How do you feel about members creating their own sites and charging?

Well, imo, nobody is making the person join. It's free enterprise, but basically the same info is here on this website and probably for a much cheaper rate here.
It's prolly stepping on some toes, but I don't like it. We all were given a wealth of information on hair, health, wealth, and more. They include some GREAT tips to get you to your goal, but do you think it's right to basically paraphrase that info and make a profit off of it?

Maybe I'm just bitter. lol Broke college student tsk tsk. I need to make some money too lol. But it just doesn't seem that's the way to do it.

I know this is old but if that's how you feel (or still feel) you should go for it. The founders of this site invested and put the time in to grow it to where it is now. You would have to do the same. The money doesn't come overnight and it would be up to you to attract and keep the followers/subscribers and this is not easy - but it can be done.
I say Kudos to anyone exercising their entrepreneurial muscle and wish them much success. Seriously, there's room for everyone to engage in the business of their choosing and still have plenty to go around.

I think competition is good for consumers in general. Gotta be real. I thoroughly enjoy this board but, I'm getting my information from the members that are sharing, not really from the "longhaircareforum". So, if someone else provides the same information elsewhere with a little something extra, that's just good business and I, the consumer, benefit from it. (Business 101)

I'm not here out of loyalty to the site (it's not paying any of my bills). I was one of those who wondered why the heck I had to pay for information that it being offered elsewhere online free. But I paid because I like to be interactive and am not opposed to someone charging a fair price for a service (or information) rendered, not because this was the best or the price was reasonable. I paid for the experience and the support (my choice). Shaquita might pay because she's loyal to the board (her choice). Renee might pay because she likes the colors (her choice). Each of us has the prerogative to consult her own pocketbook and personal preferences.

I mean, look at anything ~ cellphones, televisions, phone service, internet service.... :look: Competition forces "businesses" to produce a better "product" and if that benefits me, then I'm willing to pay.

To me, LHCF is my network of equally hair-obsessed girlfriends. And I hate to disappoint but, I like friends everywhere. And ain't mad if they have a similar business. Going to one doesn't have to mean taking from another. We live in abundance and we're only offended when we think in terms of scarcity. Let's celebrate each others successes, endeavors and even attempts. Rejoice even.

But, hey, that's JMO. Now, I've got $6.50 invested. Let me get back to talking hair. Oh, and kudos to Bev. This is $6.50 well spent. :yep: Thanks!
To be perfectly honest as a newbie here and someone just at the start of their haircare journey while I am overwhelmingly thankful for this's not the end of the world in terms of information.

Realistically I have to say respect the hustle because those individuals people are hating on had the brains to do something that not only allowed them to help others but also get reimbursed for the time, effort, and passion they put into it.

No one recommended this site to me, it didn't fall into my lap as a gift from God. I was actually at the start of my hair-care journey and researching hair products and healthy practices all on MY lonesome and noticed this site coming up in a lot of searches regardless of what product I entered. For a while I debated joining but when I HAD to ask a question I said 'why not' and paid the fee. While here I've been gifted with a lot of information I wouldn't have known about otherwise AND had the pleasure of supporting other black women who had created truly amazing products but let's get it straight, lol.

When it comes to the potions, mixes, concoctions, and oils that members post about raving what I've noticed is a) those mixes contain products OTHER people have wrote the benefits about, that OTHER individuals including scientists have researched, and that ANYONE can do a simple google search of be informed and b) a lot of folks really think LHCF invented something. This site is so great because it's a forum for women to discuss what they have learned from OTHERS, we pay for this privilege and to learn but the site itself nor any member I've seen so far have invented or done a single thing that someone else didn't do first.

Respect the hustle yo.
After this thread I went over there out of curiousity and paid for one month. (A couple of months ago)

I actually like the site. Everything is at the tip of your fingers and she gives a lot of tutorials. You don't have to search through hundreds of threads and posts to get basic info like you do on here and it's a MUCH different atmosphere. She gives a lot of one on one advice.

