seek hair info from any other source but here.
As far as telling newbies to do a search....sometimes I do answer their questions but when I was a hair care newbie I searched for my questions to see if it has already been answered long before I showed up. If not, THEN i would post and ask my question. There is a wealth of knowledge and we should not have to recite what co-washing is 329867986 times a day because a newb is too lazy to type in 2 words and click Search.

*sigh* So after two hours of reading, if I still don't understand co-washing, then what? What many of us (newbies) are having a hard time with is sifting and sorting through SEVEN years worth of threads to answer ONE question. My searches have yielded results from 2003. I mean...SERIOUSLY?! Come guys have unrealistic unexpectations. I am NOT lazy. What I am is a single mother with a full time job. Sorry, but I can't make searching LHCF a part-time job.

I think this is a double edge sword. Blacks lament the fact hat there are not a enough black owned businesses and then have issues when someone takes a leap of faith to try one. If you don't want to pay for info that you can find for free don't do it! The yearly $6.50 fee for this site is peanuts and I have a head full of healthy hair. I'm clear that someone else pay not have peanuts to spare and I want to ensure that women of color have a resource regarding hair care. I just donated to K.I.S.S because I want to see women who have the will to start something supported by their own.

Essence had a wonderful article recently about how we (BW) treat each other. *sigh* Honestly, I love to see us doing our thing and living our passions. We live in an abundant universe and there is plenty to go around for us all. I don't feel as if anyone is taking anything from this site. However, as someone who's trying to be about the business of growing my daughter and my hair, I am curious to see what the atmosphere/vibe is like on the other sites.
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eh, I don't have a problem with it. I've joined two pay sites started by members who left here and they're not the "same" as LHCF. They are organized differently and centered around a specific hair ideology.

You don't have as many conflicting ideas and arguments as you have here. The sites are easier for a newbie to navigate and require less time spent constantly searching.

ETA: Basically, everything I do I've learned from Traycee (her site is free), Macherieamour (Gennifer Miller), Pinkskates, and Sunshyne (Hairlista), OR I already knew. For example, I was using Phyto, Aveda, and going to Dominican salons before I joined LHCF. Oh, and I've learned a lot from youtube.

Wait - How could I forget Chicoro? I bought her book for my niece and it's helped my sis out a lot.

What I've gotten from LHCF is not so much knowledge, as inspiration and entertainment.
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Well there is the long hair community. Which looks a lot like this site. But it is mostly for white women
*sigh* So after two hours of reading, if I still don't understand co-washing, then what? What many of us (newbies) are having a hard time with is sifting and sorting through SEVEN years worth of threads to answer ONE question. My searches have yielded results from 2003. I mean...SERIOUSLY?! Come guys have unrealistic unexpectations. I am NOT lazy. What I am is a single mother with a full time job. Sorry, but I can't make searching LHCF a part-time job.

I don't think it's an unrealistic expectation at all. I just typed "what is cowashing" into google and got...
Results 1 - 10 of about 96,200 for what is cowashing. (0.39 seconds)

The first result was a how to, then there were youtube videos, and then a thread from LHCF. It took maybe 5 seconds, including typing, to get those results.

When I typed in "what is cowashing" I got...
Results 1 - 10 of about 3,150 from for what is cowashing. (0.31 seconds)
and this is the first thread that came up:

On the one hand, if life is so busy for you then you probably wouldn't be on lhcf posting in the first place. But let's be only takes a few seconds to search for the information. It takes longer to start a new thread and then wait for people to answer (and I don't know any thread that gets answered in less than a second, do you?).
I agree with the getting paid part...that is all wrong if you're ONLY giving paraphrased info. For example, I started a hair blog, and while I openly admit that I learned a lot from here and other sources, I make sure to give credit as I go along from the jumpstart and no, I don't dare charge for something that I doesn't stem from me alone. I totally get your point OP and I don't think you sound harsh; it's a valid concern. On the flip side, I've come across some sites who are collecting money but they are upfront with their seperate reasons why they are doing so and their site or blog offers somethng different than just what's found on LHCF. At the end of the day, there's plenty of business and audience around for everyone...people will grow wings and fly out on their own and hopefully take inspiration from here and build something of their own. At the end of the day its simply to each individual to decide.

I haven't had a chance to read all the replies...I'll catch up when I get home.
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LHCF is a spinoff of that site, so I guess that makes this thread null and void.

To me this site is totally different from long hair community. Long hair community focuses on a different type of hair and LHCF specifially focuses on African American hair which has different needs than their 1,2,and3a/b counterparts. That's understandable. To me.
Well LHCF is not the oldest hair board still around and/or even for pay. Nappturality is older than this board, there's LHC (used to be fee based, now free), Naturally Curly, Black Hair Talk, and the lengedary Hair Talk (free) owned by Karen Shelton.

Many inital members here, including myself, came from one or all of those boards and a few more. This site has benefitted from the knowledge on those boards and so will others on these new boards started by former members. JenniferMD has a blog on her roundbrushhair site and it's fab. Sometimes people move on to bigger and better things.
To me this site is totally different from long hair community. Long hair community focuses on a different type of hair and LHCF specifially focuses on African American hair which has different needs than their 1,2,and3a/b counterparts. That's understandable. To me.