If I were a newbie, honestly, that site would be better because it's more user friendly and less catty.
I think it's good that they are branching out to teach in a wider range. The more black hair sites we have, the better, because we can reach a wider audience. Isn't the purpose of learning black hair care to teac it? The more people, the better. Charging ffor a website, is no different then opening up a class and charging. As far as charging goes, I'm all for it.
I think that if they offer a product they developed, then gain the profits through that, or a book, dvd etc. But just blog advice that anybody can google, no. I wouldn't pay for that. I'm surprised I pay for this site. One doesn't have to though in order to read the advice.
For me, I'm not paying a dime elsewhere lol, we are in a recession lol:grin:. I am a member of KISS, VirginHair, and my own Preciouslocks ning, and don't have to pay for any of those :lick:. I do pay for this site, when I have gotten the info for free from those sites:ohwell:, but this site is SOOOOOOO extensive I wanted to be apart of it, help it stay up there, and be able to post and get feedback as well :rolleyes:. To each his own....I respect their hussle though and if it works, they like it I love it lol. :lachen:

"The eventual lockdown of this thread" :lachen:???? for what?
The motivating factor in purchasing decisions is not always cost. I will pay more for something if it's worth it TO ME. I personally don't pay for other sites because I'm invested in LHCF (6.50) lol. Nah, the real reason I don't pay for others is simple, I'm lazy and I've come to the conclusion that as my needs are basic and my main issue with my hair is being resolved, I don't need to pay for some other hair sites. If, I did have a major issue, I would spend the money on other sites and not begrudge others for making a living. There are very few new business ideas these days. Competitive advantage is gained by meeting unmet needs of a certain segment of people. That's what the other hair boards have cottoned onto.

I say kudos to them, but they don't meet my needs at this moment in time, so they will not be getting my money.
After this thread I went over there out of curiousity and paid for one month. (A couple of months ago)

I actually like the site. Everything is at the tip of your fingers and she gives a lot of tutorials. You don't have to search through hundreds of threads and posts to get basic info like you do on here and it's a MUCH different atmosphere. She gives a lot of one on one advice.

If I were a newbie, honestly, that site would be better because it's more user friendly and less catty.

Exactly. I think some women feel betrayed because they perceive these women have taken something from them or from LHCF whereas these women are simply going in a different direction to deliver the same message. Healthy hair care.

Honestly has there ever been a single poster here since LHCF's inception who joined this site, found all the answers, and everything worked magically and easilly and they went skipping off? No. Even with access to a ton of information, ladies ready and willing to help and women selling products which specifically work for our hair nothing has come easy or quickly. It takes work and dedication. If someone has managed to so educate themselves and has the passion to try and help others let them have that pleasure, 0 judgement.
I don’t have a blog, website, youtube channel (not even facebook or twitter accounts) but in my experience, a lot of people won’t take you seriously if you don’t have anything to sell. It’s almost like they think “Well, if that’s true then why haven’t I heard about it before?”

But if you say for instance: “Protective styling helps you retain length because it protects the hair from too much manipulation, which can cause breakage. If you want to know more about PS, click here” and then it takes them to a subscription page with a 5$ / yr fee with your waist-length hair picture in the background, I’m pretty sure most of them will think you MUST know what you’re talking about.

Most BW believe their hair won’t grow if they aren’t mixed or lucky, UNLESS they find a miracle product that will do what they think genetics can’t. Why not take advantage of those misconceptions and try and educate them while making money?

Hell, my hair is only SL and I’ve been asked to sell my 2.49 CAN $ Suave conditioner! Instead I tried to explain what co-washing does for me...but I won’t lie, it crossed my mind to charge 7 $ a bottle… :eyebrows2
Hell, my hair is only SL and I’ve been asked to sell my 2.49 CAN $ Suave conditioner! Instead I tried to explain what co-washing does for me...but I won’t lie, it crossed my mind to charge 7 $ a bottle… :eyebrows2

You too huh? Lol, I was thinking about pulling a Mya Wilkes and start selling product on the freeway for some change. :lachen:
You have people out there who want to make a profit from success. They catch the people that don't know where to look to find the same information. Everyone should know, (common sense) that one person's technique of handling things, does not work for everyone. That's why extensive research that should be done.

I admire a lot of people of this website, but I am not naive enough to pay for their tips when we both come to the same website.