What of Napptruality and Black Hair talk? LHC, BTW, is an open board w/ no ethnic emphasis. Tho most of it's members aren't Black, Blacks are welcome to be members/posters. We have many folks who post here and there. You can actually learn alot from that board if you aren't literal-minded about it.
The prices aren't reasonable- to you. To some people, they are perfectly reasonable. I wouldn't pay to join a hair site that charged more than $10/yr, but as long as there are people who will, such sites will exist.

I think it's great that some people have made it into a business for themselves!

I agree. I'm in law school and I've spent sooo much time on here and wasted so much money on products, I no longer think $10 a month is that big of deal, especially considering the money saved on hairstylists from becoming a DIYer.

Considering the drama that comes to YT posters, any wonder some folks wanna charge? :grin: Sometimes people put tons of work into something, so they should just hand that over for free? :nono:

That seems a bit of an entitled attitude.

Sooooo true. I've been wanting to do youtube vids for a while, kind of adaptions of certain techniques for ladies with SL hair or shorter, but youtube is a big commitment and it can be full of drama.

Well LHCF is not the oldest hair board still around and/or even for pay. Nappturality is older than this board, there's LHC (used to be fee based, now free), Naturally Curly, Black Hair Talk, and the lengedary Hair Talk (free) owned by Karen Shelton.

Many inital members here, including myself, came from one or all of those boards and a few more. This site has benefitted from the knowledge on those boards and so will others on these new boards started by former members. JenniferMD has a blog on her roundbrushhair site and it's fab. Sometimes people move on to bigger and better things.

I'm so amazed when people talk about LHCF as the end-all, be-all. I've been a member of Nappturality for years. I never posted there, only lurked (since I'm relaxed, I don't have much to say), but it has TONS of info, some that overlaps with the info here.

What of Napptruality and Black Hair talk? LHC, BTW, is an open board w/ no ethnic emphasis. Tho most of it's members aren't Black, Blacks are welcome to be members/posters. We have many folks who post here and there. You can actually learn alot from that board if you aren't literal-minded about it.

I'm glad you brought this up. I've been lurking over there (at LHC) and I need to go ahead and join.

So many members here suffer setbacks from thinking that the ideas and techniques promoted on here are the only way....I think that some of y'all are missing out.

For instance, PinkSkates knows so much about heat usage and that's a BIG no-no only makes sense that she would move on eventually.
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I agree. I'm in law school and I've spent sooo much time on here and wasted so much money on products, I no longer think $10 a month is that big of deal, especially considering the money saved on hairstylists from becoming a DIYer.

Sooooo true. I've been wanting to do youtube vids for a while, kind of adaptions of certain techniques for ladies with SL hair or shorter, but youtube is a big commitment and it can be full of drama.

I'm so amazed when people talk about LHCF as the end-all, be-all. I've been a member of Nappturality for years. I never posted there, only lurked (since I'm relaxed, I don't have much to say), but it has TONS of info, some that overlaps with the info here.

I'm glad you brought this up. I've been lurking over there (at LHC) and I need to go ahead and join.

So many members here suffer setbacks from thinking that the ideas and techniques promoted on here are the only way....I think that some of y'all are missing out.

For instance, PinkSkates knows so much about heat usage and that's a BIG no-no only makes sense that she would move on eventually.

Well we're NOT the only game in town or even the 1st! ;) LOL When did Nappturality start exactly? It seems like it was 1-2 years before LHCF, but I'm going strictly from memory. Many of their members came from back in the day. I believe their founder was a big cheese poster over there. If I had dreds, for example, I'd be on Nappturality and NOT here....there's very litte useful info and tons of negativity on the subject here, but at Napp there's tons and people who are glad to help out.

There IS no "only way" or there wouldn't be several diff boards/techniques out there. :yep: This site is BIGGER than most of the others, but that has it's disavantages. It's hard to help folks when posts are coming 1000 mph...I've literally had to go to my history to find a thread after a few mintues.

Sometimes people need more individual or small group help. If someone's offering and someone wants to pay, great! :yep:

You might like Diaspora Hair started by Ms Kenesha too. :yep: It's for pay, but a nice vibe.
I don't mind it at all. I'm glad that there's many options out there b/c as informative as LHCF is, it may not be for everyone. Also the more this information gets out, the more healthy heads of hair we'll see on black women.

Plus, I'm not try'n to knock anyone's legal money making ventures.

I lurked on other sites before coming to LHCF myself, so I appreciate the variety.
Well LHCF is not the oldest hair board still around and/or even for pay. Nappturality is older than this board, there's LHC (used to be fee based, now free), Naturally Curly, Black Hair Talk, and the lengedary Hair Talk (free) owned by Karen Shelton.

Many inital members here, including myself, came from one or all of those boards and a few more. This site has benefitted from the knowledge on those boards and so will others on these new boards started by former members. JenniferMD has a blog on her roundbrushhair site and it's fab. Sometimes people move on to bigger and better things.

How old do you think LHCF is?
I don't really mind. The information is already out there and not exclusively located in this one message board. If someone wants to wade through it and consolidate it into one easily accessible area, then cool.

Also, I'm sure there are people on this site who learned everything they need to know about hair from other sources. Everything I do to my hair, I learned from other spots. I used this site and other sites for reviews of things I wanted to try.